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The more insects there are, the more food there is for insectivores and the higher the likelihood for insect-associated ecosystem services. Yet, we lack insights into the drivers of insect biomass over space and seasons, for both tropical and temperate zones. We used 245 Malaise traps, managed by 191 volunteers and park guards, to characterize year-round flying insect biomass in a temperate (Sweden) and a tropical (Madagascar) country. Surprisingly, we found that local insect biomass was similar across zones. In Sweden, local insect biomass increased with accumulated heat and varied across habitats, while biomass in Madagascar was unrelated to the environmental predictors measured. Drivers behind seasonality partly converged: In both countries, the seasonality of insect biomass differed between warmer and colder sites, and wetter and drier sites. In Sweden, short-term deviations from expected season-specific biomass were explained by week-to-week fluctuations in accumulated heat, rainfall and soil moisture, whereas in Madagascar, weeks with higher soil moisture had higher insect biomass. Overall, our study identifies key drivers of the seasonal distribution of flying insect biomass in a temperate and a tropical climate. This knowledge is key to understanding the spatial and seasonal availability of insects-as well as predicting future scenarios of insect biomass change.

期刊论文 2024-06-19 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2024.0090 ISSN: 0962-8452

Lumbini isa world heritage site located in the southern plains region of Nepal, and is regarded as a potential site for evaluating transboundary air pollution due to its proximity to the border with India. In this study, 82 aerosol samples were collected between April 2013 and July 2014 to investigate the levels of particulate-bound mercury (PBM) and the corresponding seasonality, sources, and influencing factors. The PBM concentration in total suspended particulate (TSP) matter ranged from 6.8 pg m-3 to 351.7 pg m-3 (mean of 99.7 +/- 92.6 pg m-3), which exceeded the ranges reported for remote and rural sites worldwide. The Hg content (PBM/TSP) ranged from 68.2 ng g-1 to 1744.8 ng g-1 (mean of 446.9 +/- 312.7 ng g-1), indicating anthropogenic enrichment. The PBM levels were higher in the dry season (i.e., winter and the pre-monsoon period) than in the wet season (i.e., the monsoon period). In addition, the d202Hg signature indicated that waste/coal burning and traffic were the major sources of Hg in Lumbini during the pre-monsoon period. Meanwhile, precipitation occurring during photochemical processes in the atmosphere may have been responsible for the observed D199Hg values in the aerosol samples obtained during the monsoon period. The PBM concentration was influenced mostly by the resuspension of polluted dust during dry periods and crop residue burning during the post-monsoon period. The estimated PBM deposition flux at Lumbini was 15.7 lg m-2 yr-1. This study provides a reference dataset of atmospheric PBM over a year, which can be useful for understanding the geochemical cycling of Hg in this region of limited data. (c) 2021 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

期刊论文 2024-03-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2021.101274 ISSN: 1674-9871

Landscape-scalechanges in the Arctic as a result of climate changeaffect the soil thermal regime and impact the depth to permafrostin vulnerable tundra watersheds. When top-down thaw of permafrostoccurs, oxygen and porewaters infiltrate deeper in the soil columnexposing fresh, previously frozen material and altering redox conditionsthat govern the mobility of geochemical constituents. Redox conditionsplay a critical role in the carbon cycle processes that link permafrostcarbon stocks with potential feedbacks to climate warming. As such,there remains a gap in knowledge understanding how redox stratificationsin thawing permafrost impact the geochemistry of watersheds in responseto climate change and how investigations into redox may be scaledby coupling extensive geophysical mapping techniques. In this study,we collected soils and soil porewaters from three soil pits and surfacewater samples from an Arctic watershed on the North Slope of Alaskaand analyzed for trace metals iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) and Feoxidation state using bulk and microscale techniques, including X-raysynchrotron spectroscopy. We also used geophysical mapping and soilthermistors to measure active layer depths across the watershed torelate accelerating permafrost thaw to watershed geochemistry. Wefound that Fe(II) and Fe(III) co-occur in the soils, porewaters, andsurface waters of Imnavait Creek watershed with Fe(II) comprisingup to 37% of the total Fe concentrations in the 40-60 cm soildepth and up to 17% in the 60-80 cm soil depth. In comparisonto the surface (0-20 cm) and deeper in the permafrost (80-100cm), Fe(II) was found to be enriched in the soils at the permafrost-activelayer transition zone in two of the three soil pits and that translatedto mobilization of Fe(II) to porewaters upon thaw at 40-60cm, contributing up to 72% of the total Fe. Further, Fe(II) was foundto be mobilized in all porewater samples from 60 to 100 cm depth andcomprised 56-70% of the total Fe. In the surface water, Feand Mn concentrations were linked to seasonality with higher concentrationscoinciding with the deepest yearly extent of the active layer thawprogression. Overall, we found evidence that Fe and Mn could be usefulas geochemical indicators of permafrost thaw and release of Fe(II)from thawing permafrost and further oxidation to Fe(III) could translateto a higher degree of seasonal rusting coinciding with the warmingand thawing of near surface-permafrost.

期刊论文 2023-07-21 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.2c00367 ISSN: 2472-3452

Coastal salinity typically alters the soil microbial communities, which subsequently affect the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients in the soil. The seasonal variation of the soil fungal communities in the coastal area, closely associated with plant population, is poorly understood. This study provides an insight into the fungal community's variations from autumn to winter and spring to summer at a well-populated area of salt-tolerant Tamarix chinensis and beach. The richness and diversity of fungal community were higher in the spring season and lower in the winter season, as showed by high throughput sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene. Ascomycota was the predominant phylum reported in all samples across the region, and higher difference was reported at order level across the seasonal variations. The redundancy analysis suggested that the abundance and diversity of fungal communities in different seasons are mainly correlated to total organic carbon and total nitrogen. Additionally, the saprotrophic and pathotrophic fungi decreased while symbiotic fungi increased in the autumn season. This study provides a pattern of seasonal variation in fungal community composition that further broadens our limited understanding of how the density of the salt-tolerant T. chinensis population of the coastal saline soil could respond to their seasonal variations.

期刊论文 2022-05-19 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00248-021-01680-4 ISSN: 0095-3628

The response of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux to permafrost degradation is one of the major sources of uncertainty in predicting the permafrost carbon feedback. We investigated DOC export and properties over two complete flow seasons in a catchment on the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. DOC concentration and biodegradability decreased systematically as thaw depth increased through the season, attributable to changing carbon sources and degree of microbial processing. Increasing DOC aromaticity and C-13-DOC indicated shifts toward more recalcitrant carbon sources and greater residence time in soils prior to reaching the stream network. These strong and consistent seasonal trends suggest that gradual active layer deepening may decrease DOC export and biodegradability from permafrost catchments. Because these patterns are opposite observations from areas experiencing abrupt permafrost collapse (thermokarst), the overall impact of permafrost degradation on DOC flux and biodegradability may depend on the proportion of the landscape experiencing gradual thaw versus thermokarst.

期刊论文 2017-09-28 DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075067 ISSN: 0094-8276
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