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Ny-& Aring;lesund, located in Arctic Svalbard, is one of the most sensitive areas on Earth to global warming. In recent years, accelerated glacier ablation has become remarkable in Ny-& Aring;lesund. Glacial meltwaters discharge a substantial quantity of materials to the ocean, affecting downstream ecosystems and adjacent oceans. In August 2015, various water samples were taken near Ny-& Aring;lesund, including ice marginal meltwater, proglacial meltwater, supraglacial meltwater, englacial meltwater, and groundwater. Trace metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), major ions, alkalinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and electric conductivity were also measured. Major ions were mainly controlled by chemical weathering intensity and reaction types, while trace metals were influenced by both chemical weathering and physicochemical control upon their mobility. Indeed, we found that Br & oslash;ggerbreen was dominated by carbonate weathering via carbonation of carbonate, while Austre Lov & eacute;nbreen and Pedersenbreen were dominated by sulfide oxidation coupled with carbonate dissolution with a doubled silicate weathering. The higher enrichment of trace metals in supraglacial meltwater compared to ice marginal and proglacial meltwater suggested anthropogenic pollution from atmospheric deposition. In ice marginal and proglacial meltwater, principal component analysis indicated that trace metals like Cr, Al, Co, Mn and Cd were correlated to chemical weathering. This implies that under accelerated glacier retreat, glacier-derived chemical components are subjected to future changes in weathering types and intensity.

期刊论文 2024-10-01 DOI: 10.1007/s13131-024-2385-9 ISSN: 0253-505X

South Asian pollutants can be transported and deposited via wet/dry deposition to the remote areas of the Himalayas and could pose a serious threat to the mountain ecosystems. Therefore, in order to understand the concentrations, fluxes, seasonal variation and origin of the mercury (Hg), major ions and trace elements, precipitation samples were collected during 2012-2013 from a data gap region, Jomsom, the high elevation semiarid mountain valley in the central Himalayas. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of ions followed the order of Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > NH4+ > SO42- > Cl- > NO3- > K+. The concentration of Cd was lowest (0.07 mu g L-1) whereas that of Fe was the highest (1073.59 mu g L-1) in the precipitation samples. Wet deposition level of all the measured inorganic species was comparable to urban Lhasa but higher than those in remote alpine sites of the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This study shows that Hg and other inorganic constituents were higher in the non-monsoon season compared to monsoon due to enhanced washout of aerosols. Enrichment factor (EF), sea salt fraction, crustal and anthropogenic fractions, principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation coefficient analysis suggested that crustal dust and anthropogenic activities as the major sources of measured chemical species whereas the influence of sea-salt was minimal. In addition, local anthropogenic emissions were low suggesting that the majority of the pollutants could have been transported from the South Asian region to the high elevation mountains. Meanwhile, low precipitation and dry environment could have enhanced the concentrations of inorganic species in the arid region than other sites over the central Himalayas. This work adds new dataset of inorganic pollutants in wet precipitation and provides baseline information for an arid region environmental protection. However, there is a need for further long-term monitoring to understand the precipitation chemistry of the arid regions.

期刊论文 2022-06-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104691 ISSN: 0169-8095

The quantitative and qualitative characterization of ions and inorganic nitrogen in precipitation assists in understanding the accompanying sources and chemistry of regional precipitation. A total of 212 event-based precipitation samples were collected from four sites in Bangladesh in 2017 to investigate the physicochemical characteristics, sources, and deposition of atmospheric ionic constituents and inorganic nitrogen. During the entire monitoring period, 5.7% of the total samples were acidic (i.e., pH Cox's Bazar > Dinajpur > Sylhet, whereas the anthropogenic species exhibited the order of Dinajpur > Satkhira > Sylhet > Cox's Bazar, underlining the local and regional impacts of these species in Bangladesh. Based on the source apportionment, the sources were categorized as marine (Na+ and Cl-), terrigenous (Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3-), fossil fuel combustion (NO3- and SO42-), agriculture (NH4+), and biomass burning (K+). The Cl- in Sylhet and Satkhira suggests additional sources associated with anthropogenic activities. The back-trajectory analyses and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction's final (NCEP FNL) datasets illustrate the presence of significantly diverse air masses with contributions from various sources in the monsoon and non-monsoon climates. Both the amount of precipitation and the ionic quantity governs the fluxes in Bangladesh. The Na+ % and SAR lie under the safe category suggesting a good precipitation water quality for agriculture and soil in Bangladesh, while the deposition of inorganic nitrogen has resulted in a value above the threshold line (10 kg ha(-1) y(-1)). Thus, this study conveys a comprehensive picture of the ionic composition, providing a baseline dataset to assess the atmospheric environment in this lowland region.

期刊论文 2021-02-20 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105414 ISSN: 0169-8095

The major ions in precipitation can reflect the conditions of the atmosphere, while stable isotopic characteristics provide information on the moisture source. In order to understand the local hydro-chemical features and regional geochemical cycle, it is essential to assess the chemical composition of precipitation and the associated sources. Therefore, a total of 57 precipitation samples (2016 to 2017) for major ions and 178 samples (2013 to 2017) for stable isotopes were collected from the Wengguo station and analyzed to explore the major ionic deposition and stable isotopic characteristics in the northern slopes of the Himalayas. The average pH and electrical conductivity were 6.82 +/- 0.45 and 15.36 +/- 11.67 mu S cm(-1), respectively. Ca2+ followed by K+ and Mg2+ played a crucial role in neutralizing the precipitation acidity. The major ionic sources in the region were terrigenous (Ca2+, HCO3-, and Mg2+) and sea salt (Na+, Cl-, and Mg2+), as well as anthropogenic emissions (SO42- and NO3-) and biomass burning (K+). The total deposition flux of the major ions was higher in 2016 than in 2017 and was influenced by the higher precipitation. The average values of delta O-18 and delta D in precipitation were - 15.22 +/- 5.17 parts per thousand and - 116.01 +/- 41.31 parts per thousand, respectively. The precipitation stable isotopes were not significantly correlated to the local air temperature but the precipitation amount. Moreover, the variation in stable isotopes, local meteoric water line, and d-excess indicated the existence of continental and monsoon moisture transport systems. The transport of chemicals over the high elevation region from polluted cities in South Asia via moisture originating in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea was determined based on the source identification, clusters of air mass backward trajectory analysis, and the National Center for Environmental Prediction Final dataset. Thus, the ionic concentrations and stable isotopic characteristics of the precipitation from this study provided a valuable dataset to assess the atmospheric environment in the northern slopes of the Himalayas at Southern Tibetan Plateau.

期刊论文 2021-01-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10874-020-09399-1 ISSN: 0167-7764

Carbonaceous matter has an important impact on glacial retreat in the Tibetan Plateau, further affecting the water resource supply. However, the related studies on carbonaceous matter are still scarce in Geladaindong (GLDD) region, the source of the Yangtze River. Therefore, the concentration, source and variations of carbonaceous matter at Ganglongjiama (GLJM) glacier in GLDD region were investigated during the melting period in 2017, which could deepen our understanding on carbonaceous matter contribution to glacier melting. The results showed that dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration of snowpit samples (283 +/- 200 mu g/L) was much lower than that of precipitation samples (624 +/- 361 mu g/L), indicating that large parts of DOC could be rapidly leached from the snowpit during the melting process. In contrast, refractory black carbon (rBC) concentration measured by Single Particle Soot Photometer of snowpit samples (4.27 +/- 3.15 mu g/L) was much higher than that of precipitation samples (0.97 +/- 0.49 mu g/L). Similarly, DOC with high mass absorption cross- measured at 365 nm value was also likely to enrich in snowpit during the melting process. In addition, it was found that both rBC and DOC with high light-absorbing ability began to leach from the snowpit when melting process became stronger. Therefore, rBC and DOC with high light-absorbing ability exhibited similar behavior during the melting process. Based on relationship among DOC, rBC and K+ in precipitation, the main source of carbonaceous matter in GLJM glacier was biomass burning during the study period. (c) 2019 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.

期刊论文 2020-07-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2019.08.001 ISSN: 1001-0742

Stream chemistry in permafrost regions is regulated by a variety of drivers that affect hydrologic flowpaths and watershed carbon and nutrient dynamics. Here we examine the extent to which seasonal dynamics of soil active layer thickness and wildfires regulate solute concentration in streams of the continuous permafrost region of the Central Siberian Plateau. Samples were collected from 2006 to 2012 during the frost-free season (May-September) from sixteen watersheds with fire histories ranging from 3 to 120 years. The influence of permafrost was evident through significantly higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the spring, when only the organic soil horizon was accessible to runoff. As the active layer deepened through the growing season, water was routed deeper through the underlying mineral horizon where DOC underwent adsorption and concentrations decreased. In contrast, mean concentrations of major cations (Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+) were significantly higher in the summer, when contact with mineral horizons in the active zone provided a source of cations. Wildfire caused significantly lower concentrations of DOC in more recently burned watersheds, due to removal of a source of DOC through combustion of the organic layer. An opposite trend was observed for dissolved inorganic carbon and major cations in more recently burned watersheds. There was also indication of talik presence in three of the larger watersheds evidenced by Cl- concentrations that were ten times higher than those of other watersheds. Because climate change affects both fire recurrence intervals as well as rates of permafrost degradation, delineating their combined effects on solute concentration allows forecasting of the evolution of biogeochemical cycles in this region in the future.

期刊论文 2013-12-01 DOI: 10.1007/s10533-013-9922-5 ISSN: 0168-2563
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