["Ajay, P","Pathak, B","Solmon, F","Bhuyan, P. K","Giorgi, F"]2019-07-01期刊论文
The regional climate model RegCM 4.4 at 50km resolution is used to conduct a sensitivity study over South Asia Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment domain during the period 1998-2002, in order to investigate the best cumulus convective precipitation scheme, planetary boundary layer (PBL) and land-surface scheme. The inferences obtained from 11 sensitivity experiments include the better performance of community land model version 4.5 (CLM 4.5) over biosphere-atmosphere transfer scheme, Tiedtke as cumulus convective precipitation scheme and University of Washington (UW) as PBL scheme. The simulation with these parameterization schemes well captures the monsoon precipitation pattern over India similar to 7mm/day and North Eastern Region of India (NER) similar to 12mm/day, which are comparable to observations with a significant correlation of R-2>0.93. The observed temperatures are also well simulated by the model. Therefore, RegCM 4.4 with these parameterization schemes is further used to simulate the aerosol fields (aerosol optical depth, AOD and black carbon, BC) and aerosol direct radiative forcing (DRF) for the period 2011-2014 over the same domain with special emphasis on NER. The model captures the seasonality in AOD and BC over the Indian Subcontinent and NER. BC hotspots in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and China are well captured by the model. The observed to simulated BC ratio over Dibrugarh (located in NER) is found to be improved. The model underestimation is significant in the dry season when burning over the region is predominant, which has not been considered by the emission inventories properly. Simulated DRF is found to exhibit seasonality qualitatively as well as a North-South latitudinal gradient.