Sensitivity of aerosol radiative forcing to various aerosol parameters over the Bay of Bengal

Sensitivity analysis aerosol radiative forcing SBDART aerosol layer height
["Eswaran, K","Satheesh, S. K","Srinivasan, J"] 2019-08-01 期刊论文
In the shortwave solar spectrum (0.25-5 mml:mspace width=3.33333ptmml:mspacem), radiation is affected by the change in various aerosol properties and also by water vapour and other gas molecules. The presence of a variety of aerosols over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) during different seasons results in a change in aerosol properties, including the aerosol layer height. The BoB is an integral part of the Indian monsoon, and hence it is essential to understand the radiation budget over the BoB. The sensitivity of the aerosol forcing due to the changes in aerosol properties and other parameters has been studied using the Santa Barbara discrete ordinates radiative transfer model. The aerosol forcing at the top of the atmosphere was found to depend on the aerosol loading (aerosol optical depth), aerosol type (single scattering albedo) and the angular distribution of the scattered radiation (asymmetry parameter). The analysis also shows the presence of a relationship between aerosol layer height and the total amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere. The present study highlights the need for better retrievals of vertical aerosol distribution and water vapour profiles for a better understanding of the role of aerosols in the climate.