Changes in anthropogenic particulate matters and resulting global climate effects since the Industrial Revolution
["Yang, Dongdong","Zhang, Hua","Wang, Zhili","Zhao, Shuyun","Li, Jiangnan"]
In order to quantify air pollution effects on climate change, we investigated the climate response associated with anthropogenic particulate matters (PMs) by dividing fine PM (PM2.5, particle size <= 2.5 mu m) and coarse particulate matter (CPM, particle size >2.5 mu m) in great detail in this work, with an aerosol-climate coupled model. We find that the changes in PM2.5 and CPM are very different and thus result in different, even opposite effects on climate, especially on a regional scale. The column burden of PM2.5 increases globally from 1850 to the present, especially over Asia's southern and eastern parts, whereas the column concentration of CPM increases over high-latitude regions and decreases over South Asia. The resulted global annual mean effective radiative forcing (ERF) values due to PM2.5 and CPM changes are -1.21 W center dot m(-2) and -0.24 W center dot m(-2), respectively. Increases in PM2.5 result in significant cooling effects on the climate, whereas changes in CPM produce small and even opposite effects. The global annual mean surface air temperature (SAT) decreases by 0.94 K due to PM2.5 increase. Coolings caused by increased PM2.5 are more apparent over Northern Hemisphere (NH) terrain and ocean at mid- and high latitudes. Increases in SATs caused by increased CPM are identified over high latitudes in the NH, whereas decreases are identified over mid-latitude regions. Strong cooling due to increased PM2.5 causes a southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), whereas the Hadley circulation associated with CPM is enhanced slightly over both hemispheres, along with the weak movement of corresponding ITCZ. The global annual mean precipitation decreases by approximately 0.11 mm day(-1) due to the increased PM2.5. Generally, PM2.5 concentration changes contribute more than 80% of the variation caused by all anthropogenic aerosols in ERF, SAT, cloud fraction, and precipitation.