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Lakes are commonly accepted as a sensitive indicator of regional climate change, including the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This study took the Ranwu Lake, located in the southeastern TP, as the research object to investigate the relationship between the lake and regional hydroclimatological regimes. The well-known Budyko framework was utilized to explore the relationship and its causes. The results showed air temperature, evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration in the Ranwu Lake Basin generally increased, while precipitation, soil moisture, and glacier area decreased. The Budyko space indicated that the basin experienced an obviously drying phase first, and then a slightly wetting phase. An overall increase in lake area appears inconsistent with the drying phase of the basin climate. The inconsistency is attributable to the significant expansion of proglacial lakes due to glacial melting, possibly driven by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Our findings should be helpful for understanding the complicated relationships between lakes and climate, and beneficial to water resources management under changing climates, especially in glacier basins.

期刊论文 2025-05-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2025.132685 ISSN: 0022-1694

Ny-& Aring;lesund, located in Arctic Svalbard, is one of the most sensitive areas on Earth to global warming. In recent years, accelerated glacier ablation has become remarkable in Ny-& Aring;lesund. Glacial meltwaters discharge a substantial quantity of materials to the ocean, affecting downstream ecosystems and adjacent oceans. In August 2015, various water samples were taken near Ny-& Aring;lesund, including ice marginal meltwater, proglacial meltwater, supraglacial meltwater, englacial meltwater, and groundwater. Trace metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), major ions, alkalinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and electric conductivity were also measured. Major ions were mainly controlled by chemical weathering intensity and reaction types, while trace metals were influenced by both chemical weathering and physicochemical control upon their mobility. Indeed, we found that Br & oslash;ggerbreen was dominated by carbonate weathering via carbonation of carbonate, while Austre Lov & eacute;nbreen and Pedersenbreen were dominated by sulfide oxidation coupled with carbonate dissolution with a doubled silicate weathering. The higher enrichment of trace metals in supraglacial meltwater compared to ice marginal and proglacial meltwater suggested anthropogenic pollution from atmospheric deposition. In ice marginal and proglacial meltwater, principal component analysis indicated that trace metals like Cr, Al, Co, Mn and Cd were correlated to chemical weathering. This implies that under accelerated glacier retreat, glacier-derived chemical components are subjected to future changes in weathering types and intensity.

期刊论文 2024-10-01 DOI: 10.1007/s13131-024-2385-9 ISSN: 0253-505X

Water resources are rich on the Tibetan Plateau, with large amounts of glaciers, lakes, and permafrost. Terrestrial water storage (TWS) on the Tibetan Plateau has experienced a significant change in recent decades. However, there is a lack of research about the spatial difference between TWSC and lake water storage change (LWSC), which is helpful to understand the response of water storage to climate change. In this study, we estimate the change in TWS, lake water storage (LWS), soil moisture, and permafrost, respectively, according to satellite and model data during 2005-2013 in the inner Tibetan Plateau and glacial meltwater from previous literature. The results indicate a sizeable spatial difference between TWSC and LWSC. LWSC was mainly concentrated in the northeastern part (18.71 +/- 1.35 Gt, 37.7% of the total) and southeastern part (22.68 +/- 1.63 Gt, 45.6% of the total), but the increased TWS was mainly in the northeastern region (region B, 18.96 +/- 1.26 Gt, 57%). Based on mass balance, LWSC was the primary cause of TWSC for the entire inner Tibetan Plateau. However, the TWS of the southeastern part increased by 3.97 +/- 2.5 Gt, but LWS had increased by 22.68 +/- 1.63 Gt, and groundwater had lost 16.91 +/- 7.26 Gt. The increased TWS in the northeastern region was equivalent to the increased LWS, and groundwater had increased by 4.47 +/- 4.87 Gt. Still, LWS only increased by 2.89 +/- 0.21 Gt in the central part, and the increase in groundwater was the primary cause of TWSC. These results suggest that the primary cause of increased TWS shows a sizeable spatial difference. According to the water balance, an increase in precipitation was the primary cause of lake expansion for the entire inner Tibetan Plateau, which contributed 73% (36.28 Gt) to lake expansion (49.69 +/- 3.58 Gt), and both glacial meltwater and permafrost degradation was 13.5%.

期刊论文 2021-05-01 DOI: 10.3390/rs13101984

Snowpack and glacial melt samples were collected to understand the hydrochemical, isotopic characteristics and the source of Hg contamination in high altitude glacierized Himalayan catchment. Both the snow and glacial melt were acidic in nature with calcium and magnesium as the dominant cations and bicarbonate and chloride as the dominant anions. The major ion concentrations for cations were found to be Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+>K+ and HCO3->Cl->SO42->NO3- for anions. The atmospheric processes like the precipitation source and aerosol scavenging control the snow chemistry and the weathering of the rocks modify the hydrochemistry of glacial melt. The samples of both the snow and glacial melt were classified as Ca-Mg-HCO3- type. The concentration of Hg in snow (154.95ngL(-1)) and glacial melt (112.04ngL(-1)) was highest (still lower compared to the maximum permissible limit (1000ngL(-1)) by WHO in drinking water) during summer season (August-September) and lowest (snow 2.2 and 40.01ngL(-1) for glacial melt) during winter (November). The results reveal that mercury concentration in snowpacks is attributed to the combined mixing of long-range transport of pollutants via westerlies throughout the year and the industrial effluents coming from highly industrial belts of Panjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Indo-Gangetic plains, and neighboring areas via southwest monsoons during August-September. However, in glacial melt, the Hg concentration was typically controlled by rate of melting, leaching, and percolation. Higher degree and rate of glacial melting decreases the Hg concentration in glacial melt. Stable isotopic analysis and backward air mass trajectory modeling also corroborate the source of precipitation from southwest monsoons during August-September, with its air mass trajectories passing through the highly industrialized belts of Indo-Gangetic plain and adjoining areas.

期刊论文 2019-04-01 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7338-y ISSN: 0167-6369

We present concentrations of environmentally available (unfiltered acidified 2% v/v HNO3) As, Cu, Cd, Pb, V, Sr, and major ions including Ca2+, Cl-, and SO42- in a July 2005 and a March 2006 shallow snow profile from the lower Eliot Glacier, Mount Hood, Oregon, and its proglacial stream, Eliot Creek. Low enrichment factors (EF) with respect to crustal averages suggests that in fresh March 2006 snow environmentally available elements are derived primarily from lithogenic Sources. Soluble salts Occurred in lower and less variable concentrations in July 2005 snow than March 2006. Conversely, environmentally available trace elements Occurred in greater and more variable concentrations in July 2005 than March 2006 snow. Unlike major Solutes, particulate-associated trace elements are not readily eluted during the melt season. Additionally, elevated surface concentrations suggest that they are likely added throughout the year via dry deposition. In a 1-h stream sampling, ratios of dissolved (<0.45 mu m) V : Cl-, Sr : Cl-, and Cu : Cl- are enriched in the Eliot Stream with respect to their environmentally available trace element to Cl- ratios in Eliot Glacier snow, suggesting chemical weathering additions in the stream waters. Dissolved Ph : Cl- is depleted in the Eliot Stream with respect to the ratio of environmentally available Pb to Cl- in snow, corresponding to greater adsorption onto particles at greater pH values. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

期刊论文 2009-10-15 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7418 ISSN: 0885-6087
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