Investigation on the bearing capacity evolution of building pile foundation during permafrost degradation
["Qiu, Kaichi","Yu, Wenbing","Kong, Xiangbing","Han, Fenglei","Zhao, Yicong"]
The warming and melting of permafrost due to climate warming pose a considerable threat to the integrity of the Pan Arctic building, thus jeopardizing sustainable development. The increase in ambient temperature in permafrost areas will cause deterioration in the bearing capacity of building pile foundations. Considering the continuous deepening of the active layer (za), the present paper used small-scale physical modeling to investigate the potential variation of bearing capacity and load transfer mechanism of pile foundations under the scenario of continuous degradation of permafrost. The ultimate bearing capacity of a single pile and the undrained shear strength of the ground under different za are estimated by cone penetration tests. In the static load test of single piles, the axial load-settlement, axial force of pile shaft, and earth pressure at the pile tip are measured. The results show that the rise in ground temperature and the deepening of the za shorten the elastic and elastic-plastic stages of the load-displacement curve, resulting in a gradual decline in the bearing capacity of a single pile. The pile-soil interface temperature is always higher than the adjacent ground temperature at the same depth. Adfreezing force of the pile-soil interface decreases due to the increase in ground temperature and water content. With the deepening of za, the peak point of the shaft resistance decreases from -30 cm to -60 cm under the ultimate state. Meanwhile, with more axial load transfer along the pile shaft to the pile tip, the share ratio of pile tip resistance to ultimate stress gradually increases. In addition, the temperature rise of frozen soil at the pile tip accelerates the settling rate of the pile, which eventually causes the pile foundation failure.