Mt. Everest (Qomolangma or Sagarmatha), the highest mount on Earth and located in the central Himalayas between China and Nepal, is characterized by highly concentrated glaciers and diverse landscapes, and is considered to be one of the most sensitive area to climate change. In this paper, we comprehensively synthesized the climate and environmental changes in the Mt. Everest region, including changes in air temperature, precipitation, glaciers and glacial lakes, atmospheric environment, river and lake water quality, and vegetation phenology. Historical temperature reconstruction from ice cores and tree rings revealed the distinct features of 20th century warming in the Mt. Everest region. Meteorological observations further proved that the Mt. Everest region has been experiencing significant warming (approximately 0.33 degrees C/decade) but relatively stable precipitation during 1961-2018 AD. Projected results (during 2006-2099 AD) under different representative concentration pathway scenarios showed a general warming trend in the region, with larger warming occurring in winter than in summer. Meanwhile, the precipitation projections varied spatially with no significant trends over the region. Intensive glacier shrinkage was characterized by decreasing glacier areas, while glacier-fed river runoff increased. Glacial lakes expanded with increasing glacial lake areas and numbers. These findings indicated a clear regional hydrological response to climate warming. Owing to the remote location of Mt. Everest, the present atmospheric environment remained relatively clean; however, long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants from South Asia and West Asia may have substantially influenced the Mt. Everest region, resulting in increasing concentrations of pollutants since the Industrial Revolution. Anthropogenic activities have been shown to influence river and lake water quality in this remote region, especially in the downstream. The end of the vegetation growing season advanced in the northern slope and did not change in southern slope region of the Mt. Everest, and there was no significant change in start date of the growing season in the region. This review will enhance our understanding of climate and environmental changes in the Mt. Everest region under global warming.
Kazakhstan is part of the Eurasian Steppes, the world's largest contiguous grassland system. Kazakh grassland systems are largely understudied despite being historically important for agropastoral practices. These grasslands are considered vulnerable to anthropogenic activities and climatic variability. Few studies have examined vegetation dynamics in Central Asia owing to the complex impacts of moisture, climatic and anthropogenic forcings. A comprehensive analysis of spatiotemporal changes of vegetation and its driving factors will help elucidate the causes of grassland degradation. Here, we investigated the individual and pairwise interactive influences of various social-environmental system (SES) drivers on greenness dynamics in Kazakhstan. We sought to examine whether there is a relationship between peak season greenness and its drivers - spring drought, preceding winter freeze-thaw cycles, percent snow cover and snow depth - for Kazakhstan during 2000-2016. As hypothesized, snow depth and spring drought accounted for 60 % and 52 % of the variance in the satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in Kazakhstan. The freeze-thaw process accounted for 50 % of NDVI variance across the country. In addition, continuous thawing during the winter increased vegetation greenness. We also found that moisture and topographic factors impacted NDVI more significantly than socioeconomic factors. However, the impacts of socioeconomic drivers on vegetation growth were amplified when they interacted with environmental drivers. Terrain slope and soil moisture had the highest q-values or power of determinant, accounting for -70 % of the variance in NDVI across the country. Socioeconomic drivers, such as crop production (59 %), population density (48 %), and livestock density (26 %), had significant impacts on vegetation dynamics in Kazakhstan. We found that most of the pairwise interactive influences of the drivers exhibited bi-factor enhancement, and the interaction between soil moisture and elevation was the largest (q = 0.92). Our study revealed the optimal ranges and tipping points of SES drivers and quantified the impacts of various driving factors on NDVI. These findings can help us identify the factors causing grassland degradation and provide a scientific basis for ecological protection in semiarid regions.
Assessing the relative importance of climate change and human activities is important in developing sustainable management policies for regional land use. In this study, multiple remote sensing datasets, i.e. CHIRPS (Climate Hazard Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data) precipitation, MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Potential Evapotranspiration (PET), Soil Moisture (SM), WorldPop, and nighttime light have been analyzed to investigate the effect that climate change (CC) and regional human activities (HA) have on vegetation dynamics in eastern India for the period 2000 to 2022. The relative influence of climate and anthropogenic factors is evaluated on the basis of non-parametric statistics i.e., Mann-Kendall and Sen's slope estimator. Significant spatial and elevation-dependent variations in precipitation and LST are evident. Areas at higher elevations exhibit increased mean annual temperatures (0.22 degrees C/year, p < 0.05) and reduced winter precipitation over the last two decades, while the northern and southwest parts of West Bengal witnessed increased mean annual precipitation (17.3 mm/year, p < 0.05) and a slight cooling trend. Temperature and precipitation trends are shown to collectively impact EVI distribution. While there is a negative spatial correlation between LST and EVI, the relationship between precipitation and EVI is positive and stronger (R-2 = 0.83, p < 0.05). Associated hydroclimatic parameters are potent drivers of EVI, whereby PET in the southwestern regions leads to markedly lower SM. The relative importance of CC and HA on EVI also varies spatially. Near the major conurbation of Kolkata, and confirmed by nighttime light and population density data, changes in vegetation cover are very clearly dominated by HA (87%). In contrast, CC emerges as the dominant driver of EVI (70-85%) in the higher elevation northern regions of the state but also in the southeast. Our findings inform policy regarding the future sustainability of vulnerable socio-hydroclimatic systems across the entire state.
There is growing evidence that the earth's climate is changing and will likely continue to change in the future. It is still debated whether these changes are due to natural variability of the climate system or a result of increases in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Black carbon (BC) has become the subject of interest for a variety of reasons. BC aerosol may cause environmental as well as harmful health effects in densely inhabited regions. BC is a strong absorber of radiation in the visible and near-infrared part of the spectrum, where most of the solar energy is distributed. Black carbon is emitted into the atmosphere as a byproduct of all combustion processes, viz., vegetation burning, industrial effluents and motor vehicle exhausts, etc. In this paper, we present results from our measurements on black carbon aerosols, total aerosol mass concentration and aerosol optical depth over an urban environment namely Hyderabad during January to May, 2003. Diurnal variations of BC indicate high BC concentrations during 6:00-9:00 and 19:00-23:00 h. Weekday variations of BC concentrations increase gradually from Monday to Wednesday and gradually decrease from Thursday to Sunday. Analysis of traffic density along with meteorological parameters suggests that the primary determinant for BC concentration levels and patterns is traffic density. Seasonal variations of BC suggest that the BC concentrations are high during dry season compared to rainy season due to the scavenging by air. The fraction of BC to total mass concentration has been observed to be 7% during January to May. BC showed positive correlation with total mass concentration and aerosol optical depth at 500 nm. Radiative transfer calculations suggests that during January to May, diurnal averaged aerosol forcing at the surface is -33 Wm(2) and at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) above 100 km it is observed to be +9 Wm(-2). The results have been discussed in detail in the paper. (c) 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.