Recycled moisture in an enclosed basin, Guanzhong Basin of Northern China, in the summer: Contribution to precipitation based on a stable isotope approach
["Li, Xiaofei","Lu, Aigang","Feng, Qi","Li, Zhi","Liu, Weiguo","Wang, Shengjie","Tripathee, Lekhendra","Wang, Xiaoyan","Cao, Junji"]
Recycled moisture, mainly originated from evapotranspiration (surface evaporation and transpiration), is the main sources of precipitation. Influenced on the different regional/local environments, the contributions of recycled moisture to precipitation present as different proportions. Recycled moisture has an important impact on the hydrological cycle, further occurred a series of environmental effect for regional/local. Aimed to estimate the contribution of recycled moisture to precipitation in an enclosed basin, Guanzhong Basin of northern China, precipitation and lake/reservoir samples were collected. The isotope ratio analysis was done for the summer season, and a three-component mixing model based on the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes was applied. The results indicated that the averaged contribution of recycled moisture to precipitation was 17.44% in Guanzhong Basin of northern China, while the mean proportions of surface evaporation moisture and transpiration moisture were found to be 0.38% and 16.97%, respectively. Comparatively, most of the recycled moisture mainly comes from transpiration moisture rather than evaporation moisture, suggesting that transpiration moisture from cropland, vegetation, and plants instead of evaporation is dominant in moisture recycling of the Guanzhong Basin.