Absorption Enhancement of Black Carbon Aerosols Constrained by Mixing-State Heterogeneity
["Zhai, Jinghao","Yang, Xin","Li, Ling","Bai, Bin","Liu, Pengfei","Huang, Yuanlong","Fu, Tzung-May","Zhu, Lei","Zeng, Zhenzhong","Tao, Shu","Lu, Xiaohui","Ye, Xingnan","Wang, Xiaofei","Wang, Lin","Chen, Jianmin"]
Atmospheric black carbon (BC) has a large yet highly uncertain contribution to global warming. When mixed with non-BC/coating material during atmospheric aging, the BC light absorption can be enhanced through the lensing effect. Laboratory and modeling studies have consistently found strong BC absorption enhancement, while the results in ambient measurements are conflicting, with some reporting weak absorption enhancement even for particles with large bulk coating amounts. Here, from our direct field observations, we report both large and minor absorption enhancement factors for different BC-containing particle populations with large bulk non-BC-to-BC mass ratios. By gaining insights into the measured coating material distribution across each particle population, we find that the level of absorption enhancement is strongly dependent on the particle-resolved mixing state. Our study shows that the greater mixing-state heterogeneity results in the larger difference between observed and predicted absorption enhancement. We demonstrate that by considering the variability in coating material thickness in the optical model, the previously observed model measurement discrepancy of absorption enhancement can be reconciled. The observations and improved optical models reported here highlight the importance of mixing-state heterogeneity on BC's radiative forcing, which should be better resolved in large-scale models to increase confidence when estimating the aerosol radiation effect.