Vertical Profiles of Black Carbon and Associated Radiative Properties over India: Inter-comparison of Measured and Reanalysis Data

Black carbon Vertical profile Aircraft observation CAMS reanalysis Radiative forcing Heating rate
["Soni, Ashish","Soyam, Pawan S","Konwar, Mahen","Malap, Neelam","Safai, Pramod","Prabhakaran, Thara"] 2024-12-01 期刊论文
The significant uncertainties of Black Carbon (BC) radiative forcing are becoming an obstacle to the evaluation of their impacts and mitigation measures. One of the crucial reasons for this uncertainty could be the poorly constrained BC vertical profile. The BC has a lifetime of a few days to weeks and there is a clear pointer that it can be vertically transported through convection besides the horizontal advection. The present study aims for the intercomparison between the BC mass concentrations obtained through the aircraft-based observations and that derived from the selected Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) reanalysis data over the three different locations of India, which is one of the largest emitters of BC aerosols. The aircraft-based BC observations were conducted from 0.5 to 7 km altitudes using Aethalometer during CAIPEEX (Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment) Phase I campaigns from June to September 2009. The output of the present study suggests the CAMS reanalysis data significantly underestimated BC mass throughout the vertical profile with an average mass normalized mean bias of greater than -70% at all three locations. Furthermore, the vertical radiative forcing and heating rates of BC were also calculated for both observation and reanalysis data. The output depicts the net forcing due to CAMS simulated BC in all the layers were 1-12 folds lower over all the study regions compared with observed BC aerosols. Likewise, the estimated mean biases in heating rate were in the range of -0.001 to -0.190 K day(-1) for all the vertical layers over the study locations. The possible reasons for these disparities could be poorly constrained emissions, especially aircraft emissions and/or their transformation schemes in aerosol modules. The present study emphasized that the validation of the vertical profile is also an essential factor for better constraints of the BC aerosols in climate models.