The southeastern Tibetan Plateau (SETP), which hosts the most extensive marine glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), exhibits enhanced sensitivity to climatic fluctuations. Under global warming, persistent glacier mass depletion within the SETP poses a risk to water resource security and sustainability in adjacent nations and regions. This study deployed a high-precision ICESat-2 satellite altimetry technique to evaluate SETP glacier thickness changes from 2018 to 2022. Our results show that the average change rate in glacier thickness in the SETP is -0.91 +/- 0.18 m/yr, and the corresponding glacier mass change is -7.61 +/- 1.52 Gt/yr. In the SETP, the glacier mass loss obtained via ICESat-2 data is larger than the mass change in total land water storage observed by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment follow-on satellite (GRACE-FO), -5.13 +/- 2.55 Gt/yr, which underscores the changes occurring in other land water components, including snow (-0.44 +/- 0.09 Gt/yr), lakes (-0.06 +/- 0.02 Gt/yr), soil moisture (1.88 +/- 1.83 Gt/yr), and groundwater (1.45 +/- 0.70 Gt/yr), with a closure error of -0.35 Gt/yr. This demonstrates that this dramatic glacier mass loss is the main reason for the decrease in total land water storage in the SETP. Generally, there are decreasing trends in solid water storage (glacier and snow) against stable or increasing trends in liquid water storage (lakes, soil moisture, and groundwater) in the SETP. This persistent decrease in solid water is linked to the enhanced melting induced by rising temperatures. Given the decreasing trend in summer precipitation, the surge in liquid water in the SETP should be principally ascribed to the increased melting of solid water.
2024-03-01 Web of ScienceExtreme heat events in the summer of 2022 were observed in Eurasia, North America and China. Glaciers are a unique indicator of climate change, and the European Alps experienced substantial glacier mass loss as a result of the conditions in 2022, which prompted a wide range of community concerns. However, relevant findings for glaciers in China have not been currently reported. Here, we document the response of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in the eastern Tien Shan to the extreme heat observed in 2022 based on in situ measurements that span more than 60 years. In 2022, Urumqi Glacier No. 1 exhibited the second largest annual mass loss on record, and the summer mass balance was the most negative on record. The hottest summer on record and relatively lower solid precipitation ratio contributed to the exceptional mass losses at Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in 2022, demonstrating the significant influence of heatwaves on extreme glacier melt in China.
2024Extreme heat events in the summer of 2022 were observed in Eurasia, North America and China. Glaciers are a unique indicator of climate change, and the European Alps experienced substantial glacier mass loss as a result of the conditions in 2022, which prompted a wide range of community concerns. However, relevant findings for glaciers in China have not been currently reported. Here, we document the response of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in the eastern Tien Shan to the extreme heat observed in 2022 based on in situ measurements that span more than 60 years. In 2022, Urumqi Glacier No. 1 exhibited the second largest annual mass loss on record, and the summer mass balance was the most negative on record. The hottest summer on record and relatively lower solid precipitation ratio contributed to the exceptional mass losses at Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in 2022, demonstrating the significant influence of heatwaves on extreme glacier melt in China.
2024As an icon of anthropogenic climate change, alpine glaciers are highly sensitive to climate change. However, there remain research gaps regarding trends in climate extremes in glacierized regions and their relationship with local glacier mass balance. In this study, these re-lationships and their underlying links were explored in a typical glacierized region in the Eastern Tianshan Mountains, China, from 1959 to 2018. All warm extremes exhibited increasing trends that intensified dramatically from the 1990s. Meanwhile, decreasing trends were found for all cold extremes except for the temperatures of the coldest days and coldest nights. All of the precipitation extremes demonstrated increasing trends, except for consecutive dry days and consecutive wet days. Statistically significant positive/negative correlations were detected between glacier mass balance and six warm extremes (TN90p, TX90p, SU99p, TR95p, TXx, and TNx)/four cold extremes (TN10p, TX10p, FD0, and ID0). Simulation results showed that the impact of the intensity/frequency of the warm extremes (TN90p, TX90p, SU99p, and TR95p) on glacier ablation was remarkable and the effect of the cold extremes (FD0 and ID0) on accumulation was also significant. Additionally, the increases in the intensity and frequency of most climate extremes seemed more remarkable in glacierized regions than in non-glacierized regions. Hence, studies on glacier-climate interactions should focus greater attention on the impacts of climate extremes on glacier evolution.
2022-12The eastern Tien Shan hosts substantial mid-latitude glaciers, but in situ glacier mass balance records are extremely sparse. Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 (eastern Tien Shan, China) is one of the very few well-measured glaciers, and comprehensive glaciological measurements were implemented from 1999 to 2011 and re-established in 2017. Mass balance of Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 (1999-2015) has recently been reported, but the mass balance record has not extended to the period before 1999. Here, we used a 1:50,000-scale topographic map and long-range terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to calculate the area, volume, and mass changes for Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 from 1964 to 2018. Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 lost 0.34 km(2) (at a rate of 0.006 km(2) a(-1) or 0.42% a(-1)) of its area during the period 1964-2018. The glacier experienced clearly negative surface elevation changes and geodetic mass balance. Thinning occurred almost across the entire glacier surface, with a mean value of -0.43 +/- 0.12 m a(-1). The calculated average geodetic mass balance was -0.36 +/- 0.12 m w.e. a(-1). Without considering the error bounds of mass balance estimates, glacier mass loss over the past 50 years was in line with the observed and modeled mass balance (-0.37 +/- 0.22 m w.e. a(-1)) that was published for short time intervals since 1999 but was slightly less negative than glacier mass loss in the entire eastern Tien Shan. Our results indicate that Riegl VZ (R)-6000 TLS can be widely used for mass balance measurements of unmonitored individual glaciers.
2022-01Glacier shrinkage and permafrost degradation have significantly altered the hydrological processes in cryospheric regions through releasing water and absorbing more energy from the ground. Considering the upper Shule River Basin (USRB) as a typical cryospheric-dominated watershed on the Tibetan Plateau, an extended Budyko framework considering glacier shrinkage and permafrost degradation was constructed to investigate their contributions to runoff change. Runoff exhibited a significant increasing trend during 1970-2015, with a tipping point appearing around 1998. Thus, 1970-1998 and 1999-2015 were identified as the baseline and changing periods, respectively. During the two periods, runoff was the most sensitive to landscape alteration, followed by precipitation. The increase in precipitation contributed 93.1 % to the increase in runoff, while its effect was partially offset by the negative contribution of potential evapotranspiration (-3.9 %). Glacier shrinkage and permafrost degradation accounted for a 8.0 % and 24.8 % increase in runoff, respectively. Part of these increases were offset by changes in other landscape factors (-22.0 %). Our study elucidates the impacts of glacier shrinkage and permafrost degradation on hydrological processes in cryospheric basins.
2021-11To assess the change of glacier mass balance (GMB) in the Poiqu/Bhotekoshi basin in the context of global warming, this study applied a conceptual Hydrologiska Bryans Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) hydrological model to quantify the GMB in the area. The HBV model was trained and validated based on in-situ hydro meteorological data from 10 weather stations in the basin. The dataset, which consists of the daily observations for both rainfall and air temperature, was partitioned into two decades, 1988-1998 and 1999-2008 for calibration and validation, respectively. The calibrated model was adopted to restore the daily runoff depth and then estimate the annual changes of GMB in Poiqu/Bhotekoshi basin over the period of 1988-2008. Results show that the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (R-eff) of the daily runoff depth simulation after the runoff calibration process was above 0.802. Therefore, the simulated values of the HBV model are reliable and can be used to estimate the GMB of Himalayan cross-border glacial mountain basins with huge elevation difference, and provide scientific data support for water resources management. Furthermore, the result demonstrated a slow year-by-year rise of snow water equivalent because of global warming, and it highly correlates with the soil moisture, the spring temperature and the summer precipitation.
2021-08-01 Web of ScienceThe glaciers in the Sawir Mountains are an important freshwater resource, and glaciers have been experiencing a continuing retreat over the past few decades. However, studies on detailed glacier mass changes are currently sparse. Here, we present the high-precision evolution of annual surface elevation and geodetic mass changes in the ablation area of the Muz Taw Glacier (Sawir Mountains, China) over the latest three consecutive mass-balance years (2017-2020) based on multi-temporal terrestrial geodetic surveys. Our results revealed clearly surface lowering and negative geodetic mass changes, and the spatial changing patterns were generally similar for the three periods with the most negative surface lowering (approximately -5.0 to -4.0 m a(-1)) around the glacier terminus. The gradient of altitudinal elevation changes was commonly steep at the low elevations and gentle in the upper-elevation parts, and reduced surface lowering was observed at the glacier terminus. Resulting emergence velocities ranged from 0.11 to 0.86 m a(-1) with pronounced spatial variability, which was mainly controlled by surface slope, ice thickness, and the movement of tributary glaciers. Meanwhile, emergence velocities slightly compensated the surface ablation at the ablation area with a proportion of 14.9%, and dynamic thickening had small contributions to glacier surface evolution. Limited annual precipitation and glacier accumulation may result in these weak contributions. Higher-resolution surveys at the seasonal and monthly scales are required to get insight into the mass balance processes and their mechanism.
2021-04Based on glacio-meteorological records, 7 years of in-situ mass balance data, and a temperature-index model, the long-term annual and seasonal mass balances of Shiyi Glacier in the northeast Tibetan Plateau (TP) were reconstructed from 1963/64 to 2016/17. Variations were then linked to local climatic and macroscale circulation changes. The model was calibrated based on in-situ mass balance data and was driven by daily air temperature and precipitation data recorded at nearby alpine meteorological stations. The results show that the reconstructed annual mass balance experienced an overall downward trend over the past 54 years, with a remarkably high mass loss rate during 1990/91-2016/17. Analysis of mass balance sensitivity and local climatic changes shows that the pronounced mass loss since the 1990s can be mainly attributed to cumulative positive temperature increases caused by air temperature increases and prolongation of the ablation season. From the perspective of macroscale circulation, the reconstructed annual mass balance values correlate well with zonal wind speeds (June to September) in the glacierized region. For the positive/negative phase of the annual mass balance, an inverse spatial pattern in relation to geopotential height change (low/high-pressure centres) and corresponding conversion of cyclonic/anti-cyclonic circulation were present in northern hemisphere mid-latitudes. Comparative analysis of existing long-term mass balance series over the TP indicates that asynchronous climatic changes in the different glacierized regions led to inconsistent interannual fluctuations in glacier mass balance.
2021-02Melt-albedo feedback on glaciers is recognized as important processes for understanding glacier behavior and its sensitivity to climate change. This study selected the Muz Taw Glacier in the Altai Mountains to investigate the spatiotemporal variations in albedo and their linkages with mass balance, which will improve our knowledge of the recent acceleration of regional glacier shrinkage. Based on the Landsat-derived albedo, the spatial distribution of ablation-period albedo was characterized by a general increase with elevation, and significant east-west differences at the same elevation. The gap-filling MODIS values captured a nonsignificant negative trend of mean ablation-period albedo since 2000, with a total decrease of approximately 4.2%. From May to September, glacier-wide albedo exhibited pronounced V-shaped seasonal variability. A significant decrease in annual minimum albedo was found from 2000 to 2021, with the rate of approximately -0.30% yr(-1) at the 99% confidence level. The bivariate relationship demonstrated that the change of ablation-period albedo explained 82% of the annual mass-balance variability. We applied the albedo method to estimate annual mass balance over the period 2000-2015. Combined with observed values, the average mass balance was -0.82 +/- 0.32 m w.e. yr(-1) between 2000 and 2020, with accelerated mass loss.