Mercury export from a glacier-fed river of Mt. Meili, southeastern Tibetan Plateau

Mercury Glacial runoff Tibetan Plateau Magnetic analyze Export
["Pu, Tao","Kong, Yanlong","Kang, Shichang","Wang, Shijin","Guo, Junming","Jia, Jia","Wu, Kunpeng","Shi, Xiaoyi","Wang, Ke","Sun, Shiwei","Li, Wenjie"] 2021-11-15 期刊论文
Mercury (Hg), a global contaminant, can sink into cryosphere and be released into runoff through meltwater. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) has been witnessing ongoing shrinkage of alpine glaciers. However, the export of Hg from melting glacier is still sparsely reported. From October 16, 2020 to October 15, 2021, we conducted daily observations to study the variation in total Hg concentrations and its export to the Mingyong River, a glacier-fed river in southeastern TP. Results showed that the Hg concentrations were high during the monsoon season but low during the non-monsoon period. The Hg in runoff correlated with the concentrations of total suspended particulates (TSP) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) during both monsoon and non-monsoon seasons (p < 0.01), and the correlation of Hg with other parameters showed seasonal variations. The input from meltwater, precipitation, and groundwater to riverine Hg were 8.3 g, 264.4 g, and 71.0 g, respectively, and the total export was 211.0 g (yield: 4.3 g/km(2)/year) in the hydrological year, indicating that Mingyong catchment act as a sink for Hg. For the entire TP, the annual export of Hg from glacier runoff was estimated to be 947.7 kg/year. Our study highlights the necessity for further investigations on Hg dynamics to understand the changes in the Hg cycle within glaciated aquatic ecosystems.