High Proportions of Radiation-Resistant Strains in Culturable Bacteria from the Taklimakan Desert
["Liu, Yang","Chen, Tuo","Li, Juan","Wu, Minghui","Liu, Guangxiu","Zhang, Wei","Zhang, Binglin","Zhang, Songlin","Zhang, Gaosen"]
The Taklimakan Desert located in China is the second-largest shifting sand desert in the world and is known for its harsh conditions. Types of gamma-rays or UV radiation-resistant bacterial strains have been isolated from this desert. However, there is no information regarding the proportions of the radiation-resistant strains in the total culturable microbes. We isolated 352 bacterial strains from nine sites across the Taklimakan Desert from north to south. They belong to Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. The phylum Actinobacteria was the most predominant in abundance and Firmicutes had the highest species richness. Bacteroidetes had the lowest abundance and was found in four sites only, while the other three phyla were found in every site but with different distribution profiles. After irradiating with 1000 J/m(2) and 6000 J/m(2) UV-C, the strains with survival rates higher than 10% occupied 72.3% and 36.9% of all culturable bacteria, respectively. The members from Proteobacteria had the highest proportions, with survival rates higher than 10%. After radiation with 10 kGy gamma-rays, Kocuria sp. TKL1057 and Planococcus sp. TKL1152 showed higher radiation-resistant capabilities than Deinococcus radiodurans R1. Besides obtaining several radiation-resistant extremophiles, this study measured the proportions of the radiation-resistant strains in the total culturable microbes for the first time. This study may help to better understand the origin of radioresistance, especially by quantitatively comparing proportions of radiation-resistant extremophiles from different environments in the future.