Physico-chemical properties and toxicity of young proglacial soils in the Tropical Andes and Alps
["Zimmer, Anais","Beach, Timothy","Luzzadder-Beach, Sheryl","Rabatel, Antoine","Robles, Joshua Lopez","Encarnaci, Rolando Cruz","Temme, Arnaud J. A. M"]
New soils formed after glacier retreat can provide insights into the rates of soil formation in the context of accelerated warming due to climate change. Recently deglacierized terrains (since the Little Ice Age) are subject to weathering and pedogenesis, and freshly exposed sediments are prone to react readily with the environment. This study aims to determine the impact of parent material and time on soil physical and chemical properties of nine proglacial landscapes distributed in the Tropical Andes and Alps. A total of 188 soil samples were collected along chronosequences of deglacierization and from sites that differed in terms of parent material and classified following three parent material groups: (1) Granodiorite-Tonalite (GT), (2) Gneiss-Shales-Schists (GSS), and (3) Mont-Blanc Granite (MBG). We determined physical and chemical soil properties such as contents of clay, silt, sand, organic carbon, bulk density (BD), pH, extractable cation (exCa, exMg, exK), elemental composition by Xray fluorescence (Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Hg, Pb) and ICP-MS (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, S, Zn), and mineral phase (XRD diffraction analysis). Parent material-controlled particle-size distribution, SOC, pH, available P, exCa, and exMg, whereas time since deglacierization only affected SOC and P, and exMg globally. Most of the significant differences in soil properties between parent material groups occurred within the first 17 years after deglacierization, and then we observed a homogenization between sites. While the higher SOC and P contents observed within the GT Andean sites might be due to the parent material composition leading to faster initial soil formation, we identified potential As, Cu, Mo, and Mn toxicity within those soils. Our study highlights the need to investigate further proglacial soil's buffering capacity and carbon sequestration to globally inform the conservation and management of novel proglacial ecosystems.