Light-absorbing impurities accelerate glacier melt in the Central Tibetan Plateau

Light-absorbing impurities Albedo reduction Radiative forcing Glacier melt Tibetan Plateau
["Li, Xiaofei","Kang, Shichang","He, Xiaobo","Qu, Bin","Tripathee, Lekhendra","Jing, Zhefan","Paudyal, Rukumesh","Li, Yang","Zhang, Yulan","Yan, Fangping","Li, Gang","Li, Chaoliu"] 2017-06-01 期刊论文
Light-absorbing impurities (LAIs), such as organic carbon (OC), black carbon (BC), and mineral dust (MD) deposited on the glacier surface can reduce albedo, thus accelerating the glacier melt Surface fresh snow, aged snow, granular ice, and snowpits samples were collected between August 2014 and October 2015 on the Xiao Dongkemadi (XDKMD) glacier (33 degrees 04'N, 92 degrees 04'E) in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP). The Spatiotemporal variations of LAIs concentrations in the surface snow/ice were observed to be consistent, differing mainly in magnitudes. LAIs concentrations were found to be in the order: granular ice > snowpit > aged snow > fresh snow, which must be because of post-depositional effects and enrichment. In addition, more intense melting led to higher LAIs concentrations exposed to the surface at a lower elevation, suggesting a strong negative relationship between LA's concentrations and elevation. The scavenging efficiencies of OC and BC were same (0.07 +/- 0.02 for OC, 0.07 +/- 0.01 for BC), and the highest enrichments was observed in late September and August for surface snow and granular ice, respectively. Meanwhile, as revealed by the changes in the OC/BC ratios, intense glacier melt mainly occurred between August and October. Based on the SNow ICe Aerosol Radiative (SNICAR) model simulations, BC and MD in the surface snow/ice were responsible for about 52% +/- 19% and 25% +/- 14% of the albedo reduction, while the radiative forcing (RF) were estimated to be 42.74 +/- 40.96 W m(-2) and 21.23 +/- 22.08 W m(-2), respectively. Meanwhile, the highest RF was observed in the granular ice, suggesting that the exposed glaciers melt and retreat more easily than the snow distributed glaciers. Furthermore, our results suggest that BC was the main forcing factor compared with MD in accelerating glacier melt during the melt season in the Central TP. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.