Strong Aerosol Absorption and Its Radiative Effects in Lhasa on the Tibetan Plateau

aerosol optical properties single scattering albedo in situ measurement aerosol absorption contributions direct aerosol radiative forcing Tibetan Pleateau warming
["Wang, Shuo","Zhao, Weixiong","Liu, Qianqian","Zhou, Jiacheng","Crumeyrolle, Suzanne","Xu, Xuezhe","Zhang, Chong","Ye, Chunxiang","Zheng, Yu","Che, Huizheng","Zhang, Weijun"] 2024-03-28 期刊论文
Knowledge of aerosol radiative effects in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is limited due to the lack of reliable aerosol optical properties, especially the single scattering albedo (SSA). We firstly reported in situ measurement of SSA in Lhasa using a cavity enhanced albedometer (CEA) at lambda = 532 nm from 22nd May to 11th June 2021. Unexpected strong aerosol absorbing ability was observed with an average SSA of 0.69. Based on spectral absorptions measured by Aethalometer (AE33), black carbon (BC) was found to be the dominated absorbing species, accounting for about 83% at lambda = 370 nm, followed by primary and secondary brown carbon (BrCpri and BrCsec). The average direct aerosol radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere (DARFTOA) was 2.83 W/m2, indicating aerosol warming effect on the Earth-atmosphere system. Even though aerosol loading is low, aerosol heating effect plays a significant role on TP warming due to strong absorbing ability. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) has experienced rapid warming over the past decades, but the key factors affecting TP climate change haven't yet been clearly understood. Aerosol single scattering albedo (SSA) is a key optical parameter determining aerosol warming or cooling effect; however, reliable SSA measurement is scarce in TP. This study firstly reported in situ measurement of SSA in Lhasa and explored the direct radiative effect of aerosol on TP warming. Strong aerosol absorption, mainly contributed by black carbon (BC), was observed with an average SSA value of 0.69 in this city. Besides Lhasa, other sites over TP were also reported with low SSA (<= 0.77) from surface measurement. The strong aerosol absorption could cause heating effect on the Earth-atmosphere system. To relieve TP warming, reasonable pollutant emission control strategies should be taken urgently to weaken aerosol absorbing ability. Unexpected low aerosol single scattering albedo was observed in Lhasa via in situ measurement of multiple optical parameters simultaneously Black carbon was the dominant contributor (similar to 83%) to aerosol absorption at 370 nm, followed by primary and secondary brown carbon The strong absorption in Lhasa exerted positive direct aerosol radiative forcing (warming effect) at the top of atmosphere