Glacial changes are crucial to regional water resources and ecosystems in the Sawir Mountains. However, glacial changes, including the mass balance and glacial meltwater of the Sawir Mountains, have sparsely been reported. Three model calibration strategies were constructed including a regression model based on albedo and in-situ mass balance of Muz Taw Glacier (A-Ms), regression model based on albedo and geodetic mass balance of valley, cirque, and hanging glaciers (A-Mr), and degree-day model (DDM) to obtain a reliable glacier mass balance in the Sawir Mountains and provide the latest understanding in the contribution of glacial meltwater runoff to regional water resources. The results indicated that the glacial albedo reduction was significant from 2000 to 2020 for the entire Sawir Mountains, with a rate of 0.015 (10a)- 1, and the spatial pattern was higher in the east compared to the west. Second, the three strategies all indicated that the glacier mass balance has been continuously negative during the past 20 periods, and the average annual glacier mass balance was -1.01 m w.e. Third, the average annual glacial meltwater runoff in the Sawir Mountains from 2000 to 2020 was 22 x 106 m3, and its
2024-09-20 Web of ScienceThis study uses a new dataset on gauge locations and catchments to assess the impact of 21st-century climate change on the hydrology of 221 high-mountain catchments in Central Asia. A steady-state stochastic soil moisture water balance model was employed to project changes in runoff and evaporation for 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100, compared to the baseline period of 1979-2011. Baseline climate data were sourced from CHELSA V21 climatology, providing daily temperature and precipitation for each subcatchment. Future projections used bias-corrected outputs from four General Circulation Models under four pathways/scenarios (SSP1 RCP 2.6, SSP2 RCP 4.5, SSP3 RCP 7.0, SSP5 RCP 8.5). Global datasets informed soil parameter distribution, and glacier ablation data were integrated to refine discharge modeling and validated against long-term catchment discharge data. The atmospheric models predict an increase in median precipitation between 5.5% to 10.1% and a rise in median temperatures by 1.9 degrees C to 5.6 degrees C by the end of the 21st century, depending on the scenario and relative to the baseline. Hydrological model projections for this period indicate increases in actual evaporation between 7.3% to 17.4% and changes in discharge between + 1.1% to -2.7% for the SSP1 RCP 2.6 and SSP5 RCP 8.5 scenarios, respectively. Under the most extreme climate scenario (SSP5-8.5), discharge increases of 3.8% and 5.0% are anticipated during the first and second future periods, followed by a decrease of -2.7% in the third period. Significant glacier wastage is expected in lower-lying runoff zones, with overall discharge reductions in parts of the Tien Shan, including the Naryn catchment. Conversely, high-elevation areas in the Gissar-Alay and Pamir mountains are projected to experience discharge increases, driven by enhanced glacier ablation and delayed peak water, among other things. Shifts in precipitation patterns suggest more extreme but less frequent events, potentially altering the hydroclimate risk landscape in the region. Our findings highlight varied hydrological responses to climate change throughout high-mountain Central Asia. These insights inform strategies for effective and sustainable water management at the national and transboundary levels and help guide local stakeholders.
2024-09-01 Web of ScienceThrough a comprehensive investigation into the historical profiles of black carbon derived from ice cores, the spatial distributions of light-absorbing impurities in snowpit samples, and carbon isotopic compositions of black carbon in snowpit samples of the Third Pole, we have identified that due to barriers of the Himalayas and remove of wet deposition, local sources rather than those from seriously the polluted South Asia are main contributors of light-absorbing impurities in the inner part of the Third Pole. Therefore, reducing emissions from residents of the Third Pole themselves is a more effective way of protecting the glaciers of the inner Third Pole in terms of reducing concentrations of light-absorbing particles in the atmosphere and on glaciers.
2024-08-01Carbonaceous particles are an important radiative forcing agent in the atmosphere, with large temporal and spatial variations in their concentrations and compositions, especially in remote regions. This study reported the delta C-14 and delta C-13 of total carbon (TC) and water-insoluble particulate carbon (IPC) of the total suspended particles (TSP) and PM2.5 at a remote site of the eastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), a region that is influenced by heavy air pollution from Southwest China. The average organic carbon and elemental carbon concentrations of TSP samples in this study were 3.20 +/- 2.38 mu g m(-3) and 0.68 +/- 0.67 mu g m(-3), respectively, with low and high values in summer and winter, respectively. The fossil fuel contributions of TC in TSP and PM2.5 samples were 18.91 +/- 7.22% and 23.13 +/- 12.52%, respectively, both of which were far lower than that in Southwest China, indicating the importance of non-fossil contributions from local sources. The delta C-13 of TC in TSP samples of the study site was -27.06 +/- 0.96 parts per thousand, which is between the values of long-range transported sources (e.g., Southwest China) and local biomass combustion emissions. Therefore, despite the contribution from the long-range transport of particles, aerosols emitted from local biomass combustion also have an important influence on carbonaceous particles at the study site. The findings of this work can be applied to other remote sites on the eastern TP and should be considered in related research in the future.
2024-07-01The impact of the freeze-thaw process on the active layer is reflected in the changed subsurface flow (SSF) process in cold alpine regions. Identifying sources and pathways of SSF in the freeze-thaw process is critical but difficult, and the related dominant factors and mechanisms are still unknown. In this paper, the effective identification and analysis of SSF are promoted based on field sampling data from the thawing (June) to freezing (September) period of 2022 in the Qinghai Lake basin on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. By the proposed method with a high sampling frequency and refined sampling spatial scale, the sources and pathways of SSF are clearly identified. The results are as follows: (1) The soil temperature is considered the most fundamental factor affecting the SSF pathways, it influences water infiltration to the deep layer and the effect is extended to the saprolite and weathered bedrock layers. (2) Thawing promotes water to infiltrating into deep layer. 30 cm soil water contributes the most to SSF (2 %-86 %) in the thawing period, while the contribution difference of the water from the 30 cm, 60 cm, and 90 cm layers is small (ranging from 32 %-33 %, 24 %-26 %, and 32 %-35 %, respectively) in the thawed period. (3) Meanwhile, the soil water from different slope positions contribute differently to SSF, and the SSF from deep soil layer is transit in prolong paths and depths. It is caused by the outof-sync water transit process in the hillslope. With continuing climate warming, we propose that the differences in the water sources of SSF across soil layers may decrease, while the differences in the transit processes of SSF across soil layers may increase.
2024-06-01 Web of ScienceCarbonaceous particles play a crucial role in atmospheric radiative forcing. However, our understanding of the behavior and sources of carbonaceous particles in remote regions remains limited. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is a typical remote region that receives long-range transport of carbonaceous particles from severely polluted areas such as South Asia. Based on carbon isotopic compositions ( Delta 14 C/ delta 13 C) of water -insoluble particulate carbon (IPC) in total suspended particle (TSP), PM 2.5 , and precipitation samples collected during 2020 - 22 at the Nam Co Station, a remote site in the inner TP, the following results were achieved: First, fossil fuel contributions ( f fossil ) to IPC in TSP samples (28.60 +/- 9.52 %) were higher than that of precipitation samples (23.11 +/- 8.60 %), and it is estimated that the scavenging ratio of IPC from non -fossil fuel sources was around 2 times that from fossil fuel combustion during the monsoon season. The f fossil of IPC in both TSP and PM 2.5 samples peaked during the monsoon season. Because heavy precipitation during the monsoon season scavenges large amounts of long-range transported carbonaceous particles, the contribution of local emissions from the TP largely outweighs that from South Asia during this season. The results of the IPC source apportionment based on Delta 14 C and delta 13 C in PM 2.5 samples showed that the highest contribution of liquid fossil fuel combustion also occurred in the monsoon season, reflecting increased human activities (e.g., tourism) on the TP during this period. The results of this study highlight the longer lifetime of fossil fuel -sourced IPC in the atmosphere than that of non -fossil fuel sources in the inner TP and the importance of local emissions from the TP during the monsoon season. The findings provide new knowledge for model improvement and mitigation of carbonaceous particles.
2024-04-20 Web of ScienceAlthough climate change has convincingly been linked to the evolution of human civilization on different temporal scales, its role in influencing the spatial patterns of ancient civilizations has rarely been investigated. The northward shift of the ancient Silk Road (SR) route from the Tarim Basin (TB) to the Junggar Basin during -420-850 CE provides the opportunity to investigate the relationship between climate change and the spatial evolution of human societies. Here, we use a new high-resolution chironomidbased temperature reconstruction from arid China, combined with hydroclimatic and historical datasets, to assess the possible effects of climate fluctuations on the shift of the ancient SR route. We found that a cooling/drying climate in the TB triggered the SR route shift during -420-600 CE. However, a warming/ wetting climate during -600-850 CE did not inhibit this shift, but instead promoted it, because of the favorable climate-induced geopolitical conflicts between the Tubo Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty in the TB. Our findings reveal two distinct ways in which climate change drove the spatial evolution of human civilization, and they demonstrate the flexibility of societal responses to climate change. (c) 2024 Science China Press. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science China Press. All rights reserved.
2024-02-25China's Northwest Arid Region (NAR), with dry and cold climate conditions and glaciers widely developed in the high mountains, provides vital water resources for Asia. The consecutive cold, warm, dry and wet days have much higher impacts on the water cycle process in this region than extreme temperature and precipitation events with short durations but high intensities. Parametric and nonparametric trend analysis methods widely used in climatology and hydrology are employed to identify the temporal and spatial features of the changes in the consecutive cold, warm, dry and wet days in the NAR based on China's 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees meteorological grid datasets of daily temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 2018. This study found that (1) the consecutive cold days (Cold Spell Duration Indicator, CSDI), and the consecutive dry days (CDD) decreased, while the consecutive warm days (Warm Spell Duration Indicator, WSDI), and the consecutive wet days (CWD) increased from 1961 to 2018, (2) and the eastern Kunlun Mountains were the hot spots where all of these consecutive climate indices changed significantly, (3) and the changes in these consecutive climate indices were highly correlated with the rise in the Global Mean Land/Ocean Temperature Index. The results indicated that winters tended to warmer and dryer and summer became hotter and wetter during 1961-2018 in the NAR under the global warming, which can lead to the sustained glacier retreat and the increase in summer runoff in this region, and the eastern Kunlun Mountains are the area where could face high risks of water scarcity and floods if the changes in these climate indices continue in the future. Given the vulnerability of the socio-economic systems in the NAR to a water shortage and floods, it is most crucial to improve the strategies of water resources management, disaster prevention and risk management for this region under climate change.
2023-11Much attention is drawn to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as an air pollutant due to their toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. Therefore, to understand the levels, seasonality, sources and potential health risk of PAHs in two distinct geographical locations at Karachi and Mardan in Pakistan, total suspended particle (TSP) samples were collected for over one year period. The average total PAH concentrations were 31.5 +/- 24.4 and 199 +/- 229 ng/m(3) in Karachi and Mardan, respectively. The significantly lower concentration in Karachi was attributed to diffusion and dilution of the PAHs by the influence of clean air mass from the Arabian sea and high temperature, enhancing the volatilization of the particle phase PAHs to the gas phase. Conversely, the higher concentration (6 times) in Mardan was due to large influence from local and regional emission sources. A clear seasonality was observed at both the sites, with the higher values in winter and post-monsoon due to higher emissions and less scavenging, and lower values during monsoon season due to the dilution effect. Diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis indicated that PAHs in both sites originated from traffic and mixed combustion sources (fossil fuels and biomass). The average total BaP equivalent concentrations (BaPeq) in Karachi and Mardan were 3.26 and 34 ng/m(3) , respectively, which were much higher than the WHO guideline of 1 ng/m(3) . The average estimates of incremental lifetime cancer risk from exposure to airborne BaPeq via inhalation indicated a risk to human health from atmospheric PAHs at both sites. (C) 2021 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.
2023-10Microplastic is an emerging contaminant of concern in soil globally due to its widespread and potential risks on the ecological system. Some basic issues such as the occurrence, source, and potential risks of microplastics in the soil are still open questions. These problems arise due to the lack of systematic and comprehensive analysis of microplastic in soils. Therefore, we comprehensively reviewed the current status of knowledge on microplastics in soil on detection, occurrence, characterization, source, and potential risk. Our review suggests that microplastics are ubiquitous in soil matrices globally. However, the research progress of microplastics in the soil is restricted by inherent technological inconsistencies and difficulties in analyzing particles in complex matrices, and studies on the occurrence and distribution of microplastics in soil environments remain very scarce, especially in Africa, South America, and Oceania. The consistency of the characteristics and composition of the microplastics in the aquatic environment and soil demonstrate they may share sources and exchange microplastics. Wide and varied sources of microplastic are constantly filling the soil, which causes the accumulation of microplastics in the soil. Studies on the effects and potential risks of microplastics in soil ecosystems are also reviewed. Limited research has shown that the combination and interaction of microplastics with contaminants they absorbed may affect soil health and function, and even migration along the food chain. The occurrence and impact of microplastic on the soil depend on the morphology, chemical components, and natural factors. We conclude that large research gaps exist in the quantification and estimation of regional emissions of microplastics in soil, factors affecting the concentration of microplastics, and microplastic disguising as soil carbon storage, which need more effort. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.