Robust estimates of historical changes in aerosols are key for accurate constraints on climate sensitivity. Dry deposition is a primary sink of aerosols from the atmosphere. However, most global climate models do not accurately represent observed strong dependencies of dry deposition following turbulent transport on aerosol size. It is unclear whether there is a substantial impact of mischaracterized aerosol deposition velocities on historical aerosol changes. Here we describe improved mechanistic representation of aerosol dry deposition in the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) global climate model, ModelE, and illustrate the impact on 1850-2000 changes in global aerosol burdens as well as aerosol direct and cloud albedo effects using a set of 1850 and 2000 time slice simulations. We employ two aerosol configurations of ModelE (a bulk mass-based configuration and a configuration that more explicitly represents aerosol size distributions, internal mixing, and microphysics) to explore how model structural differences in aerosol representation alter the response to representation of dry deposition. Both configurations show larger historical increases in the global burdens of non-dust aerosols with the new dry deposition scheme, by 11% in the simpler mass-based configuration and 23% in the more complex microphysical configuration. Historical radiative forcing responses, which vary in magnitude from 5% to 12% as well as sign, depend on the aerosol configuration. Numerical models representing the Earth system are important tools for understanding the drivers of climate change and variability. Particles (also known as aerosols) in the atmosphere can influence climate by scattering or absorbing solar radiation and influencing clouds. How the amount of particles in the atmosphere has changed since preindustrial times is very uncertain. Many processes impact particle spatial distributions and changes with time, as well as how particles influence climate. Sources and sinks of particles need to be represented well in order to have confidence in estimates of changes in particles. Here we more accurately simulate dry deposition, which is a sink of particles, in a numerical model that represents the Earth system, and examine impacts on changes in the amount of particles in the atmosphere from preindustrial times to present day and the particles' influence on climate. ModelE now has process-based representation of aerosol dry deposition, and captures strong observed dependencies on particle size Increases from 1850 to 2000 in the global non-dust aerosol annual burdens are 11%-23% larger with more mechanistic dry deposition Historical radiative forcing responses (-12% to +6%) depend on aerosol representation (e.g., microphysics and mixing state)
Light-absorbing organic carbon (OC), sometimes known as Brown Carbon (BrC), has been recognized as an important fraction of carbonaceous aerosols substantially affecting radiative forcing. This study firstly developed a bottom-up estimate of global primary BrC, and discussed its spatiotemporal distribution and source contributions from 1960 to 2010. The global total primary BrC emission from both natural and anthropogenic sources in 2010 was 7.26 (5.98-8.93 as an interquartile range) Tg, with 43.5% from anthropogenic sources. High primary BrC emissions were in regions such as Africa, South America, South and East Asia with natural sources (wild fires and deforestation) contributing over 70% in the former two regions, while in East Asia, anthropogenic sources, especially residential solid fuel combustion, accounted for over 80% of the regional total BrC emissions. Globally, the historical trend was mainly driven by anthropogenic sources, which increased from 1960 to 1990 and then started to decline. Res-idential emissions significantly impacted on emissions and temporal trends that varied by region. In South and Southeast Asia, the emissions increased obviously due to population growth and a slow transition from solid fuels to clean modern energies in the residential sector. It is estimated that in primary OC, the global average was about 20% BrC, but this ratio varied from 13% to 47%, depending on sector and region. In areas with high residential solid fuel combustion emissions, the ratio was generally twice the value in other areas. Uncertainties in the work are associated with the concept of BrC and measurement technologies, pointing to the need for more studies on BrC analysis and quantification in both emissions and the air. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (