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Winter baseflow (WB) can stabilize freshwater inputs and has important impacts on nutrient migration and the water cycle of a specific region and the oceans. This study systematically analyzed the WB variations in fourteen major Eurasian rivers and found they all had commonly increasing trends (except the Yellow River), with the mean increase ratio of 53.0% (+/- 34.8%, confidence interval 95%) over the past 100 years (the longest time series is 1879-2015). Relative to Northern Eurasia (60 degrees N-70 degrees N) and Southern Eurasia (30 degrees N-40 degrees N), the river WB in middle Eurasia (40 degrees N-60 degrees N) had the largest increase rate (0.60%/year). The increases of the WB in Northern Eurasia and Southern Eurasia have speeded up since the 1990s; on the contrary, they have slowed down or even turned to a decreasing trend after the 1990s in the middle Eurasian rivers. Using multiple linear regression analysis, the quantitative relationship between WB and winter surface air temperature (max, mean and min), snowfall, soil temperature, antecedent precipitation, as well as the river-ice dynamic were determined. We found that the winter air temperature, especially the minimum air temperature was one major factor accounting for WB variation in Eurasia over the past century. When the winter air temperature rises, this leads a reduction in the thickness and volume of river ice, and thus decreases water storage in river ice and leads to an increase in the WB. About 19.6% (6.7%-41.5%) of the winter WB increase in rivers of Siberia was caused by the decreased river ice during the past 100 years. Although groundwater recharge was the dominant reason for WB change, the role of river ice should not be ignored in hydrological study of cold regions.

期刊论文 2024-10-20 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2020.102989 ISSN: 0165-232X

Climate warming can lead to permafrost degradation, potentially resulting in slope failures such as retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs). The formation of and changes in RTSs could exacerbate the degradation of permafrost and the environment in general. The mechanisms of RTS progression and the potential consequences on the analogous freeze-thaw cycle are not well understood, owing partly to necessitating field work under harsh conditions and with high costs. Here, we used multi-source remote sensing and field surveys to quantify the changes in an RTS on Eboling Mountain in the Qilian Mountain Range in west-central China. Based on optical remote sensing and SBAS-InSAR measurements, we analyzed the RTS evolution and the underlying drivers, combined with meteorological observations. The RTS expanded from 56 m2 in 2015 to 4294 m2 in 2022, growing at a rate of 1300 m2/a to its maximum in 2018 and then decreasing. Changes in temperature and precipitation play a dominant role in the evolution of the RTS, and the extreme weather in 2016 may also be a primary contributor to the accelerated growth, with an average deformation of -8.3 mm during the thawing period, which decreased slope stability. The RTS evolved more actively during the thawing and early freezing process, with earthquakes having potentially contributed further to RTS evolution. We anticipate that the rate of RTS evolution is likely to increase in the coming years.

期刊论文 2024-07-01 DOI: 10.3390/rs16132490

Among the essential tools to address global environmental information requirements are the Earth-Observing (EO) satellites with free and open data access. This paper reviews those EO satellites from international space programs that already, or will in the next decade or so, provide essential data of importance to the environmental sciences that describe Earth's status. We summarize factors distinguishing those pioneering satellites placed in space over the past half century, and their links to modern ones, and the changing priorities for spaceborne instruments and platforms. We illustrate the broad sweep of instrument technologies useful for observing different aspects of the physio-biological aspects of the Earth's surface, spanning wavelengths from the UV-A at 380 nanometers to microwave and radar out to 1 m. We provide a background on the technical specifications of each mission and its primary instrument(s), the types of data collected, and examples of applications that illustrate these observations. We provide websites for additional mission details of each instrument, the history or context behind their measurements, and additional details about their instrument design, specifications, and measurements.

期刊论文 2024-06-01 DOI: 10.3390/s24113488

The study of urban aerosol and its influence on radiation and meteorological regime is important due to the climate effect. Using COSMO-ART model with TERRA_URB parameterization, we estimated aerosols and their radiative and temperature response at different emission levels in Moscow. Mean urban aerosol optical depth (AOD) was about 0.029 comprising 20-30% of the total AOD. Urban black carbon mass concentration and urban PM10 accounted for 86% and 74% of their total amount, respectively. The urban AOD provided negative shortwave effective radiative forcing (ERF) of -0.9 W m(-2) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) for weakly absorbing aerosol and positive ERF for highly absorbing aerosol. Urban canopy effects decreased surface albedo from 19.1% to 16.9%, which resulted in positive shortwave ERF at TOA, while for longwave irradiance negative ERF was observed due to additional emitting of urban heat. Air temperature at 2 m decreased independently on the ERF sign, partially compensating (up to 0.5 degrees C) for urban heat island effect (1.5 degrees C) during daytime. Mean radiative atmospheric absorption over the Moscow center in clear sky conditions reaches 4 W m(-2) due to urban AOD. The study highlights the role of urban aerosol and its radiative and temperature effects.

期刊论文 2024-01-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101762 ISSN: 2212-0955

The high-resolution permafrost distribution maps have a closer relationship with engineering applications in cold regions because they are more relative to the real situation compared with the traditional permafrost zoning mapping. A particle swarm optimization algorithm was used to obtain the index eta with 30 m resolution and to characterize the distribution probability of permafrost at the field scale. The index consists of five environmental variables: slope position, slope, deviation from mean elevation, topographic diversity, and soil bulk density. The downscaling process of the surface frost number from a resolution of 1000 m to 30 m is achieved by using the spatial weight decomposition method and index eta. We established the regression statistical relationship between the surface frost number after downscaling and the temperature at the freezing layer that is below the permafrost active layer base. We simulated permafrost temperature distribution maps with 30 m resolution in the four periods of 2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2017, and 2018-2021, and the permafrost area is, respectively, 28.35 x 10(4) km(2), 35.14 x 10(4) km(2), 28.96 x 10(4) km(2), and 25.21 x 10(4) km(2). The proportion of extremely stable permafrost (< -5.0 degrees C), stable permafrost (-3.0 similar to -5.0 degrees C), sub-stable permafrost (-1.5 similar to -3.0 degrees C), transitional permafrost (-0.5 similar to -1.5 degrees C), and unstable permafrost (0 similar to -0.5 degrees C) is 0.50-1.27%, 6.77-12.45%, 29.08-33.94%, 34.52-39.50%, and 19.87-26.79%, respectively, with sub-stable, transitional, and unstable permafrost mainly distributed. Direct and indirect verification shows that the permafrost temperature distribution maps after downscaling still have high reliability, with 83.2% of the residual controlled within the range of +/- 1 degrees C and the consistency ranges from 83.17% to 96.47%, with the identification of permafrost sections in the highway engineering geological investigation reports of six highway projects. The maps are of fundamental importance for engineering planning and design, ecosystem management, and evaluation of the permafrost change in the future in Northeast China.

期刊论文 2023-10-01 DOI: 10.3390/su151914610

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in Wuhan city of China in late December 2019 and identified as a novel coronavirus. Due to its contagious nature, the virus spreads rapidly and causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The global tally of COVID-19 was 28 million in early September 2020. The fears and stress associated with SARS-CoV-2 has demolished the socio-economic status worldwide. Researchers are trying to identify treatments, especially antiviral drugs and/or vaccines, that could potentially control the viral spread and manage the ongoing unprecedented global crisis. To date, more than 300 clinical trials have been conducted on various antiviral drugs, and immunomodulators are being evaluated at various stages of COVID-19. This review aims to collect and summarize a list of drugs used to treat COVID-19, including dexamethasone, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, favipiravir, remdesivir, tociluzimab, nitazoxanide and ivermectin. However, some of these drugs are not effective and their use has been suspended by WHO. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

期刊论文 2023-10-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100770

To understand the characteristics of particulate matter (PM) and other air pollutants in Xinjiang, a region with one of the largest sand-shifting deserts in the world and significant natural dust emissions, the concentrations of six air pollutants monitored in 16 cities were analyzed for the period January 2013-June 2019. The annual mean PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, and O-3 concentrations ranged from 51.44 to 59.54 mu g m(-3), 128.43-155.28 mu g m(-3), 10.99-17.99 mu g m(-3), 26.27-31.71 mu g m(-3), 1.04-1.32 mg m(-3), and 55.27-65.26 mu g m(-3), respectively. The highest PM concentrations were recorded in cities surrounding the Taklimakan Desert during the spring season and caused by higher amounts of wind-blown dust from the desert. Coarse PM (PM10-2.5) was predominant, particularly during the spring and summer seasons. The highest PM2.5/PM10 ratio was recorded in most cities during the winter months, indicating the influence of anthropogenic emissions in winters. The annual mean PM2.5 (PM10) concentrations in the study area exceeded the annual mean guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) by a factor of ca. similar to 5-6 (similar to 7-8). Very high ambient PM concentrations were recorded during March 19-22, 2019, that gradually influenced the air quality across four different cities, with daily mean PM2.5 (PM10) concentrations similar to 8-54 (similar to 26-115) times higher than the WHO guidelines for daily mean concentrations, and the daily mean coarse PM concentration reaching 4.4 mg m(-3). Such high PM2.5 and concentrations pose a significant risk to public health. These findings call for the formulation of various policies and action plans, including controlling the land degradation and desertification and reducing the concentrations of PM and other air pollutants in the region. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

期刊论文 2023-08-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115907 ISSN: 0269-7491

The emission of black carbon (BC) particles, which cause atmospheric warming by affecting radiation budget in the atmosphere, is the result of an incomplete combustion process of organic materials. The recent wildfire event during the summer 2019-2020 in south-eastern Australia was unprecedented in scale. The wildfires lasted for nearly 3 months over large areas of the two most populated states of New South Wales and Victoria. This study on the emission and dispersion of BC emitted from the biomass burnings of the wildfires using the Weather Research Forecast-Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model aims to determine the extent of BC spatial dispersion and ground concentration distribution and the effect of BC on air quality and radiative transfer at the top of the atmosphere, the atmosphere and on the ground. The predicted aerosol concentration and AOD are compared with the observed data using the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) aethalometer and air quality network and remote sensing data. The BC concentration as predicted from the WRF-Chem model, is in general, less than the observed data as measured using the aethalometer monitoring network, but the spatial pattern corresponds well, and the correlation is relatively high. The total BC emission into the atmosphere during the event and the effect on radiation budget were also estimated. This study shows that the summer 2019-2020 wildfires affect not only the air quality and health impact on the east coast of Australia but also short-term weather in the region via aerosol interactions with radiation and clouds.

期刊论文 2023-04-01 DOI: 10.3390/atmos14040699

The timing and extent of the last glaciation in the Altai Mountains are key to understanding climate change in this critical region. However, robust glacial chronologies are sparse across the Altai Mountains, especially in the Chinese Altai, impeding the correlation of glacial events and examination of the possible climate forcing mechanisms. Here, we report twenty new Be-10 exposure-ages obtained from two moraines in the headwater area of the Xiaokelanhe River, Chinese Altai. The inner latero-frontal moraine yields exposure-ages ranging from 16.60 +/- 1.00 to 20.41 +/- 1.15 ka (n = 5), reflecting a limited advance during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The morpho-stratigraphically older moraine remnants have exposure-ages of 14.36 +/- 0.94-38.98 +/- 2.23 ka (n = 15). The tentatively determined moraine age of 34.10 +/- 4.99 ka suggests that the local LGM in the Xiaokelanhe River likely occurred during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 or earlier. From a compilation of the 20 new, and 79 previously published exposure-ages, we observe at least three distinct glacial events during the last glacial, with the local LGM occurring prior to MIS 2. A comparison between the timing of glacial activities and climate proxies suggests a potential combination of summer solar insolation, North Atlantic climate oscillations, and atmospheric CO2 levels, as triggers for glacial movements during the last glacial cycle. Precipitation delivered by the mid-latitude westerlies may have also contributed to glacial advances during MIS 3. These correlations remain tentative however, due to limited chronological control.

期刊论文 2023-01-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2020.101054 ISSN: 1871-1014

This paper conducts an extensive review of existing research to present a comprehensive analysis of the global problems caused by climate change, with a particular focus on the events that occurred during the record-breaking hottest year, 2023. Climate change is widely recognized as the defining issue of our time, and we find ourselves at a critical juncture in addressing its repercussions. The effects of climatic changes permeate various aspects of life on Earth, including increasing occurrences of floods, landslides, droughts, storms, sea-level rise, and other natural disasters. With the notion of global boiling, we aim to intensify awareness and prompt more radical actions to mitigate the worst consequences of climate change. It is designed to sound the alarm and trigger more radical action to stave off the worst of climate change. The escalating global warming, driven by human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, is already significantly altering the Earth's climate and leaving a profound impact on the environment. The melting of glaciers and ice sheets, earlier breakup of lake and river ice, shifts in plant and animal ranges, and earlier blooming of plants and trees are some of the observable manifestations. Furthermore, climate change has emerged as a critical factor in exacerbating the risk and severity of wildfires worldwide, with key influences stemming from temperature variations, soil moisture, and the presence of potential fuel sources such as trees and shrubs. These interconnected factors underscore the direct and indirect ties between climate variability, climate change, and the extent of wildfire risks.

期刊论文 2023-01-01 ISSN: 1687-5052
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