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Refractory black carbon (rBC) is a primary aerosol species, produced through incomplete combustion, that absorbs sunlight and contributes to positive radiative forcing. The overall climate effect of rBC depends on its spatial distribution and atmospheric lifetime, both of which are impacted by the efficiency with which rBC is transported or removed by convective systems. These processes are poorly constrained by observations. It is especially interesting to investigate rBC transport efficiency through the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) since this meteorological pattern delivers vast quantities of boundary layer air from Asia, where rBC emissions are high to the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) where the lifetime of rBC is expected to be long. Here, we present in situ observations of rBC made during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemistry and Climate Impact Project of summer, 2022. We use observed relationships between rBC and CO in ASM outflow to show that rBC is removed nearly completely (>98%) from uplifted air and that rBC concentrations in ASM outflow are statistically indistinguishable from the UT/LS background. We compare observed rBC and CO concentrations to those expected based on two chemical transport models and find that the models reproduce CO to within a factor of 2 at all altitudes whereas rBC is overpredicted by a factor of 20-100 at altitudes associated with ASM outflow. We find that the rBC particles in recently convected air have thinner coatings than those found in the UTLS background, suggesting transport of a small number of rBC particles that are negligible for concentration.

期刊论文 2025-02-16 DOI: 10.1029/2024JD042692 ISSN: 2169-897X

Knowledge of the paleoclimatic record of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (NETP) can potentially improve our understanding of the evolution of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM). However, the history of climate change and inferred spatial extent of the ASM on the NETP since the last deglaciation remain unclear. Here, we use several environmental proxies from the sediments of Hala Lake (beyond the modern limit of ASM), including chironomids, loss-on-ignition, grain size and element data, to explore the climatic history of the NETP and the northern boundary of the ASM since the last deglaciation. The results document a series of climatic events during the deglaciation, including Heinrich Event 1, the Bolling-Allerod interstadial and the Younger Dryas event. The records also reveal the timing of the megathermal and precipitation maximum, the lake-level maximum, and strongest chemical weathering, which occurred during similar to 10-7 ka. The inferred precipitation maximum during the early Holocene in the Hala Lake basin, which can be verified by the simulated precipitation change, is consistent with that in typical Indian summer monsoon (ISM) regions, suggesting that the ISM has penetrated into Hala Lake basin at that time. The monsoon-dominated climate in the Hala Lake basin during the early Holocene and the westerlies-dominated climate in the arid central Asia indicate that the maximum areal extent of the ASM on the NETP since the last deglaciation lay to the northwest of Hala Lake basin. In combination with other published records, the northernmost boundary of the ASM over China since the last deglaciation has been tentatively delineated, to shed some lights on this long-standing debate.

期刊论文 2024-01-20 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.7239 ISSN: 0899-8418

Remote region is normally considered a receptor of long-range transported pollutants. Monitoring stations are important platforms for investigating the atmospheric environment of remote regions. However, the potential contribution of very local sources around these stations may produce important influences on its atmospheric environment, which is still barely studied. In this study, major ions of precipitation were investigated simultaneously at a typical remote station (Nam Co station) and other sites nearby on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) - the so-called The Third Pole in the world. The results showed that despite low values compared to those of other remote regions, the concentrations of major ions in precipitation of Nam Co station (e.g., Ca2+: 32.71 mu eq/L; SO42- : 1.73 mu eq/L) were significantly higher than those at a site around 2.2 Km away ( Ca2+: 11.47 mu eq/L; SO42- : 0.64 mu eq/L). This provides direct evidence that atmospheric environment at Nam Co station is significantly influenced by mineral dust and pollutants emitted from surface soil and anthropogenic pollutants of the station itself. Therefore, numbers of other related data reported on the station are influenced. For example, the aerosol concentration and some anthropogenic pollutants reported on Nam Co station should be overestimated. Meanwhile, it is suggested that it is cautious in selecting sites for monitoring the atmospheric environment at the remote station to reduce the potential influence from local sources.

期刊论文 2023-12-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-12113-9 ISSN: 0167-6369

The NCAR Community Earth System Model is used to study the influences of anthropogenic aerosols on the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). We perform two sets of 30-year simulations subject to the prescribed perpetual SST annual cycle. One is triggered by the year 2000 climatology anthropogenic aerosol emissions data over the Indian Peninsula (referred to as AERO), and the other one is by the year 1850 (referred to as CTL). Only aerosol direct effects are included in the experiments. In our results, the transition of ISM in AERO relative to the CTL exhibits a similar ensemble-mean onset date with a larger spread, and more abrupt onset in late spring, and an earlier but more gradual withdrawal in early fall. The aerosols-induced circulation changes feature an upward motion over the northeastern Indian Peninsula and strengthened anticyclonic circulation over the Arabia Sea in the pre-monsoon season, and a northward shift of monsoon flow in the developed monsoon period along with strengthened local meridional circulation over northern India. The strengthened anticyclonic circulation over Arabia Sea caused a 16% increase in natural dust transport from the Middle East in the pre-monsoon season. The elevated aerosol heating over Tibet causes stronger ascending motion in the pre-monsoon period that leads to earlier and more abrupt ISM onset. The earlier monsoon withdrawal is attributed to the aerosol-induced anticyclonic flow within 10 & DEG;-25 & DEG;N and cyclonic flow within 0 & DEG;-10 & DEG;N over eastern India and Bay of Bengal that resemble the ISM seasonal transition in September.

期刊论文 2023-12-01 DOI: 10.1007/s44195-023-00041-7 ISSN: 1017-0839

The northernmost margin of the East Asian summer monsoon (NMEASM) is the northernmost position that the East Asia summer monsoon (EASM) can reach. NMEASM has obvious multi-scale variability, and well reflects the wet/dry climate variability in northern China. Predicting the location change of the NMEASM is important for understanding future East Asian climate change. However, the variability of the NMEASM has not been studied extensively, and its underlying mechanisms have not been clarified. To explore the movement of the NMEASM and its causes, we use reanalysis datasets to evaluate the NMEASM index from 1979 to 2018. The NMEASM indicates a decreasing trend over 40 years and a significant abrupt point in 2000, which is positively correlated with the Tibetan Plateau snow cover before 2000 and the Siberian snow cover after 2000 in spring. The decreased Siberian snow cover increases the soil temperature and decreases the atmospheric baroclinicity over Mongolia and northern China after 2000. The decreased atmospheric baroclinicity induces the dipole mode of anticyclonic anomaly over Mongolia and northern China and the cyclonic anomaly over the Sea of Japan by modulating the wave activity flux (WAF). The WAF's southeastward propagation strengthens the anticyclonic anomaly over Mongolia and northern China and the cyclonic anomaly over the Sea of Japan, which weakens the upward movement and water vapor transport, respectively. Hence, the decreased Siberian snow cover in spring modulates the precipitation over Mongolia and northern China and the southward movement of NMEASM by turbulent westerly circulation.

期刊论文 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.1007/s00382-023-06732-8 ISSN: 0930-7575

Aerosol mixtures, which are still unclear in current knowledge, may cause large uncertainties in aerosol climate effect assessments. To better understand this research gap, a well-developed online coupled regional climate-chemistry model is employed here to investigate the influences of different aerosol mixing states on the direct interactions between aerosols and the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). The results show that anthropogenic aerosols have high-level loadings with heterogeneous spatial distributions in East Asia. Black carbon aerosol loading accounts for more than 13% of the totals in this region in summer. Thus, different aerosol mixing states cause very different aerosol single scattering albedos, with a variation of 0.27 in East Asia in summer. Consequently, the sign of the aerosol instantaneous direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere is changed, varying from - 0.95 to + 1.50 W/m(2) with increasing internal mixing aerosols. The influence of aerosol mixtures on regional climate responses seems to be weaker. The EASM circulation can be enhanced due to the warming effect of anthropogenic aerosols in the lower atmosphere, which further induces considerable aerosol accumulation associated with dynamic field anomaly, decrease in rainfall and so on, despite aerosol mixtures. However, this interaction between aerosols and the EASM will become more obvious if the aerosols are more mixed internally. Additionally, the differences in aerosol-induced EASM anomalies during the strongest and weakest monsoon index years are highly determined by the aerosol mixing states. The results here may further help us better address the environmental and climate change issues in East Asia.

期刊论文 2023-08-01 DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06617-2 ISSN: 0930-7575

Aerosol-cloud interactions, also known as aerosol indirect effect (AIE), substantially impact rainfall frequency and intensity. Here, we analyze NEX-GDDP, a multimodel ensemble of high-resolution (0.25 degrees) historical simulations and future projections statistically downscaled from 21 CMIP5 models, to quantify the importance of AIE on extreme climate indices, specifically consecutive dry days (CDD), consecutive wet days (CWD), and simple daily intensity index (SDII). The 21 NEX-GDDP CMIP5 models are classified into models with reliable (REM) and unreliable (UREM) monsoon climate simulated over India based on their simulations of the climate indices. The REM group is further decomposed based on whether the models represent only the direct (REMADE) or the direct and indirect (REMALL) aerosol effects. Compared to REMADE, including all aerosol effects significantly improves the model skills in simulating the observed historical trends of all three climate indices over India. Specifically, AIE enhances dry days and reduces wet days in India in the historical period, consistent with the observed changes. However, by the middle and end of the 21st century, there is a relative decrease in dry days and an increase in wet days and precipitation intensity. Moreover, the REMALL simulated future CWD and CDD changes are mostly opposite to those in REMADE, indicating the substantial role of AIE in the future projection of dry and wet climates. These findings underscore the crucial role of AIE in future projections of the Indian hydroclimate and motivate efforts to accurately represent AIE in climate models. We investigate the impacts of aerosol on India's wet and dry climate. High-resolution downscaled CMIP5 models were used to calculate extreme indices like CDD (consecutive dry days), CWD (consecutive wet days), SDII (precipitation intensity). From the group of 22 models, 12 reliable models were chosen based on their fidelity to the observations. Amongst the reliable models, certain models incorporate only aerosol-radiation interaction (REMADE), while others have both aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud interaction (REMALL). We found that the simulated trends in the REMAll were similar to the observed trends. In the current period (1975-2005), the aerosol-cloud interactions led to the reduction in rainfall (both frequency and intensity wise) and enhanced the dry days, however in the future projections, the reduction in aerosol emissions leads to a wetter climate (increase in wet days and rainfall intensity) over India.

期刊论文 2023-08-01 DOI: 10.1029/2022EF003266

For the period 2001-2020, the interannual variability of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is investigated in connection to Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR). According to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) NDVI data, the ISMR and the vegetative activity of the Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) in the month of January show a significant negative association. We hypothesized that the January vegetation state affects the ISMR via a delayed hydrological response, in which the wet soil moisture anomaly formed throughout the winter to accommodate the water needs of intensive farming influences the ISMR. The soil moisture anomalies developed in the winter, particularly in the root zone, persisted throughout the summer. Evaporative cooling triggered by increasing soil moisture lowers the summer surface temperature across the IGP. The weakening of monsoon circulation as a result of the reduced intensity of land-sea temperature contrast led in rainfall suppression. Further investigation shows that moisture transport has increased significantly over the past two decades as a result of increasing westerly over the Arabian Sea, promoting rainfall over India. Agriculture activities, on the other hand, have resulted in greater vegetation in India's northwest and IGP during the last two decades, which has a detrimental impact on rainfall processes. Rainfall appears to have been trendless during the last two decades as a result of these competing influences. With a lead time of 5 months, this association between January's vegetation and ISMR could be one of the potential predictors of seasonal rainfall variability.

期刊论文 2023-04-01 DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06426-7 ISSN: 0930-7575

Since China implemented the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan in 2013, the aerosol emis-sions in East Asia have been greatly reduced, while emissions in South Asia have continued to increase. This has led to a dipole pattern of aerosol emissions between South Asia and East Asia. Here, the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) responses to the dipole changes in aerosol emissions during 2013-17 are investigated using the atmosphere model of Com-munity Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2). We show that decreases in East Asian emissions alone lead to a positive aerosol effective radiative forcing (ERF) of 1.59 (+/- 0.97) W m-2 over central-eastern China (25 degrees-40 degrees N, 105 degrees-122.5 degrees E), along with a 0.09 (+/- 0.07)degrees C warming in summer during 2013-17. The warming intensified the land-sea thermal contrast and increased the rainfall by 0.32 (+/- 0.16) mm day-1. When considering both the emission reductions in East Asia and in-creases in South Asia, the ERF is increased to 3.39 (+/- 0.89) W m-2, along with an enhanced warming of 0.20 (+/- 0.08)degrees C over central-eastern China, while the rainfall insignificant decreased by 0.07 (+/- 0.16) mm day-1. It is due to the westward shift of the strengthened western Pacific subtropical high, linked to the increase in black carbon in South Asia. Based on multiple EASM indices, the reductions in aerosol emissions from East Asia alone increased the EASM strength by almost 5%. Considering the effect of the westward shift of WPSH, the dipole changes in emissions together increased the EASM by 5%-15% during 2013-17, revealing an important role of South Asian aerosols in changing the East Asian climate.

期刊论文 2023-03-01 DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0335.s1 ISSN: 0894-8755

Aeolian landscapes dominate the semiarid dune fields across the Asian summer monsoonal boundary (ASMB) of northern China, where the widespread palaeosols are usually regarded as indicators of enhanced monsoonal precipitation (moisture) during the Late Quaternary. However, the processes of palaeosol development, and their response to climate change, remain controversial due to the complex land-atmosphere interactions within different bioclimatic zones. Here, we review the patterns of palaeosol development, precipitation/moisture (P/ M) evolution, and lake level fluctuations across different sub-regions of the ASMB. With the aid of typical temperature and vegetation records, we qualitatively and quantitatively distinguish the contributions of different climatic factors to palaeosol development since 20 ka (1 ka = 1000 cal yr BP) and elucidate the underlying mechanisms. Our results indicate an asynchronous pattern of palaeosol development, with optimum develop-ment during 10-4, 8-4, and 6-2 ka in northeastern (NE) China, north central (NC) China, and on the NE Qinghai -Tibetan Plateau (QTP), respectively. This implies a transmeridional asynchronous pattern of palaeosol devel-opment on the scale of the ASMB. Our qualitative and quantitative analysis of the contributions of climatic variables elucidates the various relationships between palaeosol development and the climatic background across different sub-regions of the ASMB. The results demonstrate that temperature and precipitation are the dominant factors for palaeosol development in NE and NC China, respectively; whereas effective moisture, rather than temperature and precipitation alone, controls palaeosol development on the NE QTP, demonstrating different pedogenic responses against the same overall climatic background. These mechanisms are supported by the results of multiple studies of Holocene vegetation evolution and the associated climatic conditions. We conclude that the asynchronous pattern of palaeosol development across the ASMB was caused by variations in different dominant climatic factors, highlighting the diverse and complex interactions of climate change and Earth surface processes, even within the relatively uniform climatic environment of semiarid northern China. Our findings emphasize the differing responses of palaeosol development to regional climate change and provide new insights into the interactions of the land-atmosphere system in the critical zone of northern China.

期刊论文 2022-12-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104232 ISSN: 0012-8252
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