Optical and radiative properties of coated black carbon during hygroscopic growth and retrieval errors of mixing state using single-particle soot photometer

BC aerosol Hygroscopic growth SP2 Mixing state Radiative forcing
["Liu, Jia","Zhou, Donghui","Zhu, Cancan","Han, Jinbao","Yin, Bo"] 2025-02-01 期刊论文
Under environment with various water contents, the variations in the mixing state and particle size of coated black carbon (BC) aerosols cause changes in optical and radiative effects. In this study, fractal models for thinly, partially, and thickly coated BC under six relative humidities (RHs 1/4 0-95%) are constructed and optically simulated at 1064 and 532 nm. Differential scattering cross-sections are selected to retrieve the mixing state (Dp/Dc) of BC to investigate the possible retrieval errors caused by the nonspherical morphology when using the single-particle soot photometer (SP2). Furthermore, the radiative forcing of BC aerosols at different RHs are analyzed. Results showed that the retrieval errors (REs) of Dp/Dc are negative for coated particles with BC volume fraction smaller than 0.10, indicating that the mixing states of coated fractal BC are underestimated during the hygroscopic growth. The partiallycoated BC has the best retrieval accuracy of the mixing state, followed by the closed-cell and coatedaggregate model, judging from averaged REs. Radiative forcing enhancements for partially-coated aerosols with different BC volume fractions exponentially increase to opposite values, resulting in a warming or cooling effect. This study helps understand the uncertainties in Dp/Dcof BC aerosols retrieved by SP2 and their radiative forcing at different RHs. (c) 2025 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.