Effect of thaws on snow cover and soil freezing under the contemporary climate change
["Sosnovsky, A., V","Osokin, N., I"]
Thaw and liquid precipitation retard cooling of snow cover and soil surface and so may be a factor of heating. This slows down the soil freezing due to more active freezing of the wet snow, and, thus, promotes cooling and re-cooling of the soil. However, there are a number of factors which intensify the soil freezing after thaw. With thaw, the thickness of the snow cover decreases, and its density increases. In addition, after freezing wet snow improves the contact between the ice crystals, which increases the hardness and thermal conductivity of the snow As a result, after the thaw, the thermal protection ability of the snow decreases, and this can accelerate freezing of the soil. The dynamics of snow accumulation in Russia is considered in the paper. Using data obtained in the Western Svalbard, we demonstrate the increase in the number of thaws and liquid precipitation and influence of them on the snow cover and soil freezing. The influence of thaw on the growth of thermal resistance of snow cover is also considered. Calculations have shown that in the absence of a thaw, the depth of soil freezing is 1.26 m. With a thaw lasting 10 days, which begins on the 40th day from the start of soil freezing, the depth of freezing is reduced down to 1.2 m without considering changes in snow cover. When taking into account changes in the thermal resistance of snow cover, the depth of soil freezing by the end of the cold period increases up to 1.32 cm. With a thaw in the mid-winter, i.e. on the 70th day, the depth of freezing decreases down to 1.22 m, that is smaller than the depth of freezing without thaw This scenario is in accordance with changes in snow accumulation dynamics under the present-day climate, as in many areas most of the solid precipitation falls in the first half of the cold period. As a result, for a period after a thaw the smaller volume of snow will be deposited, and this will retard increasing in thermal resistance of the snow cover.