The growth resilience of forests to extreme drought event has become an urgent topic in global change ecology because of exacerbated water constraints upon trees' growth over the last few decades. Yet, surprisingly little is empirically known about the contribution of stand age, a key factor influencing forest structure and ecological processes, to variation in growth resilience among stands. This study revealed discrepancies in the drought resilience of forests of different stand ages by analyzing an extensive tree-ring dataset from Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.), a typical moisture-sensitive tree species in northwestern China. We found that older growth Qinghai spruce forest stands have higher resistance to droughts than do younger growth ones. Conversely, however, the post-drought recoveries of these older growth forest stands are lower than those of the younger growth stands. Patterns in the variation of resilience indices were consistent between two contrasting hydrological niche regions, whereas the stand age-related discrepancies in drought resilience became significantly smaller going from the wetter region to the drier region. These findings imply that, instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy, more meticulous and more targeted strategies are needed to enhance forest management and strengthen forest conservation given the experienced and projected climate trends, which feature increasing precipitation but higher extreme-drought frequency across this spruce tree's habitat and distribution in northwestern China.
Understanding the impact of management upon post-drought tree growth recovery and drought legacy effects is among the fundamental challenges hindering the improvement of forest conservation strategies in the face of increasingly frequent, longer, and intensified extreme droughts under ongoing climate change. Yet surprisingly little is known to date about how management practices can influence drought legacy effects; and previous studies of management impacts on forest resilience to drought have reached inconsistent and contentious conclusions. This study sought to tackle these pressing questions and gain insight by analyzing tree-ring datasets from non-managed and managed Qinghai spruce forests in northwestern China. The results show improved growth resilience to drought of those trees under management practices. Moreover, Qinghai spruce radial growth in non-managed forest exhibited significant legacy effects of extreme drought, whereas such legacy effects were mitigated in managed forest. Nevertheless, both the resilience augmentation and the mitigation of drought legacy effects by management were much weaker in the face of a three-year persistent drought than a single-year event. Hence, we may conclude that current management practices are advantageous and necessary for forest conservation under exacerbated drought conditions, for which strategies and measures should be better thought out and tailored to specific situations, rather than being one-size-fits-all, to better serve the goals of forest managers and conservationists.
Recently, forests in the Tianshan Mountains have shown a marked decline in growth and an increased mortality rate because of the more frequent and severe effects of extreme drought, which threatens the ecosystem services they provide. To achieve forest conservation and sustainable development benefits, it is crucial to understand the post-drought recovery trajectory of tree growth and its driving factors. In this study, we quantified the growth recovery performance of dominant tree species in the Tianshan Mountains after extreme drought events and determined the influences of climate factors on forest growth resilience using tree-ring proxy data. The results showed that post-drought moisture conditions may determine the post-drought growth recovery of trees. The post-drought growth for 1997 was higher than that for 1974, which may be attributed to the subsequent period of 1997 experiencing very high precipitation, whereas the year following the 1974 drought was dry (Stan-dardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index < 0). Because of the more favorable climate conditions in the post-drought period, the observed relationship between resistance and recovery in 1997 showed a closer fit to the hypothetical line of full resilience which sets resilience to a constant value of 1, allowing trees to recover fully at any given value of resistance. Trees showed lower mean values of the tree growth recovery index (RC) and average recovery rate (ARR) and higher mean values of total growth reduction (TGR) and recovery period (RE) for the drought event in 1974 than that in 1997. We distinguished the relative influence of temperature and precipitation on different drought phases using Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) model. The results showed that the climate conditions during the drought year and subsequent precipitation variation were most influential variables for tree growth recovery. Specifically, post-drought precipitation explained up to 20 % of the variance in RC, TGR, RE, and ARR. These findings deepen our understanding of the impacts of prolonged drought on tree growth, which could aid in developing forest management and conservation strategies to respond to extreme drought.