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Aviation emissions contribute to climate change and local air pollution, with important contributions from non-CO2 emissions. These exhibit diverse impacts on atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing (RF), varying with location, altitude, and time. Assessments of local mitigation strategies with global emission metrics may overlook this variability, but detailed studies of aviation emissions in areas smaller than continents are scarce. Integrating the AviTeam emission model and OsloCTM3, we quantify CO2, NOx, BC, OC, and SOx emissions, tropospheric concentration changes, RF, region-specific metrics, and assess alternative fuels for Norwegian domestic aviation. Mitigation potentials fora fuel switch to LH2 differ by up to 3.1 x 108 kgCO2-equivalents (GWP20) when using region-specific compared to global metrics. These differences result from a lower, region- specific contribution of non-CO2 emissions, particularly related to NOx. This study underscores the importance of accounting for non-CO2 variability in regional assessments, whether through region-specific metrics or advanced atmospheric modelling techniques.

期刊论文 2024-12-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2024.100301

Snow distribution has been altered over the past decades under global warming, with a significant reduction in duration and extent of snow cover and an increase in unprecedented snowstorms across large areas in cold regions. The altered snow conditions are likely to have immediate (in winter) and carry-over or legacy (which an extended effect might continue in the following spring, summer and autumn) impacts on soil processes and functioning, but a quantification of the legacy effect of snow coverage alternation is still lacking. Furthermore, studies investigating the effect of snow cover changes on soil respiration, soil carbon pools and microbial activity are increasing, but contrasting results of different studies makes it difficult to assess the overall effect of snow cover changes and the underlying mechanisms, thus a systematic and comprehensive meta-analysis is required. In this study, we synthesized the results from 60 papers based on field snow manipulation experiments and conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate immediate and prolonged effects on eight variables related to soil carbon dynamics and microbial activity to snow coverage alternation. Results showed that snow removal had no significant effect on soil respiration, but increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (11.5%) and fungal abundance (32.0%). By contrast, snow addition significantly increased soil respiration (16.3%) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (6.6%). Snow addition had immediate and prolonged impacts on soil carbon dynamics and microbial activity lasting from winter to the following autumn, whereas an effect of snow removal on total organic carbon (TOC) and DOC was detectable only in the following spring. Snow depth, ecosystem and soil types determined the extent of the impact of snow treatments on soil respiration, DOC, MBC and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN). Our findings provide critical insights into understanding how changes in snow coverage affect soil respiration and microbial activity. We suggest future field-based experiments to enhance our understanding the effect of climate change on soil processes and functioning in the winter and the following seasons.

期刊论文 2024-09-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117029 ISSN: 0016-7061

The impacts of alternating dry and wet conditions on water production and carbon uptake at different scales remain unclear, which limits the integrated management of water and carbon. We quantified the response of runoff efficiency (RE) and plant water-use efficiency (PWUE) to a typical shift from dry to wet episode of 2003-2014 in Australia's Murray-Darling basin using good and specific data products for local application, including Australian Water Availabil-ity Project, Penman-Monteith-Leuning Evapotranspiration V2 product, MODIS MCD12Q1 V6 Land Cover Type and MODIS MOD17A3 V055 GPP product. The results show that there are significant power function relationships be-tween RE and precipitation for basin and all ecosystems, while the PWUE had a negative quadratic correlation with precipitation and satisfied the significance levels of 0.05 for basin and the ecosystems except the grassland and crop-land. The shrubs can achieve the best water production and carbon uptake under dry conditions, while the evergreen broadleaf trees and evergreen needleleaf trees can obtain the best water production and carbon uptake in wet condi-tions, respectively. These findings help integrated basin management for balancing water resource production and climate change mitigation.

期刊论文 2023-02-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158359 ISSN: 0048-9697

The snowbed habitats represent a relevant component of the alpine tundra biome, developing in areas characterized by a long-lasting snow cover. Such areas are particularly sensitive to climate changes, because small variations in air temperature, rain, and snowfall may considerably affect the pedoclimate and plant phenology, which control the soil C and N cycling. Therefore, it is fundamental to identify the most sensitive abiotic and biotic variables affecting soil nutrient cycling. This work was performed at seven permanent snowbed sites belonging to Salicetum herbaceae vegetation community in the northwestern Italian Alps, at elevations between 2,686 and 2,840 m.a.s.l. During a four-year study, we investigated climate, pedoclimate, floristic composition, phenology, and soil C and N dynamics. We found that lower soil water content and earlier melt-out day decreased soil N-NH4 (+), N-NO3 (-), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), microbial nitrogen (Nmicr), microbial carbon (Cmicr), and C:Nmicr ratio. The progression of the phenological stages of Salix herbacea reduced soil N-NH4 (+) and increased DOC. Our results showed that the snow melt-out day, soil temperature, soil water content, and plant phenological stages were the most important factors affecting soil biogeochemical cycles, and they should be taken into account when assessing the effects of climate change in alpine tundra ecosystems, in the framework of long-term ecological research.

期刊论文 2022-12-31 DOI: 10.1080/15230430.2022.2104001 ISSN: 1523-0430

Multivariate data assimilation (DA), a novel way to couple big data with land surface models, was extensively employed in forecasting-reanalyzing systems (FRSs), for example, ECMWF and GLDAS. Meanwhile, most (distributed) hydrological models, like soil and water assessment tool (SWAT), have not been equipped with straightforward ways to link to DA algorithms. Therefore, it is one of the main barriers to utilizing such hydrological models in FRSs. This paper deals with multivariate DA into SWAT (DA-SWAT), which is complicated since the original model does not provide full access to the models' initial conditions (ICs) at the hydrologic response unit (HRU) scale. The preceding DA-SWAT works commonly used an integrated approach in which the DA and SWAT codes were implemented in the same programming environment. We discuss how this approach complicates and prevents the application of DA-SWAT in multivariate, multimodel, and multisensor systems. Accordingly, we proposed a new approach for DA-SWAT by which SWAT can be perfectly linked with any DA algorithm of interest coded in any desired programming environment. Our framework utilizes input/output text files to access ICs and to link DA with SWAT. Moreover, we designed some univariate and multivariate scenarios for assimilating in situ streamflow measurement and MODIS's snow cover fraction (SCF) data, which has not yet been focused on in the SWAT calibration context. Results show that compared to the univariate assimilation of streamflow (SCF), the multivariate assimilation mitigates the equifinality problem and more accurately estimates SCF (streamflow) by improving NS and PBIAS measures with the differences of 0.4 (0.86), 12% (64%), respectively.

期刊论文 2022-10-01 DOI: 10.1029/2022WR032397 ISSN: 0043-1397

in the atmosphere. Recently, the warming effect of light-absorbing OC has been emphasized. Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) is commonly used asa surrogate to investigate the light absorption of OC. Thus far, filters with 0.45 pm (PS1) and 0.20 pm pore sizes (PS2) are both used to investigate the light absorption of WSOC, which may cause large divergent results. In this study, we found that the light absorption ability of WSOC treated with PS1 was higher than that of PS2 due to the extinction of suspended particles (e.g., black carbon) with particle size between 0.20 pm and 0.45 pm, although the concentrations of WSOC treated with PS1 and PS2 were very close. This phenomenon was more remarkable at visible wavelengths, resulting in an overestimation of the warming effect of WSOC by 9%- 22% for aerosol samples treated by PS1, with the highest values occurring in samples heavily influenced by fossil fuel burning emissions. An overestimation of WSOC light absorption treated by PS1 occurred in the investigated ambient aerosol samples from three sites, so it may be a general phenomenon that also exists in other regions of the world. Therefore, to achieve the actual solar radiative forcing of OC in the atmosphere, it is recommended to use PS2 in the future, and reported data of WSOC treated by PS1 should be re-evaluated.

期刊论文 2022-08-10 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155286 ISSN: 0048-9697

in the atmosphere. Recently, the warming effect of light-absorbing OC has been emphasized. Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) is commonly used asa surrogate to investigate the light absorption of OC. Thus far, filters with 0.45 pm (PS1) and 0.20 pm pore sizes (PS2) are both used to investigate the light absorption of WSOC, which may cause large divergent results. In this study, we found that the light absorption ability of WSOC treated with PS1 was higher than that of PS2 due to the extinction of suspended particles (e.g., black carbon) with particle size between 0.20 pm and 0.45 pm, although the concentrations of WSOC treated with PS1 and PS2 were very close. This phenomenon was more remarkable at visible wavelengths, resulting in an overestimation of the warming effect of WSOC by 9%- 22% for aerosol samples treated by PS1, with the highest values occurring in samples heavily influenced by fossil fuel burning emissions. An overestimation of WSOC light absorption treated by PS1 occurred in the investigated ambient aerosol samples from three sites, so it may be a general phenomenon that also exists in other regions of the world. Therefore, to achieve the actual solar radiative forcing of OC in the atmosphere, it is recommended to use PS2 in the future, and reported data of WSOC treated by PS1 should be re-evaluated.

期刊论文 2022-08-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155286 ISSN: 0048-9697

Brown carbon (BrC) aerosols have important warming effects on Earth's radiative forcing. However, information on the evolution of the light-absorption properties of BrC aerosols in the Asian outflow region is limited. In this study, we evaluated the light-absorption properties of BrC using in-situ filter measurements and sky radiometer observations of the ground-based remote sensing network SKYradiometer NETwork (SKYNET) made on Fukue Island, western Japan in 2018. The light-absorption coefficient of BrC obtained from filter measurements had a temporal trend similar to that of the ambient concentration of black carbon (BC), indicating that BrC and BC have common combustion sources. The absorption Angstrom exponent in the wavelength range of 340-870 nm derived from the SKYNET observations was 15% higher in spring (1.81 +/- 0.30) than through the whole year (1.53 +/- 0.50), suggesting that the Asian outflow carries light-absorbing aerosols to Fukue Island and the western North Pacific. After eliminating the contributions of BC, the absorption Angstrom exponent of BrC alone obtained from filter observations had a positive Spearman correlation (r(s) = 0.77, p < 0.1) with that derived from SKYNET observations but 33% higher values, indicating that the light-absorption properties of BrC were suc-cessfully captured using the two methods. Using the atmospheric transport model FLEXPART and fire hotspots obtained from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite product, we identified a high-BrC event related to an air mass originating from regions with consistent fossil fuel combustion and sporadic open biomass burning in central East China. The results of the study may help to clarify the dynamics and climatic effects of BrC aerosols in East Asia. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

期刊论文 2021-11-25 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149155 ISSN: 0048-9697

Mountain regions are vulnerable to climate change but information about the climate sensitivity of seasonally snow-covered, subalpine ecosystems is still lacking. We investigated the impact of climatic conditions and pedogenesis on the C and N cycling along an elevation gradient under a Larch forest in the northwest (NW) Italian Alps. The environmental gradient that occurs over short distances makes elevation a good proxy for understanding the response of forest soils and nutrient cycling to different climatic conditions. Subalpine forests are located in a sensitive elevation range-the prospected changes in winter precipitation (i.e., shift of snowfalls to higher altitude, reduction of snow cover duration, etc.) could determine strong effects on soil nitrogen and carbon cycling. The work was performed in the western Italian Alps (Long-Term Ecological Research- LTER site Mont Mars, Fontainemore, Aosta Valley Region). Three sites, characterized by similar bedrock lithology and predominance of Larix decidua Mill., were selected along an elevation gradient (1550-1900 m above sea level-a.s.l.). To investigate the effects on soil properties and soil solution C and N forms of changing abiotic factors (e.g., snow cover duration, number of soil freeze/thaw cycles, intensity and duration of soil freezing, etc.) along the elevation gradient, soil profiles were opened in each site and topsoils and soil solutions were periodically collected from 2015 to 2016. The results indicated that the coldest and highest soil (well-developed Podzol) showed the highest content of extractable C and N forms (N-NH4+, DON, DOC, C-micr) compared to lower-elevation Cambisols. The soil solution C and N forms (except N-NO3-) did not show significant differences among the sites. Independently from elevation, the duration of soil freezing, soil volumetric water content, and snow cover duration (in order of importance) were the main abiotic factors driving soil C and N forms, revealing how little changes in these parameters could considerably influence C and N cycling under this subalpine forest stand.

期刊论文 2019-08-01 DOI: 10.3390/f10080614

Fire frequency and severity are increasing in high-latitude regions, but the degree to which groundwater flow impacts the response of permafrost to fire remains poorly understood. Here we use the Anaktuvuk River Fire (Alaska, USA) as an example for simulating groundwater-permafrost interactions following fire. We identify key thermal and hydrologic parameters controlling permafrost response to fire both with and without groundwater flow, and separate the relative influence of changes to the water and energy balances on active layer thickness. Our results show that mineral soil porosity, which influences the bulk subsurface thermal conductivity, is a key parameter controlling active layer response to fire in both the absence and presence of groundwater flow. However, including groundwater flow in models increases the perceived importance of subsurface hydrologic properties, such as the soil permeability, and decreases the perceived importance of subsurface thermal properties, such as the thermal conductivity of soil solids. Furthermore, we demonstrate that changes to the energy balance (increased soil temperature) drive increased active layer thickness following fire, while changes to the water balance (decreased groundwater recharge) lead to reduced landscape-scale variability in active layer thickness and groundwater discharge to surface water features such as streams. These results indicate that explicit consideration of groundwater flow is critical to understanding how permafrost environments respond to fire. While scientists know permafrost (permanently frozen ground) often thaws following fire, it is not well understood if groundwater movement enhances or reduces this thawing process. In this study, we simulate the response of permafrost to fire using models that both include and ignore groundwater flow with many different model input data sets. Our results show that when groundwater flow is ignored, the relative importance of soil properties associated with heat movement may be overestimated, and the importance of soil properties associated with water movement are likely to be underestimated. Additionally, we show that increased soil temperature is the most important factor leading to deeper permafrost thaw following fire. However, lower groundwater recharge rates at burned locations decreased permafrost thaw differences between upland and lowland regions of a watershed, as well as groundwater flow into streams and rivers.

期刊论文 2018-10-01 DOI: 10.1029/2018JF004611 ISSN: 2169-9003
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