Effects of snow removal on seasonal dynamics of soil bacterial community and enzyme activity
["Liu, Lin","Xie, Ruifeng","Ma, Dalong","Fu, Lingyu","Wu, Xiangwen"]
High latitude regions are experiencing considerable winter climate change, and reduced snowpack will likely affect soil microbial communities and their function, ultimately altering microbial-mediated biogeochemical cycles. However, the current knowledge on the responses of soil microorganisms to snow cover changes in permafrost ecosystems remains limited. Here, we conducted a 2-year (six periods) snow manipulation experi-ment comprising ambient snow and snow removal treatments with three replications of each treatment to explore the immediate and legacy effects of snow removal on soil bacterial community and enzyme activity in secondary Betala platyphylla forests in the permafrost region of the Daxing'an Mountains. Generally, bacterial community diversity was not particularly sensitive to the snow removal. Seasonal fluctuations in the relative abundance of dominated bacterial taxa were observed, but snow removal merely exerted a significant impact on the bacterial community structure during the snow melting period and early vegetation growing season within two consecutive years, with a reduction in the relative abundance of Chloroflexi and an increase in the relative abundance of Actinobacteria, and no evidence of cross-season legacy effects was found. Moreover, snow removal significantly altered the soil enzyme activities in the snow stabilization period and snow melting period, with an increase in soil acid phosphatase (ACP) activity of snow melting period and a decrease in polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity of snow stabilization period as well as beta-glucosidase (BG) activity of snow stabilization period and snow melting period, but this effect did not persist into the vegetation growing periods. The seasonal variations in bacterial community and enzyme activity were mostly driven by changes in soil nutrient availability. Overall, our results suggest that soil bacterial communities have rather high resilience and rapid adaptability to snow cover changes in the forest ecosystems in the cold region of the Daxing'an Mountains.