Monitoring high latitude wetlands is required to understand feedbacks between terrestrial carbon pools and climate change. Hydrological variability is a key factor driving biogeochemical processes in these ecosystems and effective assessment tools are critical for accurate characterization of surface hydrology, soil moisture, and water table fluctuations. Operational satellite platforms provide opportunities to systematically monitor hydrological variability in high latitude wetlands. The objective of this research application was to integrate high temporal frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and high spatial resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) observations to assess hydroperiod at a mire in northern Sweden. Geostatistical and polarimetric (PLR) techniques were applied to determine spatial structure of the wetland and imagery at respective scales (0.5 m to 25 m). Variogram, spatial regression, and decomposition approaches characterized the sensitivity of the two platforms (SAR and LiDAR) to wetland hydrogeomorphology, scattering mechanisms, and data interrelationships. A Classification and Regression Tree (CART), based on random forest, fused multi-mode (fine-beam single, dual, quad pol) Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) and LiDAR-derived elevation to effectively map hydroperiod attributes at the Swedish mire across an aggregated warm season (May-September, 2006-2010). Image derived estimates of water and peat moisture were sensitive (R-2 = 0.86) to field measurements of water table depth (cm). Peat areas that are underlain by permafrost were observed as areas with fluctuating soil moisture and water table changes.
We propose an algorithm to estimate surface roughness and moisture level of active layer of permafrost over permafrost area. This algorithm is based on the Oh's semi-empirical model, and PALSAR data observed both in winter and summer seasons with vh polarization. PALSAR vh polarization data observed in winter is used to estimate surface roughness of permafrost. Then, the estimated surface roughness and PALSAR vh polarization data observed in summer is used to estimate the moisture level of the active layer of the permafrost. The moisture levels estimated from PALSAR data moderately matched with those of validation data taken in the field, while the surface roughness value shows some difference. The possible cause of this difference is that the surface roughness derived from the field data collection represents the roughness of the top of the sphagnum moss layer covered on the active layer of the permafrost, while the one estimated from PALSAR represents the roughness of the underlying active layer of the permafrost.