Aerosol radiative forcing (ARE) over intense mining area in Indian monsoon trough region, computed based on the aerosol optical properties obtained through Prede (POM-1L) sky radiometer and radiative transfer model, are analysed for the year 2011 based on 21 clear sky days spread through seasons. Due to active mining and varied minerals ARF is expected to be significantly modulated by single scattering albedo (SSA). Our studies show that radiative forcing normalized by aerosol optical depth (ADD) is highly correlated with SSA (0.96) while ARF at the surface with AOD by 0.92. Our results indicate that for a given AOD, limits or range of ARF are determined by SSA, hence endorses the need to obtain SSA accurately, preferably derived through observations concurrent with AOD. Noticeably, ARE at the top-of the atmosphere is well connected to SSA (r = 0.77) than AOD (r = 0.6). Relation between observed black carbon and SSA are investigated. A possible over estimation of SSA by the inversion algorithm, SKYRAD.pack 4.2, used in the current study is also discussed. Choice of atmospheric profiles deviating from tropical to mid altitude summer or winter does not appear to be sensitive in ARE calculation by SBDART. Based on the 21 clear sky days, a multiple linear regression equation is obtained for ARF(bot) as a function of AOD and SSA with a bias of +/- 2.7 Wm(-2). This equation is verified with an independent data set of seasonal mean AOD and SSA to calculate seasonal ARF that compares well with the modeled ARE within +/- 4 Wm(-2). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Black carbon (BC), brown carbon (BrC), and mineral dust (DU) are three major light absorbing aerosols, playing important roles in climate change. Better knowledge of their concentrations is necessary for more accurate estimates of their radiative forcing effects of climate. We present a method to retrieve columnar contents of BC, BrC, and DU simultaneously from spectral refractive indices and spectral single scattering albedo obtained from the sun-sky radiometer measurements. Then, this method is applied to investigate the columnar volume fractions and mass concentrations of BC, BrC, and DU in Beijing, China, based on measurements obtained from 2009 to 2010. Results show that among the three absorbing aerosols, DU dominates the largest volume fraction in the total aerosol volume (20-45%), followed by BrC (5-25%), and BC (30%), while during June-September, the DU fraction is generally lower than 30%. BC is characterized by low levels throughout the year. The monthly mean BC columnar mass concentration ([BC]) ranges from 2.7 to 7.3 mg/m(2) with winter slightly higher than other seasons. As a preliminary validation, we compare our retrieved [BC] with in situ measurements. Similar day-to-day variation trends and good correlations are found between the retrieved [BC] and in situ measurements.