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The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), known as the Earth's third pole, is highly sensitive to climate change. Various environmental degradation has occurred due to the effects of climate warming such as the degradation of permafrost and the thickening of active layers. Evapotranspiration, as a key element of hydrothermal coupling, has become a key factor of the plateau environment for deciphering deterioration, and the FAO P-M model has a good physical foundation and simple model data requirements as a primary tool to study the plateau evapotranspiration. There has been a large research base, but the estimation of evapotranspiration in alpine regions is still subject to many uncertainties. This is reflected in the fact that the classification of underlying surface types has not been sufficiently detailed and the evapotranspiration characteristics of some special underlying surface types are still unclear. Therefore, in this work, we modified the FAO P-M coefficients based on the characteristics of actual evapotranspiration measured by the Eddy covariance system and the key influencing factors to better simulate the actual evapotranspiration in alpine swamp meadow. The results were as follows: (1) Both ETa measured by the Eddy covariance system and ET0 calculated by FAO P-M showed the same trend at the daily and annual scales and hysteresis was confirmed to exist, so the error caused by hysteresis should be considered in further research. (2) The annual ETa was 566.97 mm and annual ETa/P was 0.76, and about 11.19% of ETa occurred during the night. The ETa was 2.15 during the non-growing seasons, implying that a large amount of soil water was released into the air by evapotranspiration. (3) The evapotranspiration characteristics of alpine swamp meadow are formed under the following conditions: control of net radiation (R-n) affected by VPD during the growing season and affected by soil temperature and humidity during the non-growing season. Precipitation and soil water content are no longer the main controlling factors of evapotranspiration during the growing season at the alpine swamp meadow as the volume soil water content tends to saturate. (4) The basic corrected K-c was 1.14 during the initial and mid-growing season, 1.05 during the subsequent growing season, and 0-0.25 during the non-growing season, and the correction factor process can also provide ideas for correcting the K-c of other vegetation.


An accurate and detailed vegetation map is of crucial significance for understanding the spatial heterogeneity of subsurfaces, which can help to characterize the thermal state of permafrost. The absence of an alpine swamp meadow (ASM) type, or an insufficient resolution (usually km-level) to capture the spatial distribution of the ASM, greatly limits the availability of existing vegetation maps in permafrost modeling of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). This study generated a map of the vegetation type at a spatial resolution of 30 m on the central QTP. The random forest (RF) classification approach was employed to map the vegetation based on 319 ground-truth samples, combined with a set of input variables derived from the visible, infrared, and thermal Landsat-8 images. Validation using a train-test split (i.e., 70% of the samples were randomly selected to train the RF model, while the remaining 30% were used for validation and a total of 1000 runs) showed that the average overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the RF approach were 0.78 (0.68-0.85) and 0.69 (0.64-0.74), respectively. The confusion matrix showed that the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the predicted vegetation map reached 0.848 (0.844-0.852) and 0.790 (0.785-0.796), respectively. The user accuracies for the ASM, alpine meadow, alpine steppe, and alpine desert were 95.0%, 83.3%, 82.4%, and 86.7%, respectively. The most important variables for vegetation type prediction were two vegetation indices, i.e., NDVI and EVI. The surface reflectance of visible and shortwave infrared bands showed a secondary contribution, and the brightness temperature and the surface temperature of the thermal infrared bands showed little contribution. The dominant vegetation in the study area is alpine steppe and alpine desert. The results of this study can provide an accurate and detailed vegetation map, especially for the distribution of the ASM, which can help to improve further permafrost studies.


Information regarding the interactive effects of global warming and increasing nitrogen (N) deposition on CO2 emissions in the alpine grassland ecosystem is scarce, especially in the permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We conducted a manipulative field experiment in an alpine swamp meadow to investigate the responses of ecosystem respiration (ER) to simulated warming and N addition. Results showed that the interaction between warming and N addition significantly increased ER by 41.3-239.6%, which might be related to the enhancements in plant autotrophic respiration and soil microbial biomass and activity. The correlations between ER and a single hydrothermic factor tended to be weakened with the increasing complexity of the treatment method. The drought stress on CO2 emissions was not found due to the thawing of the permafrost and the upward diffusion of soil moisture, thus air temperature combined with soil temperature explained 80% of the ER fluctuations. Meanwhile, warming increased the aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB) by 44.2-68.1% and 48.1-82.6%, respectively, suggesting that more biomass was allocated to the belowground components. N addition increased AGB by 21.2-30.3%, while there was no significant effect on BGB. Warming combined with N addition strongly increased AGB and BGB by 52.0-159.5% and 59.0-102.1%, respectively. These results indicated that plant production and allocation pattern might also be important factors affecting CO2 emissions. In addition, warming alone and warming combined with N addition increased soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) by 19.1-90.7% and 28.1-80.4%, respectively, and the enhancement in soil microbial biomass and activity might promote the release of soil carbon.

2019-05-01 Web of Science

Climate change is now evident in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), with impacts on the alpine ecosystem, particularly on water and heat balance between the active layer and the atmosphere. Thus, we document the basic characteristics of changes in the water and heat dynamics in response to experimental warming in a typical alpine swamp meadow ecosystem. Data sets under open top chambers (OTC) and the control manipulations were collected over a complete year. The results show that annual (2008) air temperatures of OTC-1 and OTC-2 were 6.7 degrees C and 3.5 degrees C warmer than the control. Rising temperature promotes plant growth and development. The freeze-thaw and isothermal days of OTCs appeared more frequently than the control, owing to comparably higher water and better vegetation conditions. OTCs soil moisture decreased with the decrease of soil depth; however, there was an obviously middle dry aquifer of the control, which is familiar in QTP. Moreover, experimental warming led to an increase in topsoil water content due to poorly drained swamp meadow ecosystem with higher organic matter content and thicker root horizons. The results of this study will have some contributions to alpine cold ecosystem water-heat process and water cycle under climate change.

2016-04-01 Web of Science
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