Soil Moisture (SM) is a key parameter in northern Arctic and sub-Arctic (A-SA) environments that are highly vulnerable to climate change. We evaluated six SM satellite passive microwave datasets using thirteen ground-based SM stations across Northwestern America. The best agreement was obtained with SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) products with the lowest RMSD (Root Mean Square Difference) (0.07 m$3$3 m${-3}$-3) and the highest R (0.55). ESA CCI (European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative) also performed well in terms of correlation with a similar R (0.55) but showed a strong variation among sites. Weak results were obtained over sites with high water body fractions. This study also details and evaluates a dedicated retrieval of SM from SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) brightness temperatures based on the $\tau -\omega$tau-omega model. Two soil dielectric models (Mironov and Bircher) and a dedicated soil roughness and single scattering albedo parameterization were tested. Water body correction in the retrieval shows limited improvement. The metrics of our retrievals (RMSD = 0.08 m$3$3 m${-3}$-3 and R = 0.41) are better than SMOS but outperformed by SMAP. Passive microwave satellite remote sensing is suitable for SM retrieval in the A-SA region, but a dedicated approach should be considered.
2024-12-31 Web of ScienceThe tau -omega model is expanded to properly simulate L -band microwave emission of the soil-snow-vegetation continuum through a closed -form solution of Maxwell's equations, considering the intervening dry snow layer as a loss -less medium. The error standard deviations of a least -squared inversion are 0.1 and 3.5 for VOD and ground permittivity, over moderately dense vegetation and a snow density ranging from 100 to 400 kg m -3 , considering noisy brightness temperatures with a standard deviation of 1 kelvin. Using the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite observations, new global estimates of VOD and ground permittivity are presented over the Arctic boreal forests and permafrost areas. In the absence of dense in situ observations of ground permittivity and VOD, the retrievals are causally validated using ancillary variables including ground temperature, above -ground biomass, tree height, and net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide. Time -series analyses promise that the new data set can expand our understanding of the land-atmosphere interactions and exchange of carbon fluxes over Arctic landscapes.
2024-05-15 Web of ScienceThe soil freeze/thaw (FT) state has emerged as a critical role in the ecosystem, hydrological, and biogeochemical processes, but obtaining representative soil FT state datasets with a long time sequence, fine spatial resolution, and high accuracy remains challenging. Therefore, we propose a decision-level spatiotemporal data fusion algorithm based on Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory networks (ConvLSTM) to expand the SMAP-enhanced L3 landscape freeze/thaw product (SMAP_E_FT) temporally. In the algorithm, the Freeze/Thaw Earth System Data Record product (ESDR_FT) is sucked in the ConvLSTM and fused with SMAP_E_FT at the decision level. Eight predictor datasets, i.e., soil temperature, snow depth, soil moisture, precipitation, terrain complexity index, area of open water data, latitude and longitude, are used to train the ConvLSTM. Direct validation using six dense observation networks located in the Genhe, Maqu, Naqu, Pali, Saihanba, and Shandian river shows that the fusion product (ConvLSTM_FT) effectively absorbs the high accuracy characteristics of ESDR_FT and expands SMAP_E_FT with an overall average improvement of 2.44% relative to SMAP_E_FT, especially in frozen seasons (averagely improved by 7.03%). The result from indirect validation based on categorical triple collocation also shows that ConvLSTM_FT performs stable regardless of land cover types, climate types, and terrain complexity. The findings, drawn from preliminary analyses on ConvLSTM_FT from 1980 to 2020 over China, suggest that with global warming, most parts of China suffer from different degrees of shortening of the frozen period. Moreover, in the Qinghai-Tibet region, the higher the permafrost thermal stability, the faster the degradation rate.
2024-03-01 Web of ScienceA number of global surface soil moisture (SM) datasets have been retrieved from the L-band frequency Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) missions to study the terrestrial water, energy, and carbon cycles. This paper presents the performance of the recently developed 9 km global SMAP product (hereafter SMAP-INRAE-BORDEAUX, SMAP-IB9). The product retrieves SM from the 9 km SMAP radiometric products using the forward model (L-MEB, L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere) of SMOS INRA-CESBIO (SMOS-IC) and SMOS L2 algorithms. We inter-compared SMAP-IB9 with two other products with a similar grid resolution (similar to 10 km): the SMAP Enhanced Level-3 SM dataset (SMAP-E) and the enhanced global dataset for the land component of the fifth generation of European reanalysis (ERA5-Land) with the main objective of assessing the discrepancy in accuracy between remotely sensed and model SM datasets. We found that ERA5-Land and SMAP-IB9 SM had the overall highest correlations (R = 0.62(+/- 0.15) for ERA5-Land vs. 0.60 (+/- 0.17) for SMAP-IB9 and 0.50(+/- 0.15) for SMAP-E) by comparing with the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) in-situ measurements from 22 networks. ERA5-Land showed better performances in the forest areas where SMAP-IB9 and SMAP-E still showed high potential in detecting the time variations of the observed SM, particularly in terms of median correlation values (0.62(+/- 0.18) for SMAP-IB9 vs. 0.66(+/- 0.16) for ERA5-and). The discrepancy in R between satellite and model SM products that were reported in some past studies has decreased to statistically insignificant levels over time. For instance, in the non-forest areas, we found that the latest versions of the SMAP SM products (SMAP-E and SMAP-IB9) had relatively comparable performances with ERA5-Land with regard to median ubRMSE (0.07(+/- 0.02) m(3)/m(3) for both SMAP-E and ERA5-Land) and R (0.59 (+/- 0.16) for SMAP-IB9 vs. 0.61(+/- 0.15) for ERA5-Land), respectively.
2024-01The freeze-thaw (F/T) process plays a significant role in climate change and ecological systems. The soil F/T state can now be determined using microwave remote sensing. However, its monitoring capacity is constrained by its low spatial resolution or long revisit intervals. In this study, spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) data with high temporal and spatial resolutions were used to detect daily soil F/T cycles, including completely frozen (CF), completely thawed (CT), and F/T transition states. First, the calibrated Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) reflectivity was used for soil F/T classification. Compared with those of soil moisture active and passive (SMAP) F/T data and in situ data, the detection accuracies of CYGNSS reach 75.1% and 81.4%, respectively. Subsequently, the changes in spatial characteristics were quantified, including the monthly occurrence days of the soil F/T state. It is found that the CF and CT states have opposite spatial distributions, and the F/T transition states distribute from the east to the west and then back to the east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which may be due to varying diurnal temperatures in different seasons. Finally, the first day of thawing (FDT), last day of thawing, and thawing period of the F/T year were analyzed in terms of the changes in temporal characteristics. The temporal variation of thawing is mainly different between the western and eastern parts of the Tibetan Plateau, which is in agreement with the spatial variation characteristics. The results demonstrate that the CYGNSS can accurately detect the F/T state of near-surface soil on a daily scale. Moreover, it can complement traditional remote sensing missions to improve the F/T detection capability. It can also expand the applications of GNSS-R technology and provide new avenues for cryosphere research.
2023-01-01 Web of ScienceAccurate surface soil moisture (SM) data are crucial for agricultural management in Jiangsu Province, one of the major agricultural regions in China. However, the seasonal performance of different SM products in Jiangsu is still unknown. To address this, this study aims to evaluate the applicability of four L-band microwave remotely sensed SM products, namely, the Soil Moisture Active Passive Single-Channel Algorithm at Vertical Polarization Level 3 (SMAP SCA-V L3, hereafter SMAP-L3), SMOS-SMAP-INRAE-BORDEAUX (SMOSMAP-IB), Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity in version IC (SMOS-IC), and SMAP-INRAE-BORDEAUX (SMAP-IB) in Jiangsu at the seasonal scale. In addition, the effects of dynamic environmental variables such as the leaf vegetation index (LAI), mean surface soil temperature (MSST), and mean surface soil wetness (MSSM) on the performance of the above products are investigated. The results indicate that all four SM products exhibit significant seasonal differences when evaluated against in situ observations between 2016 and 2022, with most products achieving their highest correlation (R) and unbiased root-mean-square difference (ubRMSD) scores during the autumn. Conversely, their performance significantly deteriorates in the summer, with ubRMSD values exceeding 0.06 m3/m3. SMOS-IC generally achieves better R values across all seasons but has limited temporal availability, while SMAP-IB typically has the lowest ubRMSD values, even reaching 0.03 m3/m3 during morning observation in the winter. Additionally, the sensitivity of different products' skill metrics to environmental factors varies across seasons. For ubRMSD, SMAP-L3 shows a general increase with LAI across all four seasons, while SMAP-IB exhibits a notable increase as the soil becomes wetter in the summer. Conversely, wet conditions notably reduce the R values during autumn for most products. These findings are expected to offer valuable insights for the appropriate selection of products and the enhancement of SM retrieval algorithms.
2022-10In the context of global warming, permafrost degrades gradually. To cope with the instability of the cryosphere, it is very important to strengthen the monitoring of the seasonal freeze-thaw cycle. At present, active and passive microwave remote sensing data are widely used in freeze/thaw (F/T) onset detection. There is some potential to improve accuracy through the combination of active and passive microwave data. Compared with the traditional method for combination, the machine learning algorithm has a stronger nonlinear expression ability. Therefore, it is advisable to use machine learning to combine multi-source data for freeze/thaw onset detection. In this study, the temporal change detection method is applied to SMAP data and ASCAT data respectively for preliminary detection. Then the Random Forest algorithm (RF) is used to combine the preliminary results of active and passive microwave data with site observation to estimate the freeze/thaw onsets more accurately. The method is validated with data obtained in Alaska from 2015 to 2019. The accuracy evaluation shows that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of freeze/thaw onset detection. The predicted distribution of the freeze/thaw cycle indicates that the variation of the freeze-thaw cycle is closely related to latitude. In general, the proposed method based on machine learning is promising in the research of freeze-thaw state monitoring.
2022-02-01 Web of ScienceLong-term and high-quality surface soil moisture (SSM) and root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) data is crucial for understanding the land-atmosphere interactions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). More than 40% of QTP is covered by permafrost, yet few studies have evaluated the accuracy of SSM and RZSM products derived from microwave satellite, land surface models (LSMs) and reanalysis over that region. This study tries to address this gap by evaluating a range of satellite and reanalysis estimates of SSM and RZSM in the thawed soil overlaying permafrost in the QTP, using in-situ measurements from sixteen stations. Here, seven SSM products were evaluated: Soil Moisture Active Passive L3 (SMAP L3) and L4 (SMAP-L4), Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity in version IC (SMOS IC), Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI), Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT), and the fifth generation of the land component of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalysis (ERAS-Land). We also evaluated three RZSM products from SMAP-L4, ERA5-Land, and the Noah land surface model driven by Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS-Noah). The assessment was conducted using five statistical metrics, i. e. Pearson correlation coefficient (R), bias, slope, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and unbiased RMSE (ubRMSE) between SSM or RZSM products and in-situ measurements. Our results showed that the ESA CCI, SMAP-L4 and SMOS-IC SSM products outperformed the other SSM products, indicated by higher correlation coefficients (R) (with a median R value of 0.63, 0.44 and 0.57, respectively) and lower ubRMSE (with a median ubRMSE value of 0.05, 0.04 and 0.07 m(3)/m(3), respectively). Yet, SSM overestimation was found for all SSM products. This could be partly attributed to ancillary data used in the retrieval (e.g. overestimation of land surface temperature for SMAP-L3) and to the fact that the products (e.g. LPRM) more easily overestimate the in-situ SSM when the soil is very dry. As expected, SMAP-L3 SSM performed better in areas with sparse vegetation than with dense vegetation covers. For RZSM products, SMAP-L4 and GLDAS-Noah (R = 0.66 and 0.44, ubRMSE = 0.03 and 0.02 m(3)/m(3), respectively) performed better than ERAS-Land (R = 0.46; ubRMSE = 0.03 m(3)/m(3)). It is also found that all RZSM products were unable to capture the variations of in-situ RZSM during the freezing/thawing period over the permafrost regions of QTP, due to large deviation for the ice-water phase change simulation and the lack of consideration for unfrozen-water migration during freezing processes in the LSMs.
2021-11-01 Web of ScienceLong-term and high-quality surface soil moisture (SSM) and root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) data is crucial for understanding the land-atmosphere interactions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). More than 40% of QTP is covered by permafrost, yet few studies have evaluated the accuracy of SSM and RZSM products derived from microwave satellite, land surface models (LSMs) and reanalysis over that region. This study tries to address this gap by evaluating a range of satellite and reanalysis estimates of SSM and RZSM in the thawed soil overlaying permafrost in the QTP, using in-situ measurements from sixteen stations. Here, seven SSM products were evaluated: Soil Moisture Active Passive L3 (SMAP L3) and L4 (SMAP-L4), Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity in version IC (SMOS IC), Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI), Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT), and the fifth generation of the land component of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalysis (ERAS-Land). We also evaluated three RZSM products from SMAP-L4, ERA5-Land, and the Noah land surface model driven by Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS-Noah). The assessment was conducted using five statistical metrics, i. e. Pearson correlation coefficient (R), bias, slope, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and unbiased RMSE (ubRMSE) between SSM or RZSM products and in-situ measurements. Our results showed that the ESA CCI, SMAP-L4 and SMOS-IC SSM products outperformed the other SSM products, indicated by higher correlation coefficients (R) (with a median R value of 0.63, 0.44 and 0.57, respectively) and lower ubRMSE (with a median ubRMSE value of 0.05, 0.04 and 0.07 m(3)/m(3), respectively). Yet, SSM overestimation was found for all SSM products. This could be partly attributed to ancillary data used in the retrieval (e.g. overestimation of land surface temperature for SMAP-L3) and to the fact that the products (e.g. LPRM) more easily overestimate the in-situ SSM when the soil is very dry. As expected, SMAP-L3 SSM performed better in areas with sparse vegetation than with dense vegetation covers. For RZSM products, SMAP-L4 and GLDAS-Noah (R = 0.66 and 0.44, ubRMSE = 0.03 and 0.02 m(3)/m(3), respectively) performed better than ERAS-Land (R = 0.46; ubRMSE = 0.03 m(3)/m(3)). It is also found that all RZSM products were unable to capture the variations of in-situ RZSM during the freezing/thawing period over the permafrost regions of QTP, due to large deviation for the ice-water phase change simulation and the lack of consideration for unfrozen-water migration during freezing processes in the LSMs.
2021The process of soil freezing and thawing refers to the alternating phase change of liquid water and solid water in the soil, accompanied by a large amount of latent heat exchange. It plays a vital role in the land water process and is an important indicator of climate change. The Tibetan Plateau in China is known as the roof of the world, and it is one of the most prominent physical characteristics is the freezing and thawing process of the soil. For the first time, this paper utilizes the spaceborne GNSS-R mission, i.e., CYGNSS (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System), to study the feasibility of monitoring the soil freeze-thaw (FT) cycles on the Tibetan Plateau. In the theoretical analysis part, model simulations show that there are abrupt changes in soil permittivities and surface reflectivities as the soil FT occurs. The CYGNSS reflectivities from January 2018 to January 2020 are compared with the SMAP FT state. The relationship between CYGNSS reflectivity and SMAP soil moisture within this time series is analyzed and compared. The results show that the effect of soil moisture on reflectivity is very small and can be ignored. The periodic oscillation change of CYGNSS reflectivity is almost the same as the changes in SMAP FT data. Freeze-thaw conversion is the main factor affecting CYGNSS reflectivity. The periodical change of CYGNSS reflectivity in the 2 years indicates that it is mainly caused by soil FT cycles. It is feasible to use CYGNSS to monitor the soil FT cycles in the Tibetan Plateau. This research expands the current application field of CYGNSS and opens a new chapter in the study of cryosphere using spaceborne GNSS-R with high spatial-temporal resolution.
2020-08-01 Web of Science