The strict Clean Air Action Plan has been in place by central and local government in China since 2013 to alleviate haze pollution. In response to implementation of the Plan, daytime PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 um) showed significant downward trends from 2015 to 2019, with the largest reduction during spring and winter in the North China Plain. Unlike PM2.5, O-3 (ozone) showed a general increasing trend, reaching 29.7 mu g m(-3) on summer afternoons. Increased O-3 and reduced PM2.5 simultaneously occurred in more than half of Chinese cities, increasing to approximately three-fourths in summer. Declining trends in both PM2.5 and O-3 occurred in only a few cities, varying from 19.1% of cities in summer to 33.7% in fall. Meteorological variables helped to decrease PM2.5 and O-3 in some cities and increase PM2.5 and O-3 in others, which is closely related to terrain. High wind speed and 24 h changing pressure favored PM2.5 dispersion and dilution, especially in winter in southern China. However, O-3 was mainly affected by 24 h maximum temperature over most cities. Soil temperature was found to be a key factor modulating air pollution. Its impact on PM2.5 concentrations depended largely on soil depth and seasons; spring and fall soil temperature at 80 cm below the surface had largely negative impacts. Compared with PM2.5, O-3 was more significantly affected by soil temperature, with the largest impact at 20 cm below the surface and with less seasonal variation. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Durance watershed (14 000 km(2)), located in the French Alps, generates 10% of French hydropower and provides drinking water to 3 million people. The Catchment land surface model (CLSM), a distributed land surface model (LSM) with a multilayer, physically based snow model, has been applied in the upstream part of this watershed, where snowfall accounts for 50% of the precipitation. The CLSM subdivides the upper Durance watershed, where elevations range from 800 to 4000 m within 3580 km(2), into elementary catchments with an average area of 500 km(2). The authors first show the difference between the dynamics of the accumulation and ablation of the snow cover using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images and snow-depth measurements. The extent of snow cover increases faster during accumulation than during ablation because melting occurs at preferential locations. This difference corresponds to the presence of a hysteresis in the snow-cover depletion curve of these catchments, and the CLSM was adapted by implementing such a hysteresis in the snow-cover depletion curve of the model. Different simulations were performed to assess the influence of the parameterizations on the water budget and the evolution of the extent of the snow cover. Using six gauging stations, the authors demonstrate that introducing a hysteresis in the snow-cover depletion curve improves melting dynamics. They conclude that their adaptation of the CLSM contributes to a better representation of snowpack dynamics in an LSM that enables mountainous catchments to be modeled for impact studies such as those of climate change.