Climate warming is causing significant changes in the Arctic, leading to increased temperatures and permafrost instability. The active layer has been shown to be affected by climate change, where warmer ground surface temperatures result in progressive permafrost thaw and a deepening active layer. This study assessed the effects of thermal modeling parameters on permafrost ground response to climate warming using the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and TEMP/W software. We analyzed how variations in depth, water content, and soil type affect predictions of future active layer depths and settlement under various climate scenarios using the soil characteristics along Hudson Bay Railway corridor. The results indicate that, for finegrained soils, the depth of the model is a more significant parameter than for coarse-grained soils. The water content of all soil types is a critical factor in determining the time at which permafrost thaws and the depth at which the active layer is located, as higher water content leads to larger active layer changes and more settlement in most cases. Our findings have important implications for infrastructure and land use management in the Arctic region.