The stability of arctic permafrost and the carbon it contains are currently threatened by a rapidly warming climate. Burial Lake, situated in northwestern arctic Alaska, is underlain by continuous permafrost and has a uniquely rich set of paleoclimate proxy data that comprise a 40-ka record of climate and environmental change extending well into Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Here, we examine the relationship between erosion, subsurface hydrology, and primary productivity from the Burial Lake sediments to improve our understanding of the links between climate, hydrology, sediment transport, and carbon mobility. The record is developed with radiocarbon (14C) age-offsets from two independent methods used to date the lake sediments: 1) 14 C measurements on paired bulk sediment and plant macrofossils from the same stratigraphic layer of lake sediment and 2) ramped pyrolysis- oxidation (RPO) 14 C analysis that separates fractions of organic carbon (OC) from a single bulk sediment sample based on thermochemical differences through continuous heating. As lakes capture and archive OC transported from the watershed, changes in the amount and relative age of permafrost-derived OC mobilized during past climatic variations can be documented by examining how age-offsets change over time. The Burial Lake sediment revealed higher age-offsets during the cold Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 29-17 ka) than the comparatively warmer post-glacial ( 17 ka-present) and the MIS 3 interstadial ( 40-29 ka) periods. The relatively warm, wet climate of the post-glacial period promoted both terrestrial and aquatic productivity, resulting in increased OC deposition, and it likely favored transport via subsurface flow of dissolved OC (DOC) sourced from soils. This resulted in a greater flux of contemporary OC relative to ancient OC into the lake sediment, lowering the average age offset to 2 ka. In contrast, the low-productivity conditions of the LGM resulted in slow soil accumulation rates, leaving ancient OC in a shallower position in the soil profile and allowing it to be easily eroded in the form of particulate OC (POC). Although the amount of total OC deposited in the lakebed during the LGM is small relative to post-glacial deposition, the majority is ancient, which leads to a relatively high average age offset of 9 ka. Finally, climate and environmental conditions of the MIS 3 interstadial were intermediate between those of the post-glacial and the LGM. As with post-glacial sediments, a relatively large amount of OC is present; however, the vast majority of it is ancient (more similar to the LGM), and it produces an average age offset of 6 ka. The Burial Lake radiocarbon record demonstrates the complexities of the thaw and mobilization of permafrost OC in arctic Alaska, including the balance between production, transport, deposition, remobilization, and preservation. This record highlights the importance of considering factors that both enhance and inhibit erosion (i.e. vegetation cover, lake level, precipitation) and the mechanisms of OC transport (i.e. subsurface flow or erosion) in predictions of future permafrost response to changes in climate.
Indian monsoon circulation is the primary driver of the long-range transboundary mercury (Hg) pollution from South Asia to the Himalayas and Tibet Plateau region, yet the northward extent of this transport remains unknown. In this study, a strong delta Hg-202 signature overlapping was found between Lake Gokyo and Indian anthropogenic sources, which is an indicative of the Hg source regions from South Asia. Most of the sediment samples were characterized with relatively large positive Delta Hg-199 values (mean = 0.07 parts per thousand-0.44 parts per thousand) and small positive Delta Hg-200 values (mean = 0.03 parts per thousand-0.08 parts per thousand). Notably, the Delta Hg-199 values in the lake sediments progressively increased from southwest to northeast. Moreover, the Delta Hg-199 values peaked at Lake Tanglha (mean = 0.44 parts per thousand +/- 0.04 parts per thousand) before decreased at Lake Qinghai that is under the influence of the westerlies. Our results suggest that transboundary atmospheric transport could transport Hg from South Asia northwards to at least the Tanglha Mountains in the northern Himalaya-Tibet.
Climate change has regulated cryosphere-fed rivers and altered interannual and seasonal sediment dynamics, with significant implications for terrestrial material cycles and downstream aquatic ecosystems. However, there has been a notable scarcity of research focusing on the patterns of water-sediment transport within these permafrost zones. Integrating 6 years (2017-2022) of in-situ observational data from FengHuoShan basin with the partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method, we analyse the driving factors, characteristics and seasonal patterns of the water-sediment transport process. We observed a gradual increase in both suspended sediment flux (SSF, Mt/yr) and runoff (Q, km(3)/yr) within the basin, with annual growth rates of 1.34%/yr and 0.75%/yr, respectively. It is worth noting that these growth rates exhibit seasonal variations, with the highest values observed in spring (SSF: 1.76%/yr, Q: 1.71%/yr). This indicates that the response to climate change is more pronounced in spring compared with summer and autumn. Through mathematical statistics and the PLS-SEM model, we found that temperature plays a predominant role in the dynamics of water-sediment in both spring and autumn, whereas rainfall exerts a more significant impact during the summer. Most suspended sediment concentration (SSC, kg/m(3)) peak events throughout the year are primarily driven by rainfall. Affected by the freeze-thaw cycle of permafrost, SSC and discharge (Q, m(3)/s) exhibit distinct seasonality. SSC and Q demonstrate a clockwise trend; both Q and SSC begin to increase from May and peak in August before declining. The insights gleaned from this study hold significant implications for water resource management and soil conservation strategies in the region, particularly in the face of ongoing climatic changes characterized by warming and increased humidity.
Black Carbon (BC), as a driver of environmental change, could significantly impact the snow by accelerating melting and decreasing albedo. Systematic documentation of BC studies is crucial for a better understanding of its spatial and temporal trends. This study reviewed the BC studies in the ice core and remote lake sediments and their sources in the northern hemisphere. The literature surveyed points to around 2.9 to 3.7 times increase of BC in the European Alps and up to a three-fold increase of BC in the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau (HTP) after the onset of industrialization in Europe and Asia, respectively. BC concentration from Greenland ice core showed seven times increase with an interrupted trend after 1950's. South Asian emissions were dominant in the HTP along with a contribution from the Middle East, whereas Western European and local emissions were responsible for the change in BC concentration in the European Alps. In the Arctic, contributions from North America, Europe and Asia persisted. Similarly, a historical reconstruction of lake sediments records demonstrates the effects of emissions from long-range transport, sediment focusing, local anthropogenic activities, precipitation and total input of flux on the BC concentration.
High-latitude permafrost, including hydrate-bearing frozen ground, changes its properties in response to natural climate change and to impacts from petroleum production. Of special interest is the behavior of thermal conductivity, one of the key parameters that control the thermal processes in permafrost containing gas hydrate accumulations. Thermal conductivity variations under pressure and temperature changes were studied in the laboratory through physical modeling using sand sampled from gas-bearing permafrost of the Yamal Peninsula (northern West Siberia, Russia). When gas pressure drops to below equilibrium at a constant negative temperature (about -6(degrees)C), the thermal conductivity of the samples first becomes a few percent to 10% lower as a result of cracking and then increases as pore gas hydrate dissociates and converts to water and then to ice. The range of thermal conductivity variations has several controls: pore gas pressure, hydrate saturation, rate of hydrate dissociation, and amount of additionally formed pore ice. In general, hydrate dissociation can cause up to 20% thermal conductivity decrease in frozen hydrate-bearing sand. As the samples are heated to positive temperatures, their thermal conductivity decreases by a magnitude depending on residual contents of pore gas hydrate and ice: the decrease reaches similar to 30% at 20-40% hydrate saturation. The thermal conductivity decrease in hydrate-free saline frozen sand is proportional to the salinity and can become similar to 40% lower at a salinity of 0.14%. The behavior of thermal conductivity in frozen hydrate-bearing sediments under a pressure drop below the equilibrium and a temperature increase to above 0 C-degrees is explained in a model of pore space changes based on the experimental results.
Glacial sediments as an important end member of the global dust system, could indicate changes in global climate, aerosols sources, ocean elements, and productivity. With global warming, ice caps shrinking and glaciers retreat at high latitudes have attracted concern. To understand the response of glacier to environment and climate in modern high latitude ice-marginal environments, this paper investigated glacial sediments in the Ny-angstrom lesund region of the Arctic and clarified the response of polar environmental to global changes through geochemical characteristics of glacial sediments. The results showed that: 1) main factors affecting the elements distribution of the Ny-angstrom lesund glacial sediments were thought as soil formation, bedrock and weathering, and biological activity; 2) variations of SiO2/Al2O3 and SiO2/Al2O3 + Fe2O3, indicating low weathering of the soil. The ratio of Na2O/K2O indicating a weak chemical weathering, was negatively correlated to the CIA. With the average CIA of Ny-angstrom lesund glacial sediments for main minerals of quartz, feldspar, and muscovite as well as dolomite and calcite 50.13, which implied glacial sediments at the early stage of chemical weathering and depletion of Ca and Na; 3) the separating effect of stones and soils by stone circle formation due to thermal conductivity and frost heave makes sediments in stone circle have lower chemical weathering with only two main minerals, albite and quartz; 4) changes of carbonate content in sediments with glacier front retreating in different period implied that weathering rate of calcite averagely reached an estimate of 0.0792% wt/year in glacier A. The succession of vegetation made biological weathering become an important driving force for carbonate leaching from glacial sediments. These results and data provide scientifically significant archive for future global change studies.
Variations in the suspended sediment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have important implications for aquatic ecosystems. Although changes in the cryosphere induced by climate change have been shown to increase sedi-ment yields, their impacts on water and sediment dynamics in headwater regions remain poorly investigated. Here, we examined the responses of runoff and suspended sediment dynamics to changes in the climate and ground freeze-thaw cycle in the source region of the Yangtze River (SRYR) from 1964 to 2019. Long-term daily in situ water and sediment observations provided evidence that climate change controlled change in seasonal and annual water-sediment dynamics by regulating air temperature and precipitation. Attribution analysis showed that precipitation (-41.93 %, through driving rainfall splash, overland flow erosion, and mass wasting) and land surface temperature (-30.66 %, through driving freeze-thaw erosion) were the major factors contributing to increasing fluvial sediment fluxes over the past 30 years. We found that freeze-thaw cycles changed the soil erosion patterns by governing the thermal state of the near-surface active layer and driving associated thermal processes. Furthermore, the extension of the thawing duration and the advance of the thawing starting date (at an average rate of 13.5 days/10 yr) exacerbated freeze-thaw erosion, leading to elevated sediment fluxes in the initial thaw and initial freezing periods. This study highlights the need to focus on cryosphere-hydrology ob-servations in terms of sediment dynamics; these findings are critical for soil and ecological protection in alpine headwater regions.
Studies of microplastics (MPs) in remote, trans-boundary and alpine rivers are currently lacking. To understand the sinks and transport mechanisms of MPs, this study investigated the distributions and sources of MPs in the surface waters and sediments of five tributaries of the Koshi River (KR), a typical alpine river in the Himalayas between China and Nepal. Mean abundances of MPs in water and sediment were 202 +/- 100 items/m3 and 58 +/- 27 items/kg, dry weight, respectively. The upstream tributary, Pum Qu in China, had the smallest abundance of MPs, while the middle tributary, Sun Koshi in Nepal, had the greatest abundance. Compared to international values in rivers, contamination of the KR with MPs was low to moderate. Fibers represented 98% of all MP particles observed, which consisted of polyethylene, polyethyleneterephthalate, polyamide, polypropylene, and polystyrene. Blue and black MPs were prevalent, and small MPs (<1 mm) accounted for approximately 60% of all MPs. Atmospheric transmission and deposition were considered to be the principal sources of MPs in the upstream tributary. The results imply that point sources associated with mostly untreated sewage effluents and solid wastes from households, major settlements, towns, and cities were most important sources of MPs in the KR. Non-point sources from agricultural runoff and atmospheric transport and deposition in the middle stream tributaries also contribute a part of microplastics, while the least amount was from fishing in the downstream tributary. Urbanization, agriculture, traffic, and tourism contributed to pollution in the KR by MPs. Equations to predict abundances of MPs based on river altitudes revealed that different trends were affected by both natural and human factors within the KR basin. This study presents new insights into the magnitude of MP pollution of a remote alpine river and provides valuable data for developing MP monitoring and mitigation strategies in similar environments worldwide.
Rapid permafrost degradation is observed in northern regions as a result of climate change and expanding economic development. Associated increases in active layer depth lead to thermokarst development, resulting in irregular surface topography. In Central Yakutia, significant areas of the land surface have been deteriorated by thermokarst; however, no mitigation or land rehabilitation efforts are undertaken. This paper presents the results of numerical modeling of the thermal response of permafrost to changes in the active layer hydrothermal regime using field data from the village of Amga, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and mathematical analysis. The results suggest that restoring a thick ice-enriched layer will require increasing the pre-winter soil moisture contents in order to increase the effective heat capacity of the active layer. Snow removal or compaction during the winter is recommended to maximize permafrost cooling. The thickness of the restored transition layer varies from 0.3 to 1.3 m depending on soil moisture contents in the active layer. The modeling results demonstrate that damaged lands can be restored through a set of measures to lower the subsurface temperatures. A combination of the insulating layer (forest vegetation) and the high heat capacity layer (transition layer) in the atmosphere-ground system would be more effective in providing stable geocryological conditions.
Under global warming, the permafrost-underlain headwater catchments of the Tibetan Plateau have undergone extensive permafrost degradation and changes in precipitation characteristics, which may substantially alter the riverine suspended sediment and riverine solute fluxes. However, these fluxes and their influencing factors in such catchments are poorly understood. We studied the suspended sediment and solute fluxes in a permafrost-underlain headwater catchment on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, based on comprehensive measurements of various water types in spring and summer in 2017. The daily flux of suspended sediment in spring was close to that in summer, but heavy rainfall events following a relatively long dry period made the largest contribution to the suspended sediment fluxes in summer. The riverine solute flux (in tons) was 12.6% and 27.8% of the suspended sediment flux (in tons) in spring and summer, indicating the dominating role of physical weathering in total material exportation. The snowmelt mobilized more suspended sediment fluxes and fewer solutes fluxes than summer rain, which may be due to the meltwater erosion and freeze-thaw processes in spring and the thicker thawed soil layer and better vegetation coverage in summer, and the longer contact time between the soil pore water and the soil and rock minerals after the thawing of frozen soil. The input of snowmelt driven by higher air temperatures in spring and the direct input of rainfall in summer would both act to dilute the stream water; however, the supra-permafrost water, with high solute contents, recharged the adjacent streamflow as frozen soil seeps and thus moderated the decrease in the riverine solute content during heavy snowmelt or rainfall events. With the permafrost degradation under future global warming, the solute fluxes in permafrost-underlain headwater catchments may increase, but the suspended sediment flux in spring may decrease due to the expansion of discontinuous permafrost areas and active layer thickness.