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A comprehensive global investigation on the impact of reduction (changes) in aerosol emissions due to Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) lockdowns on aerosol single scattering albedo (SSA) utilizing satellite observations and model simulations is conducted for the first time. The absolute change in Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) retrieved, and two highly-spatially resolved models (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA-2) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)) simulated SSA is <4% (<0.04-0.05) globally during COVID (2020) compared to normal (2015-2019) period. Change in SSA during COVID is not significantly different from long-term and year-to-year variability in SSA. A small change in SSA indicates that significant reduction in anthropogenic aerosol emissions during COVID-19 induced lockdowns has a negligible effect in changing the net contribution of aerosol scattering and/or absorption to total aerosol extinction. The changes in species-wise aerosol optical depth (AOD) are examined in detail to explain the observed changes in SSA. Model simulations show that total AOD decreased during COVID-19 lockdowns, consistent with satellite observations. The respective contributions of sulfate and black carbon (BC) to total AOD increased, which resulted in a negligible change in SSA during the spring and summer seasons of COVID over South Asia. Europe and North America experience a small increase in SSA (<2%) during the summer season of COVID due to a decrease in BC contribution. The change in SSA (2%) is the same for a small change in BC AOD contribution (3%), and for a significant change in sulfate AOD contribution (20%) to total AOD. Since, BC SSA is 5-times lower (higher absorption) than that of sulfate SSA, the change in SSA remains the same. For a significant change in SSA to occur, the BC AOD contribution needs to be changed significantly (4-5 times) compared to other aerosol species. A sensitivity analysis reveals that change in aerosol radiative forcing during COVID is primarily dependent on change in AOD rather than SSA. These quantitative findings can be useful to devise more suitable future global and regional mitigation strategies aimed at regulating aerosol emissions to reduce environmental impacts, air pollution, and public health risks.

期刊论文 2024-09-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120649 ISSN: 1352-2310

The impact of aerosols, especially the absorbing aerosols, in the Himalayan region is important for climate. We closely examine ground-based high-quality observations of aerosol characteristics including radiative forcing from several locations in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), the Himalayan foothills and the Tibetan Plateau, relatively poorly studied regions with several sensitive ecosystems of global importance, as well as highly vulnerable large populations. This paper presents a state-of-the-art treatment of the warming that arises from these particles, using a combination of new measurements and modeling techniques. This is a first-time analysis of its kind, including ground-based observations, satellite data, and model simulations, which reveals that the aerosol radiative forcing efficiency (ARFE) in the atmosphere is clearly high over the IGP and the Himalayan foothills (80-135 Wm(-2) per unit aerosol optical depth (AOD)), with values being greater at higher elevations. AOD is >0.30 and single scattering albedo (SSA) is similar to 0.90 throughout the year over this region. The mean ARFE is 2-4 times higher here than over other polluted sites in South and East Asia, owing to higher AOD and aerosol absorption (i.e., lower SSA). Further, the observed annual mean aerosol induced atmospheric heating rates (0.5-0.8 Kelvin/day), which are significantly higher than previously reported values for the region, imply that the aerosols alone could account for >50 % of the total warming (aerosols + greenhouse gases) of the lower atmosphere and surface over this region. We demonstrate that the current state-of-the-art models used in climate assessments significantly underestimate aerosol-induced heating, efficiency and warming over the Hindu Kush - Himalaya - Tibetan Plateau (HKHTP) region, indicating a need for a more realistic representation of aerosol properties, especially of black carbon and other aerosols. The significant, regionally coherent aerosol induced warming that we observe in the high altitudes of the region, is a significant factor contributing to increasingair temperature, observed accelerated retreat of the glaciers, and changes in the hydrological cycle and precipitation patterns over this region. Thus, aerosols are heating up the Himalayan climate, and will remain a key factor driving climate change over the region.

期刊论文 2023-10-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164733 ISSN: 0048-9697

A comprehensive investigation of physical, optical, and chemical characteristics of columnar aerosols over two locations with distinct environmental settings in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) region, namely, Kanpur (urban and industrial area) and Gandhi College (rural area), is conducted using high-quality aerosol datasets obtained from ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) observations during the recent five year period (2015-2019). This study utilizes all the crucial columnar aerosol parameters necessary for accurately estimating aerosol radiative forcing. Quantification of contribution by different aerosol species originating from natural and anthropogenic sources to the total aerosol optical depth (AOD) and single scattering albedo (SSA) is important to understand the specific mechanisms that influence the aerosol composition, thereby reducing the uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing. For the first time, two highly spatially resolved models' (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA-2) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)) simulated absorbingspecies-wise (black carbon (BC), dust, and brown carbon (BrC)) AOD, and absorption AOD (AAOD) are compared and contrasted against the AERONET observations over the IGP region in a systematic manner. MERRA-2 AODs are mostly lower, whereas CAMS AODs are consistently higher than the AERONET AODs. A comparison of collocated time and space observations with models clearly suggests that improvements in emission inventories on a seasonal scale are essential. MERRA-2 SSA is noted lower than the AERONET SSA during the winter season due to overestimation in BC AOD. During winter in >70% of MERRA-2 simulated SSA the difference is higher than +/- 0.03 (the uncertainty range of AERONET SSA) whereas during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons >60% of MERRA-2 SSA lies within the uncertainty range of AERONET SSA. Both models show a gradient in AODDust decreasing from west to east in the IGP. However, observations do not often exhibit the gradient in dust, which is validated by air mass back trajectory analyses as air masses travel through different pathways to IGP and reverse the west to east gradient in AODDust. This quantitative and comparative collocated analysis of observed aerosol characteristics with models on a seasonal scale will enable a better estimation of aerosol radiative forcing, and can help improve aerosol processes and parameterizations in models.

期刊论文 2023-01-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119434 ISSN: 1352-2310

This study discusses year-long (October 2016-September 2017) observations of atmospheric black carbon (BC) mass concentration, its source and sector contributions using a chemical transport model at a high-altitude (28 degrees 12'49.21 '' N, 85 degrees 36'33.77 '' E, 4900 masl) site located near the Yala Glacier in the central Himalayas, Nepal. During a field campaign, fresh snow samples were collected from the surface of the Yala Glacier in May 2017, which were analysed for BC and water-insoluble organic carbon mass concentration in order to estimate the scavenging ratio and surface albedo reduction. The maximum BC mass concentration in the ambient atmosphere (0.73 mu g m(-3)) was recorded in the pre-monsoon season. The BC and water-insoluble organic carbon analysed from the snow samples were in the range of 96-542 ng g(-1) and 152-827 ng g(-1), respectively. The source apportionment study using the absorption Angstrom exponent from in situ observations indicated approximately 44% contribution of BC from biomass-burning sources and the remainder from fossil-fuel sources during the entire study period. The source contribution study, using model data sets, indicated similar to 14% contribution of BC from open-burning and similar to 77% from anthropogenic sources during the study period. Our analysis of regional contributions of BC indicated that the highest contribution was from both Nepal and India combined, followed by China, while the rest was distributed among the nearby countries. The surface snow albedo reduction, estimated by an online model - Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiation - was in the range of 0.8-3.8% during the pre-monsoon season. The glacier mass balance analysis suggested that BC contributed to approximately 39% of the total mass loss in the pre-monsoon season. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

期刊论文 2022-09-11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116544 ISSN: 0269-7491

Ice-wedge polygon troughs play an important role in controlling the hydrology of low-relief polygonal tundra regions. Lateral surface flow is confined to troughs only, but it is often neglected in model projections of permafrost thermal hydrology. Recent field and modeling studies have shown that, after rain events, increases in trough water levels are significantly more than the observed precipitation, highlighting the role of lateral surface flow in the polygonal tundra. Therefore, understanding how trough lateral surface flow can influence polygonal tundra thermal hydrology is important, especially under projected changes in temperatures and rainfall in the Arctic regions. Using an integrated cryohydrology model, this study presents plotscale end-of-century projections of ice-wedge polygon water budget components and active layer thickness with and without trough lateral surface flow under the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario. Trough lateral surface flow is incorporated through a newly developed empirical model, evaluated against field measurements. The numerical scenario that includes trough lateral surface flow simulates discharge (outflow from a polygon) and recharge (rain-induced inflow to a polygon trough from upslope areas), while the scenario that does not include trough lateral surface flow ignores recharge. The results show considerable reduction (about 100-150%) in evapotranspiration and discharge in rainy years in the scenarios ignoring trough lateral surface flow, but less effect on soil water storage, in comparison with the scenario with trough lateral surface flow. In addition, the results demonstrate long-term changes (similar to 10-15 cm increase) in active layer thickness when trough lateral surface flow is modeled. This study highlights the importance of including lateral surface flow processes to better understand the long-term thermal and hydrological changes in low-relief polygonal tundra regions under a changing climate.

期刊论文 2022-07-01 DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2145 ISSN: 1045-6740

Thermal conduction control is important for retarding permafrost degradation and mitigating of frost geohazards. Similar to a thermodiode, high thermal conductivity contrast (HTCC) materials can serve as good thermal insulators. A preferred HTCC material for ground cooling is larger in thermal resistance in summer and smaller in winter. Because of contrasting thermal conductivity under frozen and thawed states, organic soil is blessed with such a property. This study quantified and reported the HTCC effects on a range of soil organic matter concentrations (SOMC) and soil moisture saturation degree (SMSD). Using the COMSOL, influences of different SOMC and SMSD on ground temperatures were simulated and compared with laboratory-measured properties. Simulation results demonstrated that with constant SMSD at 20% throughout the year, the thermal insulation effect was strengthened with increasing SOMC. A better insulating effect was judged by lower annual amplitudes and smaller depths of zero annual amplitude of ground temperatures. In case of low SMSD in summer (20%) and high SMSD in winter (60-80%), the HTCC effect of soil is enhanced with increasing SOMC. This enhancement was evidenced by increased thermal offsets and decreased maximum summer and average nearsurface soil temperatures. With constant SOMC and increasing SMSD, the rising HTCC effect gradually cools the ground. An integral analysis indicates that the higher the SOMC and SMSD in winter, the larger the thermal offset and the lower the ground temperature, i.e., the greater the HTCC effect of organic soil. This study may provide geocryological bases for engineering and environmental applications in cold regions.

期刊论文 2022-04-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2022.103485 ISSN: 0165-232X

In many high altitude river basins, the hydro-climatic regimes and the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation are little known, complicating efforts to quantify current and future water availability. Scarce, or non-existent, gauged observations at high altitudes coupled with complex weather systems and orographic effects further prevent a realistic and comprehensive assessment of precipitation. Quantifying the contribution from seasonal snow and glacier melt to the river runoff for a high altitude, melt dependent region is especially difficult. Global scale precipitation products, in combination with precipitation-runoff modelling may provide insights to the hydro-climatic regimes for such data scarce regions. In this study two global precipitation products; the high resolution (0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees), newly developed ERA5-Land, and a coarser resolution (0.55 degrees x 0.55 degrees) JRA-55, are used to simulate snow/glacier melts and runoff for the Gilgit Basin, a sub-basin of the Indus. A hydrological precipitation-runoff model, the Distance Distribution Dynamics (DDD), requires minimum input data and was developed for snow dominated catchments. The mean of total annual precipitation from 1995 to 2010 data was estimated at 888 mm and 951 mm by ERA5-Land and JRA-55, respectively. The daily runoff simulation obtained a Kling Gupta efficiency (KGE) of 0.78 and 0.72 with ERA5-Land and JRA-55 based simulations, respectively. The simulated snow cover area (SCA) was validated using MODIS SCA and the results are quite promising on daily, monthly and annual scales. Our result showed an overall contribution to the river flow as about 26% from rainfall, 37-38% from snow melt, 31% from glacier melt and 5% from soil moisture. These melt simulations are in good agreement with the overall hydro-climatic regimes and seasonality of the area. The proxy energy balance approach in the DDD model, used to estimate snow melt and evapotranspiration, showed robust behaviour and potential for being employed in data poor basins. (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.

期刊论文 2022-01-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149872 ISSN: 0048-9697

This study discusses year-long (October 2016-September 2017) observations of atmospheric black carbon (BC) mass concentration, its source and sector contributions using a chemical transport model at a high-altitude (28 degrees 12'49.21 '' N, 85 degrees 36'33.77 '' E, 4900 masl) site located near the Yala Glacier in the central Himalayas, Nepal. During a field campaign, fresh snow samples were collected from the surface of the Yala Glacier in May 2017, which were analysed for BC and water-insoluble organic carbon mass concentration in order to estimate the scavenging ratio and surface albedo reduction. The maximum BC mass concentration in the ambient atmosphere (0.73 mu g m(-3)) was recorded in the pre-monsoon season. The BC and water-insoluble organic carbon analysed from the snow samples were in the range of 96-542 ng g(-1) and 152-827 ng g(-1), respectively. The source apportionment study using the absorption Angstrom exponent from in situ observations indicated approximately 44% contribution of BC from biomass-burning sources and the remainder from fossil-fuel sources during the entire study period. The source contribution study, using model data sets, indicated similar to 14% contribution of BC from open-burning and similar to 77% from anthropogenic sources during the study period. Our analysis of regional contributions of BC indicated that the highest contribution was from both Nepal and India combined, followed by China, while the rest was distributed among the nearby countries. The surface snow albedo reduction, estimated by an online model - Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiation - was in the range of 0.8-3.8% during the pre-monsoon season. The glacier mass balance analysis suggested that BC contributed to approximately 39% of the total mass loss in the pre-monsoon season. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

期刊论文 2021-04-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116544 ISSN: 0269-7491

Changes in snow precipitation at high latitudes can significantly affect permafrost thermal conditions and thaw depth, potentially exposing more carbon-laden soil to microbial decomposition. A fully coupled process-based surface/subsurface thermal hydrology model with surface energy balance is used to analyze the impact of intra-annual variability in snow on permafrost thermal regime and the active layer thickness. In the four numerical scenarios considered, simulations were forced by the same meteorological data, except the snow precipitation, which was systematically altered to change timing of snowfall. The scenarios represent subtle shifts in snow timing, but the snow onset/melt days, the end of winter snowpack depth, and total annual snow precipitation are unchanged among scenarios. The simulations show that small shifts in the timing of snow accumulation can have significant effects on subsurface thermal conditions leading to active layer deepening and even talik formation when snowfall arrives earlier in the winter. The shifts in snow timing have a stronger impact on wetter regions, especially soil underneath small ponds, as compared to drained regions. This study highlights the importance of understanding potential changes in winter precipitation patterns for reliable projections of active-layer thickness in a changing Arctic climate.

期刊论文 2020-08-01 DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab8ec4 ISSN: 1748-9326

Global warming has already had a significant impact on social ecosystems. The Tibetan Plateau (TP), which is characterized by a cryosphere, is also recognized to have a profound influence on regional and global climate systems, as well as the ecological economy. Therefore, research on the cryosphere is of significant importance. This paper comprehensively reviews the current status and recent changes of the cryosphere (e.g., glacier, snow cover, and frozen ground) in the TP from the perspectives of observations and simulations. Because of enhanced climate warming in the TP, a large portion of glaciers have experienced significant retreat since the 1960s, with obvious regional differences. The retreat is the smallest in the TP interior, and gradually increases towards the edges. Glacier simulations are comparatively few and still under development. Snow cover is a highly sensitive element of the cryosphere and decreases with large interdecadal variations from the 1960s to the 2010s in general. Simulations of snow cover mostly focus on the mutual feedback between the snow cover anomaly, climate and atmospheric circulation. In situ observations and simulations both indicate that the mean annual temperature of frozen ground increases, causing permafrost thaw and degradation and decreasing the seasonal freeze depth of seasonally frozen ground. Under future climate warming, the cryospheric elements in the TP will continue to diminish on the whole. Studies of climate and the cryosphere are ongoing. To date, the lack of observations is the biggest challenge on the TP, resulting in a divergence of cryosphere dynamics and its simulation being a bottleneck. To overcome these issues, a strategy that combines sets of in situ and remote sensing measurements and improved numerical models is of great importance for achieving breakthroughs with respect to research on the TP cryosphere and its interaction with climate.

期刊论文 2019-03-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.12.018 ISSN: 0012-8252
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