A comprehensive global investigation on the impact of reduction (changes) in aerosol emissions due to Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) lockdowns on aerosol single scattering albedo (SSA) utilizing satellite observations and model simulations is conducted for the first time. The absolute change in Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) retrieved, and two highly-spatially resolved models (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA-2) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)) simulated SSA is <4% (<0.04-0.05) globally during COVID (2020) compared to normal (2015-2019) period. Change in SSA during COVID is not significantly different from long-term and year-to-year variability in SSA. A small change in SSA indicates that significant reduction in anthropogenic aerosol emissions during COVID-19 induced lockdowns has a negligible effect in changing the net contribution of aerosol scattering and/or absorption to total aerosol extinction. The changes in species-wise aerosol optical depth (AOD) are examined in detail to explain the observed changes in SSA. Model simulations show that total AOD decreased during COVID-19 lockdowns, consistent with satellite observations. The respective contributions of sulfate and black carbon (BC) to total AOD increased, which resulted in a negligible change in SSA during the spring and summer seasons of COVID over South Asia. Europe and North America experience a small increase in SSA (<2%) during the summer season of COVID due to a decrease in BC contribution. The change in SSA (2%) is the same for a small change in BC AOD contribution (3%), and for a significant change in sulfate AOD contribution (20%) to total AOD. Since, BC SSA is 5-times lower (higher absorption) than that of sulfate SSA, the change in SSA remains the same. For a significant change in SSA to occur, the BC AOD contribution needs to be changed significantly (4-5 times) compared to other aerosol species. A sensitivity analysis reveals that change in aerosol radiative forcing during COVID is primarily dependent on change in AOD rather than SSA. These quantitative findings can be useful to devise more suitable future global and regional mitigation strategies aimed at regulating aerosol emissions to reduce environmental impacts, air pollution, and public health risks.
2024-09-15 Web of ScienceThe present world faces a new threat of ancient microbes and resistomes that are locked in the cryosphere and now releasing upon thawing due to climate change and anthropogenic activities. The cryosphere act as the best preserving place for these microbes and resistomes that stay alive for millions of years. Current reviews extensively discussed whether the resurrection of microbes and resistomes existing in these pristine environments is true or just a hype. Release of these ancient microorganisms and naked DNA is of great concern for society as these microbes can either cause infections directly or they can interact with contemporary microorganisms and affect their fitness, survival, and mutation rate. Moreover, the contemporary microorganisms may uptake the unlocked naked DNA, which might transform non-pathogenic microorganisms into deadly antibiotic-resistant microbes. Additionally, the resurrection of glacial microorganisms can cause adverse effects on ecosystems downstream. The release of glacial pathogens and naked DNA is real and can lead to fatal outbreaks; therefore, we must prepare ourselves for the possible reemergence of diseases caused by these microbes. This study provides a scientific base for the adoption of actions by international cooperation to develop preventive measures.
2024-06Global alpine ecosystems contain a large amount of carbon, which is sensitive to global change. Changes to alpine carbon sources and sinks have implications for carbon and climate feedback processes. To date, few studies have quantified the spatial-temporal variations in ecosystem carbon storage and its response to global change in the alpine regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Ecosystem carbon storage in the northeastern QTP between 2001 and 2019 was simulated and systematically analyzed using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model. Furthermore, the Hurst exponent was obtained and used as an input to perform an analysis of the future dynamic consistency of ecosystem carbon storage. Our study results demonstrated that: (1) regression between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and biomass (coefficient of determination (R-2) = 0.974, p < 0.001), and between NDVI and soil organic carbon density (SOCD) (R-2 = 0.810, p < 0.001) were valid; (2) the spatial distribution of ecosystem carbon storage decreased from the southeast to the northwest; (3) ecosystem carbon storage increased by 13.69% between 2001 and 2019, and the significant increases mainly occurred in the low-altitude regions; (4) climate and land use (LULC) changes caused increases in ecosystem carbon storage of 4.39 Tg C and 2.25 Tg C from 2001 to 2019, respectively; and (5) the future trend of ecosystem carbon storage in 92.73% of the study area shows high inconsistency but that in 7.27% was consistent. This study reveals that climate and LULC changes have positive effects on ecosystem carbon storage in the alpine regions of the QTP, which will provide valuable information for the formulation of eco-environmental policies and sustainable development.
2024-04-15Satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) dynamics have been increasingly used to study various geophysical processes. This review provides an extensive overview of the applications of LST in the context of global change. By filtering a selection of relevant keywords, a total of 164 articles from 14 international journals published during the last two decades were analyzed based on study location, research topic, applied sensor, spatio-temporal resolution and scale and employed analysis methods. It was revealed that China and the USA were the most studied countries and those that had the most first author affiliations. The most prominent research topic was the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI), while the research topics related to climate change were underrepresented. MODIS was by far the most used sensor system, followed by Landsat. A relatively small number of studies analyzed LST dynamics on a global or continental scale. The extensive use of MODIS highly determined the study periods: A majority of the studies started around the year 2000 and thus had a study period shorter than 25 years. The following suggestions were made to increase the utilization of LST time series in climate research: The prolongation of the time series by, e.g., using AVHRR LST, the better representation of LST under clouds, the comparison of LST to traditional climate change measures, such as air temperature and reanalysis variables, and the extension of the validation to heterogenous sites.
2023-04-01 Web of ScienceIt is of prime importance to understand feedbacks due to the release of carbon (C) stored in permafrost soils (permafrost-climate feedback) and direct impacts of climatic variations on permafrost dynamics therefore received considerable attention. However, indirect effects of global change, such as the variation in soil nutrient availability and grazing pressure, can alter soil and surface properties of the Arctic tundra, with the potential to modify soil heat transfers toward the permafrost and impact resilience of Arctic ecosystems. We determined the potential of nutrient availability and grazing to alter soil energy balance using a 16-year split-plot experiment crossing fertilization at different doses of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) with protection from goose grazing. Moss biomass and some determinants of the surface energy budget (leaf area index (LAI), dead vascular plant biomass and albedo) were quantified and active layer thaw depth repeatedly measured during three growing seasons. We measured soil physical properties and thermal conductivity and used a physical model to link topsoil organic accumulation processes to heat transfer. Fertilization increased LAI and albedo, whereas grazing decreased dead vascular plant biomass and albedo. Fertilization increased organic accumulation at the top of the soil leading to drier and more porous topsoil, whereas grazing increased water content of topsoil. As a result, topsoil thermal conductivity was higher in grazed plots than in ungrazed ones. Including these properties into a simulation model, we showed that, after 16 years, nutrient addition tended to shallow the active layer whereas grazing deepened mean July active layer by 3.3 cm relative to ungrazed subplots. As a result of OM accumulation at the surface, fertilization increased permafrost vertical aggradation rate by almost an order of magnitude (up to 5 mm year(-1) instead of 0.7 mm year(-1)), whereas grazing slowed down permafrost aggradation by reducing surface uprising and deepening thaw depth. Synthesis. We demonstrated that long-term grazing and N and P addition, through their impact on vegetation and soil properties have the potential to impact permafrost dynamics to the same extent as contemporary temperature increase in High Arctic polygonal wetlands.
2023-02-01 Web of ScienceLandslides induced by freeze-thaw processes on grasslands are one of the major geohazards, and their scale and frequency are increasing as the global warms. Freeze-thaw induced landslides degrade surface vegetation and soil properties, reduce biodiversity, intensify landscape fragmentation, and lead to losses in economy, human and animal lives. Despite substantial progress in research on landslides, there has been little study focused on how ground freeze-thaw events affect landslides. By critically analyzing previous studies, this paper proposes a conceptual framework for the forms and types, development, dominant factors, monitoring techniques, and impact mechanisms of freeze-thaw induced landslides. Landslides are controlled by soil characteristics and topographic slope, which are major intrinsic determinants. Increased rainfall, rising temperatures, and thickening active layer due to climate change are all direct drivers of freeze-thaw induced landslides. Vegetation conditions, animal behavior interference, and wind erosion all affect the occurrence and development process of landslides by modifying vegetation cover, soil physical and chemical properties, and structure. Currently, landslide monitoring techniques have evolved rapidly with improved efficiency and accuracy, but with only few applications for freeze-thaw induced landslides. There are a variety of prediction models for landslides, but few consider freeze-thaw effects and lack field validation. The new perspective on the occurring types and dominant factors enhances theoretical understanding of the formation mechanisms, which helps further monitor and analysis of freeze-thaw induced landslides. Future studies should concentrate on the coupling mechanism of multiple factors and the development of an accurate prediction system, which will greatly benefit the understanding and early detection of freeze-thaw induced landslides.
2022-12-01 Web of ScienceUnderstanding vegetation changes and their driving forces in global alpine areas is critical in the context of climate change. We aimed to reveal the changing trend in global alpine vegetation from 1981 to 2015 using the least squares regression method and Mann-Kendall (MK) test. The area-of-influence dominated by anthropogenic activity and natural factors was determined in an area with significant vegetation change by residual analysis; the primary driving force of vegetation change in the area-of-influence dominated by natural factors was identified using the partial correlation method. The results showed that (1) the vegetation in the global alpine area exhibited a browning trend from 1981 to 2015 on the annual scale; however, a greening trend was observed from May to July on the month scale. (2) The influence of natural factors was greater than that of anthropogenic activities, and the positive impact of natural factors was greater than the negative impact. (3) Among the factors that were often considered as the main natural factors, the contribution of albedo to significant changes in vegetation were greater than that of temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, and sunshine duration. This study provides a scientific basis for the protection of vegetation and sustainable development in alpine regions.
2022-07-01 Web of ScienceThe northeastern Tibetan Plateau (NETP), bordering the endorheic lake basins and the Upper Yellow River region, has been disturbed by increasing human activities in recent years. The NETP water storage changes could be a combined effect of climate variability/change and human activities (e.g., reservoir operation). However, whether the human activities have evidently altered hydrological processes and become key drivers of total terrestrial water storage (TWS) changes in the NETP remains unclear. To explore the roles of human interventions in changing surface water storage (SWS) and thus influencing regional TWS changes in the NETP, in comparison with natural drivers, this study quantitatively disaggregated and compared the contributions of TWS changes from climate-dominated natural lakes and man-regulated reservoirs at different timescales. Time series of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) TWS anomalies (TWSA) exhibited an overall upward trend (0.78 +/- 0.06 Gt/yr, p < 0.01) with evident periodic fluctuations from April 2002 to August 2020. Although the GRACE TWSA was more substantially influenced by changes in natural lake water storage (0.96 +/- 0.02 Gt/ yr) rather than reservoirs (0.54 +/- 0.04 Gt/yr) in the long-term trend, the man-regulated reservoir water storage changes can significantly dominate the GRACE TWSA on interannual and intra-annual timescales, especially in the second sub-period (2013.01-2017.06; GRACE TWSA change rate:-1.82 +/- 0.29 Gt/yr, p < 0.01, in comparison with the change rate of reservoir water storage of-1.28 +/- 0.17 Gt/yr, and the natural lakes of 0.72 +/- 0.07 Gt/yr). In some abnormal years, the reservoir storage changes were even close to the overall signal of region-wide GRACE TWSA. In addition, the increase in soil moisture storage (long-term linear trend: 0.65 +/- 0.06 Gt/yr, p < 0.01) was also a key factor that cannot be neglected. Our results suggest that human activities are becoming one of the key factors influencing TWS changes in the NETP.
2022-05-01 Web of ScienceThe Arctic region is a unique environment, subject to extreme environmental conditions, shaping life therein and contributing to its sensitivity to environmental change. The Arctic is under increasing environmental pressure from anthropogenic activity and global warming. The unique microbial diversity of Arctic regions, that has a critical role in biogeochemical cycling and in the production of greenhouse gases, will be directly affected by and affect, global changes. This article reviews current knowledge and understanding of microbial taxonomic and functional diversity in Arctic soils, the contributions of microbial diversity to ecosystem processes and their responses to environmental change. (C) 2015 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
2015-12-01 Web of ScienceDespite growing recognition of the role that cities have in global biogeochemical cycles, urban systems are among the least understood of all ecosystems. Urban grasslands are expanding rapidly along with urbanization, which is expected to increase at unprecedented rates in upcoming decades. The large and increasing area of urban grasslands and their impact on water and air quality justify the need for a better understanding of their biogeochemical cycles. There is also great uncertainty about the effect that climate change, especially changes in winter snow cover, will have on nutrient cycles in urban grasslands. We aimed to evaluate how reduced snow accumulation directly affects winter soil frost dynamics, and indirectly greenhouse gas fluxes and the processing of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) during the subsequent growing season in northern urban grasslands. Both artificial and natural snow reduction increased winter soil frost, affecting winter microbial C and N processing, accelerating C and N cycles and increasing soil:atmosphere greenhouse gas exchange during the subsequent growing season. With lower snow accumulations that are predicted with climate change, we found decreases in N retention in these ecosystems, and increases in N2O and CO2 flux to the atmosphere, significantly increasing the global warming potential of urban grasslands. Our results suggest that the environmental impacts of these rapidly expanding ecosystems are likely to increase as climate change brings milder winters and more extensive soil frost.
2013-09-01 Web of Science