Spatiotemporal Variability of Velocity and Influence of Glacier Thickness Using Landsat Imagery: Hunza River Basin, Karakoram Range
["Wang, Xinyue","Shangguan, Donghui","Li, Da","Anjum, Muhammad Naveed"]
The Karakoram Anomaly has been intensively investigated, but the factors that control this anomaly, such as the glacier velocity, topography, and mass balance, remain poorly understood. To improve our understanding of the velocity, topography, and mass balance of the Karakoram Glacier, in this study, the spatiotemporal variability of four glacier velocities in the Hunza Basin of the Karakoram range were surveyed using co-registration of optically sensed images and correlation (COSI-Corr) on Landsat imagery from 1993-2019. The results show that the velocity of the Gulmit Glacier increases with a rising altitude from the glacier terminal. The three other glaciers initially display high velocity, followed by a decrease from the glacier terminal, with the maximum velocity attained in the middle of the glacier. In addition, the Karakoram glaciers produced a slight mass gain, with all mountain glaciers exhibiting clear regional acceleration from 1993-2019. The ice deformation velocity of the Batura Glacier diminished at an average rate of 8.49 %. However, the topography of the glacier base and physical factors require further analysis to determine their contribution to the observed changes in glacier velocity. In the present work, multi-temporal remote sensing image interpretations were carried out to determine glacier kinematics, which could enhance our understanding of glacier change mechanisms.