Direct Current (DC) Resistivity and Induced Polarization (IP) response of six profiles were measured using the Gradient electrode configuration in Adventdalen, Svalbard, to characterise the near-surface stratigraphy of the soil and to account for geotechnical and environmental aspects of global warming in the arctic region. In addition, Wenner array data was collected for the selected profiles to examine its effectiveness as compared to the Gradient array, given the characteristics of the study site. Two commercial inversion software programs, Res2DINV and AarhusINV, were used for the inversion of the DC resistivity and IP data, to compare the software. Physical soil properties, including porosity, water saturation, water salinity, freezing temperature and grain size distribution, previously measured from samples retrieved from wells along the studied profiles, were integrated in this study to investigate the correlation with geoelectrical properties of the sediments inferred from the DC resistivity and IP data. Results from processing of the Wenner array DC resistivity data provided higher resolution as compared to the Gradient array data, especially from deeper parts of the models, due to its higher signal-to-noise ratio. The Wenner array data also indicated better inversion result for the IP data as distinctive anomalies were better indicated in data from Wenner array survey. The Wenner array data also provided a realistic trend for the anomalies, thanks to the symmetrical geometry of the electrodes during the survey, although at the cost of time and higher expenses. Inversion results proved that AarhusINV resolved the geometry of the subsurface layers with higher resolution compared with the Res2DINV. However, the two inversion algorithms use slightly different parameters for the processing and for presenting the results, thus only allowing qualitative comparison. Based on the interpretations of the DC resistivity and IP data, four distinctive zones were identified from the surface to the maximum depth of 26 m, consisting of (i) unfrozen active-layer-(silts and sands), with intermediate resistivity values 200-300 omega center dot m; (ii) frozen soil with 3-10 m thickness and resistivity values between 2500 and 5000 omega center dot m; (iii) unfrozen soil (cryopeg) with high salinity and low resistivity of 40 omega center dot m; and finally (iv) clayey unfrozen soil sediments with low resistivity ranging 10-20 omega center dot m, at depths between 13 and 26 m. The IP data allowed for the delineation of a low chargeability zone near the surface and a high chargeability zone at greater depth which denote the active layer, lower parts of unfrozen soil sediments and cryopeg respectively, within the top 10 m of the subsurface. The 3D subsurface model of the study area was created based on interpretations of the DC resistivity and IP data and was constrained by the description of the subsurface stratigraphy from nearby wells, which provided detailed information about the vertical stratigraphy of the study area. In addition, a good correlation was observed between the studied physical properties of the sediments and the DC resistivity data for the intersecting profile SVAER04, as the interface between high and low resistivity data at ca. 10 m depth coincided the sedimentary formation with intermediate-fine grain size, high porosity, high water saturation and high salt content. Our findings show that joint application of the geoelectrical surveys and laboratory analysis of soil samples are an efficient complement to each other. These methods can be used as an alternative to each other to investigate larger areas where achieving high resolution data is not necessary.
Debris-flow activity in a watershed is usually defined in terms of magnitude and frequency. While magnitude-frequency (M-F) relations have long formed the basis for risk assessment and engineering design in hydrology and fluvial hydraulics, only fragmentary and insufficiently specified data for debris flows exists. This paper reconstructs M-F relationships of 62 debris flows for an aggradational cone of a small ( 50 mm) in August and September, when the active layer of the rock glacier in the source area of debris flows is largest. Over the past similar to 150 years, climate has exerted control on material released from the source area and prevented triggering of class XL events before 1922. With the projected climatic change, permafrost degradation and the potential increase in storm intensity are likely to produce class XXL events in the future with volumes surpassing 5 x 10(4) m(3) at the level of the debris-flow cone. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.