The burrowing activity of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae; hereafter, pikas) may profoundly influence vegetation species composition on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Although significant efforts have been made to examine the relationship between vegetation species composition and pikas disturbance, our knowledge regarding the direct influence of pikas activity on vegetation species diversity is still limited. We conducted field observations on pikas burrows and surrounding vegetation patches at 23 alpine grassland sites to investigate this effect. When compared to vegetation patches, pikas burrowing activity decreased soil hardness, thus improving water infiltration, while caused the less reduction of soil nutrition and soil moisture when compared to adjacent vegetation patches. Vegetation species composition on pikas burrows significantly differed from that on vegetation patches. Common plant species between pikas burrows and vegetation patches were fewer than three in all types of grasslands, and ten species were found exclusively on pikas burrows. The total species richness, including both pikas burrows and vegetation patches, was approximately 1.3-2.5 times higher than that on each single patch type (pikas burrows or vegetation patches). A conceptual framework was proposed to synthesize the evolution of vegetation species composition under a disturbance regime resulting from pika's burrowing. Overall, we concluded that pika's burrowing activity enhanced vegetation species richness by loosening the soil, creating safe sites for seed settling and germination, which provided a novel habitat for vegetation invasion.
Exposed surfaces following glacial retreat are ideal field laboratories for studying primary vegetation succession. Many related studies based on ground sampling methods have been performed worldwide in proglacial zones, but studies on species diversity and vegetation succession using aerial photography have been rare. In this study, we investigated soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), plant species diversity, and fractional vegetation cover (FVC) along a chronosequence within the foreland of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 by combining field sampling and aerial photography. We then analysed soil development and vegetation succession along distance (distance from glacier terminus) and time (terrain age) gradients as well as the relationships between topographic and environmental variables (aspect, slope, SOC, and TN), distance, time, and species distributions. The results indicated that: (1) plant diversity and FVC showed increasing trends with increases in distance and terrain age, whereas soil nutrient content varied nonlinearly; (2) Silene gonosperma, Leontopodium leontopodioides, and Saussurea gnaphalodes were the dominant species in the early, transient, and later succession stages, respectively. Cancrinia chrysocephala occurred in all stages and had a high abundance in the early and later stages; and (3) the relationships of FVC with soil nutrient content were nonlinear. Moreover, distance and site age played important roles in species distribution. These findings confirm that distance and terrain age positively affect vegetation succession. The increase in FVC facilitated the accumulation of soil nutrition, but this trend was affected by the rapid growth of plants. Caryophyllaceae and Asteraceae were the most common plants during the succession stages, and the former tended to colonise in the early succession stage. We conclude that the UAV-based method exhibits a high application potential for assessing vegetation dynamics in glacier forelands, which has a significance for long-term and repeated monitoring on the process of vegetation colonisation and succession in deglariated areas. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.