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Permafrost is a crucial part of the Earth's cryosphere. These millennia-old frozen soils not only are significant carbon reservoirs but also store a variety of chemicals. Accelerated permafrost thaw due to global warming leads to profound consequences such as infrastructure damage, hydrological changes, and, notably, environmental concerns from the release of various chemicals. In this perspective, we metaphorically term long-preserved substances as dormant chemicals that experience an awakening during permafrost thaw. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview and categorization of these chemicals and their potential transformations, utilizing a combination of field observations, laboratory studies, and modeling approaches to assess their environmental impacts. Following this, we put forward several perspectives on how to enhance the scientific understanding of their ensuing environmental impacts in the context of climate change. Ultimately, we advocate for broader research engagement in permafrost exploration and emphasize the need for extensive environmental chemical studies. This will significantly enhance our understanding of the consequences of permafrost thaw and its broader impact on other ecosystems under rapid climate warming.

期刊论文 2024-11-01 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06014 ISSN: 0013-936X

One of the effects of climate change on boreal forest will be more frequent forest wildfires and permafrost thawing. These will increase the availability of soil organic matter (SOM) for microorganisms, change the ground vegetation composition and ultimately affect the emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), which impact atmospheric chemistry and climate. BVOC emissions from boreal forest floor have been little characterized in southern boreal region, and even less so in permafrost soil, which underlies most of the northern boreal region. Here, we report the long-term effects of wildfire on forest floor BVOC emission rates along a wildfire chronosequence in a Larix gmelinii forest in central Siberia. We determined forest floor BVOC emissions from forests exposed to wildfire 1, 23 and > 100 years ago. We studied how forest wildfires and the subsequent succession of ground vegetation, as well as changes in the availability of SOM along with the deepened and recovered active layer, influence BVOC emission rates. The forest floor acted as source of a large number of BVOCs in all forest age classes. Monoterpenes were the most abundant BVOC group in all age classes. The total BVOC emission rates measured from the 23- and >100-year-old areas were ca. 2.6 times higher than the emissions from the 1-year-old area. Lower emissions were related to a decrease in plant coverage and microbial decomposition of SOM after wildfire. Our results showed that forest wildfires play an important indirect role in regulating the amount and composition of BVOC emissions from post-fire originated boreal forest floor. This could have a substantial effect on BVOC emissions if the frequency of forest wildfires increases in the future as a result of climate warming. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

期刊论文 2020-04-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134851 ISSN: 0048-9697

Rising air temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns in boreal ecosystems are changing the fire occurrence regimes (intervals, severity, intensity, etc.). The main impacts of fires are reported to be changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics, vegetation stress, degradation of permafrost, and increased depth of the active layer. Changes in these characteristics influence the dynamics of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes. We have studied the changes in CO2 and CH4 fluxes from the soil in boreal forest areas in central Siberia underlain by continuous permafrost and the possible impacts of the aforementioned environmental factors on the emissions of these greenhouse gases. We have used a fire chronosequence of areas, with the last fire occurring 1, 23, 56, and more than 100 years ago. The soils in our study acted as a source of CO2. Emissions of CO2 were lowest at the most recently burned area and increased with forest age throughout the fire chronosequence. The CO2 flux was influenced by the pH of the top 5 cm of the soil, the biomass of the birch (Betula) and alder (Duschelcia) trees, and by the biomass of vascular plants in the ground vegetation. Soils were found to be a CH4 sink in all our study areas. The uptake of CH4 was highest in the most recently burned area (forest fire one year ago) and the lowest in the area burned 56 years ago, but the difference between fire chronosequence areas was not significant. According to the linear mixed effect model, none of the tested factors explained the CH4 flux. The results confirm that the impact of a forest fire on CO2 flux is long-lasting in Siberian boreal forests, continuing for more than 50 years, but the impact of forest fire on CH4 flux is minimal.

期刊论文 2018-12-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.09.051 ISSN: 0301-4797

The Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (QTP) is the largest middle-low latitude permafrost region on earth, while little is known about the microbial community in this area. Here, we investigated the bacterial community in the upper 30 cm soils in the permafrost regions on the central QTP using Illumina sequencing technology. In these soils, the most abundant phyla were Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. The depth was significantly correlated with Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, and Gemmatimonadetes. The soil pH and the gravel content were significantly positively correlated with Bacteroidetes. The active layer thickness was significantly correlated with Bacteroidetes and Arabinonates. Although these factors were closely correlated with the relative abundances of specific bacterial phyla, the overall bacterial community structure was mainly affected by pH, soil organic carbon content, and the mean annual precipitation, while the community structure had no significant relationship with the active layer thickness. Our results suggested that the permafrost region on the QTP had greatly heterogeneous environmental conditions, and the responses of microbial communities to permafrost degradation would also be affected by other factors such as precipitation, soil texture and vegetation.

期刊论文 2017-11-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.08.001 ISSN: 0929-1393

Trails created by off-road vehicles (ORV) in boreal lowlands are known to cause local impacts, such as denuded vegetation, soil erosion, and permafrost thaw, but impacts on stream and watershed processes are less certain. In Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (WRST), Alaska, ORV trails have caused local resource damage in intermountain lowlands with permafrost soils and abundant wetlands and there is a need to know whether these impacts are more extensive. Comparison of aerial photography from 1957, 1981, and 2004 coupled with ground surveys in 2009 reveal an increase in trail length and number and show an upslope expansion of a trail system around points of stream channel initiation. We hypothesized that these impacts could also cause premature initiation and headward expansion of channels because of lowered soil resistance and greater runoff accumulation as trails migrate upslope. Soil monitoring showed earlier and deeper thaw of the active layer in and adjacent to trails compared to reference sites. Several rainfall-runoff events during the summer of 2009 showed increased and sustained flow accumulation below trail crossings and channel shear forces sufficient to cause headward erosion of silt and peat soils. These observations of trail evolution relative to stream and wetland crossings together with process studies suggest that ORV trails are altering watershed processes. These changes in watershed processes appear to result in increasing drainage density and may also alter downstream flow regimes, water quality, and aquatic habitat. Addressing local land-use disturbances in boreal and arctic parklands with permafrost soils, such as WRST, where responses to climate change may be causing concurrent shifts in watershed processes, represents an important challenge facing resource managers.

期刊论文 2012-03-01 DOI: 10.1007/s00267-012-9811-z ISSN: 0364-152X
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