
  • Towards the International Conference on Glaciers’ Preservation in Dushanbe 2025

    The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan will convene an International Conference dedicated to the preservation of glaciers, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in 2025. The resolution that declared 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and 21st of March as World Day for Glaciers starting in 2025, welcomed the Government of Tajikistan to host the International Conference dedicated to glaciers’ preservation in Tajikistan in 2025, which is set for 29 May - 1 June 2025, in Dushanbe.The International Conference on Glaciers' Preservation will serve as a platform to advance global efforts in climate adaptation and resilience, with a specific focus on addressing glacial melting. The event and its strategic collaborations aim to foster greater awareness and knowledge exchange, enhance technical capacities, and promote the dissemination of best practices. It will emphasize climate-responsive and transformative solutions, adopting an integrated and transboundary approach to mitigate the adverse impacts of glacial melting on water security, food security, and community resilience.Format and ParticipationThe Conference will adopt a multi-stakeholder approach, bringing together diverse groups and actors engaged in the implementation of water-related goals and targets. Participants will include high-level representatives from UN member states, UN entities, international and regional organizations, international financial institutions, the private sector, civil society organizations, academia, local governments, communities, and other stakeholders.This in-person event is designed to maximize participant interaction while also being widely broadcast via YouTube and other digital platforms to ensure accessibility and outreach.Dates and venueThe Conference will be held from May 29 to June 01, 2025, in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.OutcomesThe conference will produce a Final Declaration and a Summary, outlining actions, partnerships, and initiatives aimed at implementing the UN General Assembly’s resolution on glaciers preservation. These outcomes will be formally presented to the UN General Assembly in 2025.(Preliminary) programThe Conference program will feature opening and closing ceremonies, a plenary session, specialized forums for the private sector, academia, and major groups, as well as side-events. Additionally, cultural events will be organized to enrich the experience.Plenary SessionThe Plenary Session of the Dushanbe International Conference on Glaciers' Preservation will provide opportunities for Heads of Delegations to deliver political statements. Conference ForumsForums will precede the opening ceremony of the Conference, offering a platform for focused engagement by stakeholders such as the private sector, academia, women, youth, and other major groups. These forums aim to broaden discussions on glacier-related issues and foster action and partnerships at local, national, regional, and global levels, while emphasizing inclusion for advancing the glacier and water agenda.Side EventsDelegations and interested organizations will have the opportunity to organize side-events on relevant topics on the sidelines of the ConferenceInternational ExhibitionAn International Exhibition will be organized at the sidelines of the Conference.Field TripsParticipants will be invited to a post-Conference field trip to observe glacier degradation, integrated water resources management practices, and water-related sustainable development examples in Tajikistan.OrganizationThe Dushanbe International Conference on Glaciers' Preservation is organized by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with the support of the United Nations and other partners. The ultimate responsibility for the preparation of the Conference rests with the National Organizing Committee established by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of the Prime Minister.

  • ARCTIC REPAIR: Solutions for a warming world

    Hosted by the Centre for Climate Repair, in association with UArctic, Arctic Repair 2025 is a 2.5 day conference showcasing the scientific knowledge and ethics relating to climate intervention technologies being used to help repair the Arctic.​The Conference will take place at Robinson College, Cambridge, UK and registration is mandatory to attend. ​The Registration Fee is inclusive of the Conference for 2.5 days in-person attendance, lunch during conference days, a Welcome Drinks Reception and a Conference Dinner on Friday 27th June 2025.

  • International Winter School for Young Scientists: Cryosphere in Seamless Prediction and Climate System Modelling

    31 March – 4 April 2025The school will offer a comprehensive overview of the cryosphere's complex role in seamless prediction and climate system modelling. The cryosphere influences weather and climate patterns, ocean circulation, and the hydrological cycle. It plays a key role in climate feedback mechanisms and serves as a reservoir of water and energy on seasonal to decadal timescales. Incorporating cryospheric data and processes into climate models is crucial for enhancing the accuracy and reliability of both climate predictions and ;projections.Lecture and group work topics will include the cryosphere in the climate system, seasonal snow cover, ice sheets and glaciers, permafrost and seasonally frozen ground, sea ice, etc., from a modelling perspective at climate prediction to projection time scales. All participants will be requested to present their research and to open up for feedback. Participants will receive certificates corresponding to the number of hours/credits.Programm: → Download the program draft (pdf)Lecturers (confirmed):Prof. Bodo Ahrens, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany - Climate systemDr. Francesco Avanzi, CIMA Research Foundation, Italy - SnowDr. Kristina Fröhlich, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany - Seamless predictionProf. Angelika Humbert, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Germany - Ice sheet modellingDorotea Iovino, Ph.D., Fondazione CMCC Bologna, Italy - Sea iceProf. Roland Potthast, DWD, Germany - Model initialisation & data assimilationDr. Silvia Terzago, CNR, ISAC, Italy - SnowDr. Stefan Hagemann, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany - Frozen soils, permafrost

  • 10th International Conference on Arctic Margins

    ICAM at a glanceThe International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM) is a forum for scientists who study the Arctic Ocean and adjacent landmasses. It was founded to promote international scientific cooperation and collaboration in Arctic research and addresses primarily topics from Earth Sciences, but also from Life Sciences and Social Sciences / Education. Since the first ICAM meeting was held in 1991 in Fairbanks, Alaska, nine meetings were organized by different countries and institutions at irregular intervals of about 3-5 years. The meetings are organized by the individual scientists and are not attached to a major international organization or association.ICAM scientific themes include Geology & Geophysics, Mapping, Remote Sensing, Plate Tectonics, Climate, Bio- and Cryosphere, all topics relevant to society, and studies that are related to Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS; Article 76 defines the term “continental shelf”, an issue of prime political interest for Arctic countries). A special focus is also on topics related to recent climate change, as this affects Arctic environments and Arctic nations much more than the global average. Past ICAM MeetingsICAM IX, 12-15 June, 2022, Ottawa, CanadaICAM VIII, 11-14 June, 2018, Stockholm, SwedenICAM VII, 2-5 June 2015, Trondheim, NorwayICAM VI, 31 May-2 June, 2010, Fairbanks, AlaskaICAM V, 3-5 Sept. 2007, Tromsø, NorwayICAM IV, 30 Sept.-3. Oct. 2003, Dartmouth, Nova ScotiaICAM III, 12-16 Oct. 1998, Celle, GermanyICAM II, 6-10 Sept. 1994, Magadan, RussiaICAM I, 2-4 Sept. 1992, Anchorage, AlaskaOur ICAM-X LogoTwo semicircles bordering the logo symbolize the surrounding Amerasia and Eurasia margins of the Arctic Ocean. The colors typify the University of Bremen (red) and the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (blue). The Polar Star and a symbolized grid with the North Pole turn the spotlight on ICAM’s aim of interest – the Arctic.

  • Polar Winter Climate and Processes: Towards Filling Knowledge Gaps in the Understanding of the Entire Climate System

    Polar regions are particularly sensitive to climate change due to their vulnerability to temperature fluctuations. However, our understanding of the interconnected climate system, especially during polar winter, is still limited. Harsh weather conditions and logistical challenges make it extremely difficult to conduct in-person field measurements, which hinders our study of winter climate. Nevertheless, polar winter is a crucial period for processes such as sea ice growth, snow accumulation, atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. Current climate models struggle to accurately represent polar climate, particularly during winter when cloud cover is at its lowest and sea salt aerosol is at its highest. These significant discrepancies affect the reliability of using models to predict and project the future of the Arctic and Antarctica. While previous studies have mainly focused on the summer, it is essential to investigate the winter to improve the completeness of our understanding of the entire climate. To address this, we propose a workshop on "Polar Winter Climate and Processes" to bring together diverse research communities in the fields of physical, chemical, and biogeochemical processes in the coupled atmosphere, cryosphere, marine, and terrestrial systems. The workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, present recent findings, and identify knowledge gaps in our understanding of the entire climate system.

  • Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW)

    Registration for the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2025 in Boulder, Colorado, USA (20–28 March 2025) is now open! ASSW 2025 will include the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) Summit during 25–28 March 2025 with the theme “Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade”.The conference is planned in a hybrid format, offering both options for in-person as well as online participants. Various registration options are offered:Full ASSW (20–28 March 2025)Business and Community Meeting Days Only (20–24 March 2025)ICARP IV Summit Only (25–28 March 2025)Single one-day ticket for any one ASSW dayRegular-rate registration is available until 5 March 2025 (23:59 MST). Reduced registration fees are available for Early Career Researchers and anyone with limited access to financial resources to attend.

  • Polar Early Career World Summit

    The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) are collaborating to organize a Polar Early Career World Summit. It will be held alongside the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP) IV and the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) in Boulder, Colorado, US in March 2025 with the aim to bring together early career researchers, professionals, Indigenous scholars and knowledge holders connected to the Arctic, Antarctica, and the wider cryosphere from across the world. We will have discussions to:

  • 2nd Indian Cryosphere Meet----A Confluence of Researchers in Cryosphere Science

    Cryosphere science focuses on the study of Earth's frozen regions, including glaciers, ice sheets, snow, and permafrost. It plays a vital role in understanding climate change, sea level rise, and water resources, particularly in sensitive regions such as the Hindu Kush Himalayas, the High Mountain Asia (HMA) region, and the polar areas. This field is crucial for predicting future environmental shifts and their global impacts. Global cryosphere is experiencing accelerated warming due to climate change, with temperatures rising faster than the global average. This has resulted in significant ice and snow mass loss, reducing water availability, increasing sea level rise and increasing the risk of natural hazards, such as glacier lake outburst floods, which threaten the safety and livelihoods of local populations.In response to these urgent challenges, a group of Indian glaciologists and climate scientists launched the Monthly Indian Glaciology Meetups (MIGM) virtually in 2021. Inspired by successful global initiatives like the IGS Seminar Series and Alpine Glaciology Meetings in Europe, MIGM serves as a platform for researchers to share their findings, coordinate fieldwork, address scientific issues, and strengthen collaboration within the cryosphere research community. With over 70 members from 15 research groups, the community is steadily growing, fostering a dynamic exchange of expertise and knowledge. Building on this momentum, the First Indian Cryosphere Meet (ICM) was held offline at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar. Following this, the second ICM is set to take place at IIT Bombay, offering a valuable forum to discuss the latest advancements in glaciological science. It will also provide young researchers with a unique opportunity to engage with leading scientists, further enhancing knowledge sharing and collaboration in the rapidly evolving field of cryosphere studies.This meeting is open to all researchers working in cryosphere science, not just those from India. International participants are welcome. Scientists and academicians at all career levels are strongly encouraged to participate, and registration is free of charge.For any visa requirements or assistance, international participants are encouraged to contact the organizers.

  • 第三届全国冰冻圈科学大会(CCCS-3)

    ; ; ; 全球变暖背景下,地球冰冻圈正在发生剧烈变化,对气候、水资源和水循环、生态系统、陆地和海洋环境等具有重要影响,且对社会经济可持续发展带来了严峻挑战,人类亟需采取行动应对。在气候变化和可持续发展需求驱动下,近年来冰冻圈科学体系逐步发展和完善,不仅研究冰冻圈内在机理和过程,更加注重研究冰冻圈与气候系统其他圈层相互作用,以及冰冻圈变化的影响和适应。作为中低纬地区冰冻圈最发育的国家,冰冻圈变化对我国水资源、生态、工程、灾害和气候所产生的影响正日趋显著。极地冰冻圈变化的全球影响,包括与我国的遥相关,也越来越突出。 ; ; ; ;为促进人类可持续发展、应对气候变化和冰冻圈退缩的显著影响,联合国大会(UNGA)确立 2025 年为国际冰川保护年、3 月 21 日为世界冰川日,并宣布 2025-2034 年为“冰冻圈科学行动十年”。值此之际,于 2025 年 3 月 21-22 日举办“第三届全国冰冻圈科学大会”(CCCS-3)。会议以“全球变暖下的冰冻圈科学:挑战与应对”为主题,涵盖冰冻圈科学研究领域的多个议题,旨在研讨冰冻圈的变化态势及其影响,探索减缓和适应冰冻圈变化的科学途径,扩大冰冻圈科学的学术影响力和公众普及,为应对气候变化和冰冻圈退缩、实现可持续发展贡献科学力量。一、大会宗旨:提供全国冰冻圈科学学术交流平台,研讨冰冻圈的变化机理以及对全球和区域生态、水文、气候和环境等的影响,探索减缓和适应冰冻圈变化的技术和科学对策。扩大冰冻圈科学的学术影响力和公众普及,为应对气候变化和冰冻圈退缩、实现可持续发展贡献科学力量。二、大会主题:全球变暖下的冰冻圈科学:挑战与应对三、大会议题:C01 冰冻圈水资源及其对气候变化的响应C02 冰冻圈生态系统与碳循环C03 冰冻圈和气候的互馈作用C04 冰冻圈气候环境记录C05 冰冻圈大数据与 AIC06 行星冰冻圈C07 冰冻圈灾害与工程C08 冰冻圈资源与服务功能C09 冰冻圈快速变化的应对与治理四、会议形式:大会采用分会场专题交流的形式,根据大会议题开设相关分会场,并邀请国内外知名专家学者进行特邀报告。具体分会场设置和详细日程详见后续通知。