High Arctic soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component in the global C cycle, yet there is considerable uncertainty in the estimates for the polar deserts and semi-deserts that dominate these regions. Some of this uncertainty in SOC estimates arises from the cryoturbic processes including diapirism that structure polar desert soils. Diapirism occurs when the top, viscous layer of permafrost is deformed during freezing and ejected up-wards into the soil profile forming a distinct diapiric soil patch or diapir. The diapiric is often nutrient rich relative to the surrounding soil; plants seek out and forage for nutrients in these patches creating a localized mixture of old carbon ejected from the permafrost and new carbon. Here we investigate how the subsurface SOC-rich patches in frost boils resulting from diapirism contribute to overall SOC storage in these environments. We quantify the rates of diapirism and fine-scale distribution of SOC in 560 frost boils at two Canadian high Arctic polar desert sites differing in parent material (dolomite versus granitic) with strikingly different plant surface communities. Though total soil organic carbon content did not differ between the dolomite and granite polar semi-deserts, SOC was being stored differently. The dolomitic site had greater SOC content below 10 cm reflecting the more common occurrence of subsurface SOC patches (46% of frost boils) compared to the granitic site (30%). When a subsurface patch of SOCC (SOC expressed on a m- 2 basis) was present in a frost boil the boil contained nearly double the SOCC compared to frost boils without subsurface patches (11 +/- 6.3 kg SOC m(-2) compared to 6.4 +/- 3.6 kg SOC m(-2)). Diapirism occurs in only 35% of all frost boils, but these diapiric patches represent an important, yet heterogenous, pool of SOC in polar semi-deserts. We upscale from these data to generate an improved estimate of SOC stored in the active layer of High Arctic polar semi-deserts of 8.14 +/- 0.45 Pg SOC.
High Arctic polar deserts cover 26% of the Arctic. Climate change is expected to increase cryoturbation in these polar deserts, including frost boils and diapirs. Diapirism-cryoturbic intrusion into the overlying horizon-creates subsurface nutrient patches with low biodegradability and is thought to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, including the potent nitrous oxide. Although nitrous oxide emissions have been observed in polar deserts at a rate comparable to vegetated tundra ecosystems, the underlying mechanism by which nitrous oxide is produced in these environments remains unclear. In this study, we investigated ammonia-oxidizing archaea, which were detected in a previous study, and used stable isotope techniques to characterize the pattern of nitrous oxide emissions from frost boils. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea would be tightly linked to nitrous oxide emissions under aerobic condition whereas low degradable diapiric nutrient would limit denitirification under wet conditions. We hypothesized that (1) diapirism (i.e. diapiric frost boil) would not primarily drive nitrous oxide emissions and therefore abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea would be linked to the increase in nitrous oxide emissions under dry conditions favouring nitrification, and (2) diapirism decreases nitrous oxide emissions relative to non-diapiric frost boil under wet conditions that favour denitrification because of the recalcitrant nature of diapiric organic carbon. We used soil samples collected from two High Arctic polar deserts (dolomite and granite) near Alexandra Fjord (78 degrees 51'N, 75 degrees 54'W), Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada from July-august 2013. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea did not differ in abundance between diapiric and non-diapiric frost boils within the dolomitic desert; however, within the granitic desert amoA abundance was 22% higher in diapiric frost boils. In both deserts, the increased abundance of archaeal amoA genes was linked to increased nitrous oxide emissions under dry conditions. Under higher soil moisture conditions favouring denitrification, diapiric frost boils emit N2O with higher probability, but at a lower rate, than non-diapiric frost boils. For example, in the dolomitic desert, diaprism increased the probability of N2O emissions by 104% but decreased the LS mean value of the emission rate by 36%. Similarly, diapirism increased the emission probability by 26% but decreased the LS mean value by 68% within the granitic desert. Under wet conditions, site preference values suggested that fungal and bacterial denitrification were important nitrous oxide emission processes. Our study shows that diapirism is a key cryoturbation process for nitrous oxide emissions in polar deserts primarily through diapirism's alteration of emission probability and the magnitude of the emissions.