Permafrost and ground freezing/thawing processes are physically and eco-climatologically important factors in the terrestrial cryosphere. The model reproducibility of frozen ground affects the certainty and reliability of simulated eco-climate conditions in cold regions as well as on a global scale. This study evaluated the variations and their attributes in the model performance developed and employed in the recent decade regarding the subsurface thermal state using outputs from Japanese and international model intercomparison projects and reanalysis data. The simulated surface and subsurface physical states were compared at four Arctic sites under different frozen ground conditions (Fairbanks, Kevo, Tiksi, and Yakutsk). The results showed that despite large variations in the modeled permafrost temperature, all the models, including the reanalysis data, successfully reproduced the permafrost conditions for the continuous permafrost sites. In contrast, some models failed to reproduce the presence of permafrost for the sites in the discontinuous to isolated permafrost zones. Evaluations of near-surface ground temperature variability revealed that the overall wellness of the simulated ground thermal states relied on winter reproducibility. The importance of snowpack metamorphosis for adequate thermal insulation was confirmed and demonstrated. The results at the coastal tundra site imply the importance of snow cover redistribution and wind crust formation owing to strong winds, the lack of which resulted in overestimations of thermal insulation and overcooled near-surface ground by most models.
There have been extensive studies on poleward expansion of the Hadley cells and the associated poleward shift of subtropical dry zones in the past decade. In the present study, we study the trends in the width and strength of the Hadley cells, using currently available simulation results of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase-6 (CMIP6), and compare the trends with that in CMIP5 simulations. Our results show that the total annual-mean trend in the width of the Hadley cells is 0.13 degrees +/- 0.02 degrees per decade over 1970-2014 in CMIP6 historical All-forcing simulations. It is almost the same as that in CMIP5. The trend in the strength of the Northern-Hemisphere (NH) cell shows much greater weakening in CMIP6 than in CMIP5, while the strength trend in the Southern-Hemisphere (SH) cell shows slight strengthening. Single-forcing simulations demonstrate that increasing greenhouse gases cause widening and weakening of both the NH and SH Hadley cells, while anthropogenic aerosols and stratospheric ozone changes cause weak strengthening trends in the SH cell. CMIP6 projection simulation results show that both the widening and weakening trends increase with radiative forcing. (C) 2020 Science China Press. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science China Press. All rights reserved.
Soil properties such as soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and active-layer thickness are used in earth system models (ESMs) to predict anthropogenic and climatic impacts on soil carbon dynamics, future changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and associated climate changes in the permafrost regions. Accurate representation of spatial and vertical distribution of these soil properties in ESMs is a prerequisite for reducing existing uncertainty in predicting carbon-climate feedbacks. We compared the spatial representation of SOC stocks and active-layer thicknesses predicted by the coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) ESMs with those predicted from geospatial predictions, based on observation data for the state of Alaska, USA. For the geospatial modeling, we used soil profile observations (585 for SOC stocks and 153 for active-layer thickness) and environmental variables (climate, topography, land cover, and surficial geology types) and generated fine-resolution (50-m spatial resolution) predictions of SOC stocks (to 1-m depth) and active-layer thickness across Alaska. We found large inter-quartile range (2.5-5.5 m) in predicted active-layer thickness of CMIP5 modeled results and small inter-quartile range (11.5-22 kg m(-2)) in predicted SOC stocks. The spatial coefficient of variability of active-layer thickness and SOC stocks were lower in CMIP5 predictions compared to our geospatial estimates when gridded at similar spatial resolutions (24.7 compared to 30% and 29 compared to 38%, respectively). However, prediction errors, when calculated for independent validation sites, were several times larger in ESM predictions compared to geospatial predictions. Primary factors leading to observed differences were (1) lack of spatial heterogeneity in ESM predictions, (2) differences in assumptions concerning environmental controls, and (3) the absence of pedogenic processes in ESM model structures. Our results suggest that efforts to incorporate these factors in ESMs should reduce current uncertainties associated with ESM predictions of carbon-climate feedbacks. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.