Discrimination and mapping ground surface freeze and thaw states over Northeastern China based on the improved dual-index algorithm
["Gao, Huiran","Zhang, Zhijie","Chen, Hao","Zhang, Wanchang","Yi, Yaning","Xu, Chong","Xu, Xiwei"]
Accurate delineation of spatiotemporal variations in ground surface soil freeze and thaw (F/T) states is essential to appraise many geoscience issues, such as the hydrological circulation and land surface-atmosphere feedbacks. Recently, an Improved Dual-index algorithm (DIA) method was proposed by accounting for the influence of soil moisture variations on the discrimination accuracy with passive microwave remote sensing (RS) data products. Compared with the original DIA, the Improved DIA method has proven to be a more practical approach on surface soil F/T states discrimination. However, the method has only been applied and verified in cold regions of high-altitude (e.g., Tibetan Plateau), it's applicability and effectiveness in the cold areas in mid-high latitudes, where the geographic and climatic conditions are quite different, yet remained to be further explored. The present study investigated the feasibility of using AMSR-E (the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS) and AMSR2 (the second Advance Microwave Scanning Radiometer) passive microwave RS data products to discriminate the F/T states of the ground surface for a long period from 2002 to 2019 by means of the Improved DIA method over a typical mid-high latitude cold region of Northeastern China. Seasonal variation characteristics of soil moisture in mid-high latitude areas were similar with those in high-altitude areas, even though the spatial heterogeneity of soil water content was significant in different regions. Discriminating surface soil F/T states with the Improved DIA method derived overall discriminating accuracy of about 91.6% in the study area, which demonstrated excellent feasibility of the Improved DIA method in mid-high latitude cold regions. The mapping results shown surface soil F/T cycle in Northeastern China responding to climate change was examined from the perspective of regional average, both the proportion of frozen soil area and frozen days showed significant decreasing trends continuously with differed quite spatially. The discriminating accuracy of the Improved DIA method was found to be lower in plain areas with dense populations and large farmland areas compared to mountainous areas when human activities were not taken into consideration, as quantifying human activities can be challenging. The Improved DIA method has been well verified in both high-altitude and high-latitude regions; it has great potential in global scale research.