Understanding the Effects of Cold and Warm Season Air Warming on the Permafrost Hydrology Changes in the Source Region of the Lancang River, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

permafrost degradation distributed hydrological model air warming hydrological processes Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
["Xu, Lihua","Gao, Bing"] 2022-08-27 期刊论文
Cold season air warming was more rapid than warm season air warming on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). However, the effect of this asymmetrical seasonal air warming on permafrost hydrological changes has not been fully understood. This study applied a distributed cryospheric hydrological model to evaluate the effects of different seasonal air warming on the changes in frozen soil and hydrological processes in a typical catchment, the source region of the Lancang River on the eastern QTP. The results show that the area of permafrost reduced by 14.0%. The maximum frozen depth of seasonally frozen ground (MFDSFG) decreased at 5.0 cm decade(-1), and the active layer thickness (ALT) of permafrost increased by 3.3 cm decade(-1). Controlled experiments illustrate that cold season air warming dominated the reduction in MFDSFG which caused the liquid soil moisture increase in seasonally frozen ground, and warm season air warming primarily determined the increase in ALT which enhanced the liquid soil moisture in permafrost. Cold season air warming had a greater effect on runoff than warm season air warming because it dominated the permafrost degradation into seasonally frozen ground. In the region where permafrost degraded into seasonally frozen ground, both the cold and warm season air warming contributed to the soil liquid water increase, and the cold season warming had a greater effect due to its more important role in thermal degradation of permafrost. The findings of this study reveal different complex impacts of cold and warm season air warming on permafrost hydrological changes on the QTP.