Soil organic carbon (SOC) rapidly accumulates during ecosystem primary succession in glacier foreland. This makes it an ideal model for studying soil carbon sequestration and stabilization, which are urgently needed to mitigate climate change. Here, we investigated SOC dynamics in the Kuoqionggangri glacier foreland on the Tibetan Plateau. The study area along a deglaciation chronosequence of 170-year comprising three ecosystem succession stages, including barren ground, herb steppe, and legume steppe. We quantified amino sugars, lignin phenols, and relative expression of genes associated with carbon degradation to assess the contributions of microbial and plant residues to SOC, and used FT-ICR mass spectroscopy to analyze the composition of dissolved organic matter. We found that herbal plant colonization increased SOC by enhancing ecosystem gross primary productivity, while subsequent legumes development decreased SOC, due to increased ecosystem respiration from labile organic carbon inputs. Plant residues were a greater contributor to SOC than microbial residues in the vegetated soils, but they were susceptible to microbial degradation compared to the more persistent and continuously accumulating microbial residues. Our findings revealed the organic carbon accumulation and stabilization process in early soil development, which provides mechanism insights into carbon sequestration during ecosystem restoration under climate change.
The stability and effectiveness of the anaerobic digestion (AD) system are significantly influenced by temperature. While majority research has focused on the composition of the microbial community in the AD process, the relationships between functional gene profile deduced from gene expression at different temperatures have received less attention. The current study investigates the AD process of potato peel waste and explores the association between biogas production and microbial gene expression at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C through metatranscriptomic analysis. The production of total biogas decreased with temperature at 15 degrees C (19.94 mL/g VS), however, it increased at 35 degrees C (269.50 mL/g VS). The relative abundance of Petrimonas, Clostridium, Aminobacterium, Methanobacterium, Methanothrix, and Methanosarcina were most dominant in the AD system at different temperatures. At the functional pathways level 3, alpha-diversity indices, including Evenness (Y = 5.85x + 8.85; R-2 = 0.56), Simpson (Y = 2.20x + 2.09; R-2 = 0.33), and Shannon index (Y = 1.11x + 4.64; R-2 = 0.59), revealed a linear and negative correlation with biogas production. Based on KEGG level 3, several dominant functional pathways associated with Oxidative phosphorylation (ko00190) (25.09, 24.25, 24.04%), methane metabolism (ko00680) (30.58, 32.13, and 32.89%), and Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes (ko00720) (27.07, 26.47, and 26.29%), were identified at 15 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C. The regulation of biogas production by temperature possibly occurs through enhancement of central function pathways while decreasing the diversity of functional pathways. Therefore, the methanogenesis and associated processes received the majority of cellular resources and activities, thereby improving the effectiveness of substrate conversion to biogas. The findings of this study illustrated the crucial role of central function pathways in the effective functioning of these systems.