Simulation of direct radiative forcing of aerosols and their effects on East Asian climate using an interactive AGCM-aerosol coupled system

AGCM Aerosol Radiative forcing Climate effects East Asian monsoon
["Zhang, Hua","Wang, Zhili","Wang, Zaizhi","Liu, Qianxia","Gong, Sunling","Zhang, Xiaoye","Shen, Zhongping","Lu, Peng","Wei, Xiaodong","Che, Huizheng","Li, Laurent"] 2012-04-01 期刊论文
An interactive system coupling the Beijing Climate Center atmospheric general circulation model (BCC_AGCM2.0.1) and the Canadian Aerosol Module (CAM) with updated aerosol emission sources was developed to investigate the global distributions of optical properties and direct radiative forcing (DRF) of typical aerosols and their impacts on East Asian climate. The simulated total aerosol optical depth (AOD), single scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter were generally consistent with the ground-based measurements. Under all-sky conditions, the simulated global annual mean DRF at the top of the atmosphere was -2.03 W m(-2) for all aerosols including sulfate, organic carbon (OC), black carbon (BC), dust, and sea salt; the global annual mean DRF was -0.23 W m(-2) for sulfate, BC, and OC aerosols. The sulfate, BC, and OC aerosols led to decreases of 0.58 degrees and 0.14 mm day(-1) in the JJA means of surface temperature and precipitation rate in East Asia. The differences of land-sea surface temperature and surface pressure were reduced in East Asian monsoon region due to these aerosols, thus leading to the weakening of East Asian summer monsoon. Atmospheric dynamic and thermodynamic were affected due to the three types of aerosol, and the southward motion between 15 degrees N and 30 degrees N in lower troposphere was increased, which slowed down the northward transport of moist air carried by the East Asian summer monsoon, and moreover decreased the summer monsoon precipitation in south and east China.