Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of a Temperate-Glacier's Active-Layer Temperature and Its Responses to Climate Change: A Case Study of Baishui Glacier No. 1, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau

temperate-glacier active-layer temperature temporal and spatial characteristics climate change
["Wang, Shijin","Du, Jiankuo","He, Yuanqing"] 2014-08-01 期刊论文
Based on the historical documents and measured data from the active-layer temperature (ALT) at A, B and C locations (4 670, 4 720 and 4 770 m a.s.l.) on Baishui Glacier No. 1, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, this paper analyzed spatial-temporal characteristics of ALT and its relationship with air temperature, and revealed the response of the active layer ice temperature towards climate change in the monitoring period. The results showed that the influence of air temperature on the active-layer ice temperature had a hysteresis characteristic on the upper of ablation zone and the lag period increased gradually with the altitude elevating. The decrease amplitude of ALT in the accumulation period was far below its increase magnitude in the ablation period. At the same time, the mean glacier ice temperatures at 10 m depth (T-10) in A, B and C profile were obviously higher than most of glaciers previously studied. Measured data also showed that the mean ALT increased by 0.24 degrees C in 0.5-8.5 m depth of the C profile during 28 years from July 11, 1982 to July 10, 2009.