Generally, with increasing elevation, there is a corresponding decrease in annual mean air and soil temperatures, resulting in an overall decrease in ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the variations in CO2 exchange along elevation gradients in tundra ecosystems. Aiming to quantify CO2 exchange along elevation gradients in tundra ecosystems, we measured ecosystem CO2 exchange in the peak growing season along an elevation gradient (9-387 m above sea level, m.a.s.l) in an arctic heath tundra, West Greenland. We also performed an ex-situ incubation experiment based on soil samples collected along the elevation gradient, to assess the sensitivity of soil respiration to changes in temperature and soil moisture. There was no apparent temperature gradient along the elevation gradient, with the lowest air and soil temperatures at the second lowest elevation site (83 m). The lowest elevation site exhibited the highest net ecosystem exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross ecosystem production (GEP) rates, while the other three sites generally showed intercomparable CO2 exchange rates. Topography aspect-induced soil microclimate differences rather than the elevation were the primary drivers for the soil nutrient status and ecosystem CO2 exchange. The temperature sensitivity of soil respiration above 0 degrees C increased with elevation, while elevation did not regulate the temperature sensitivity below 0 degrees C or the moisture sensitivity. Soil total nitrogen, carbon, and ammonium contents were the controls of temperature sensitivity below 0 degrees C. Overall, our results emphasize the significance of considering elevation and microclimate when predicting the response of CO2 balance to climate change or upscaling to regional scales, particularly during the growing season. However, outside the growing season, other factors such as soil nutrient dynamics, play a more influential role in driving ecosystem CO2 fluxes. To accurately upscale or predict annual CO2 fluxes in arctic tundra regions, it is crucial to incorporate elevation-specific microclimate conditions into ecosystem models.
Understanding the balance between methane (CH4) production (methanogenesis) and its oxidation is important for predicting carbon emissions from thermokarst lakes under global warming. However, the response of thermokarst lake methanogenesis and the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) to warming, especially from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), is still not quantified. In this study, sediments were collected from 11 thermokarst lakes on the QTP. These lakes are surrounded with different vegetation types, including alpine desert (AD), alpine steppe (AS), alpine meadow (AM) and alpine swamp meadow (ASM). The results showed that methanogenesis and AOM rates exponentially increased with temperature, while the temperature sensitivity (Q10, average Q10 values of methanogenesis and AOM were 0.69-30 and 0.54-16.9 respectively) of methanogenesis were larger than AOM, but not significant, showing a similar temperature dependence of methanogenesis and AOM in thermokarst lake sediments. Thermokarst lake sediments in the ASM had higher methanogenesis and anaerobic oxidation potential, matching its higher NDVI and relative abundances of methanogens and SBM (syntrophic bacteria with methanogens). Although the thermokarst lake sediments AOM depleted 15 %-27.8 % of the total CH4 production, the AOM rate was lower than methanogenesis in thermokarst lake sediments, it did not offset increased CH4 production under anaerobic conditions. The increase in CH4 production in thermokarst lake sediments will likely lead to higher emissions within a warming world. These findings indicate that methanogenesis and AOM in thermokarst lake sediments are sensitive to climate change. Models should consider the Q10 values of methanogenesis and AOM and vegetation types when predicting carbon cycle in thermokarst lakes under global warming.
Permafrost peatlands, as large soil carbon pools, are sensitive to global warming. However, the effects of temperature, moisture, and their interactions on carbon emissions in the permafrost peatlands remain unclear, when considering the availability of soil matrixes. The permafrost peatland (0-50 cm soil) in the Great Xing'an Mountains was selected to explore the deficiency. The cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from soil were measured under different temperatures (5 C, 10 C, and 15 C) and moisture content (130%, 100%, and 70%) treatments by the indoor incubation. The results showed that the soil carbon and nitrogen matrix determined soil carbon emissions. Warming affected the availability of soil carbon and nitrogen substrates, thus stimulating microbial activity and increasing soil carbon emissions. With soil temperature increasing by 10 C, soil CO2 and CH4 emission rates increased by 5.1-9.4 and 3.8-6.4 times respectively. Warming promoted soil carbon emissions, and the decrease of moisture content promoted CO2 emissions but inhibited CH4 emissions in the permafrost peatland. Soil moisture and the carbon and nitrogen matrix determined the intensity of CO2 and CH4 emissions. The results were important to assess soil carbon emissions from permafrost peatlands under the impact of future climate warming and to formulate carbon emission reduction policies.
Arctic permafrost surface freeze-thaw (FT) changes related to warming could regulate the magnitude of global warming by altering the terrestrial carbon cycle and energy balances. This study investigated the sensitivity of surface FT changes to warming over Arctic permafrost regions by analyzing long-term changes in surface FT phenology from satellite remote sensing and meteorological variables from the climate data for the period from 1979 to 2017. Averaging over the entire Arctic permafrost regions, spring thawed date apparently advanced by -2.05 days decade-1, whereas autumn frozen date showed weak delaying trend of 0.83 days decade-1, implying the lengthening of the thawed season. Dividing the regions by permafrost types, advancing trends of thawed dates in continuous and high ice content permafrost areas (-2.57 and -2.70 days decade-1) were stronger than those over the discontinuous and low ice content permafrost areas (-1.61 and -1.73 days decade-1). The difference in changes in spring thawed dates between the regions is attributed to the difference in absolute magnitude of warming trends (e.g., 0.72 degrees C decade- 1 for continuous vs. 0.44 degrees C decade- 1 for discontinuous). However, the temperature sensitivity over discontinuous (low ice content) permafrost areas was 23% (10%) stronger than that over continuous (high ice content) permafrost areas for thawed date. In case of autumn, delaying trends of frozen dates were smaller over continuous and high ice content areas (0.69 and 0.74 days decade-1) than those over discontinuous and low ice content areas (1.01 and 0.88 days decade-1). This is mainly explained by the difference in temperature sensitivity (e.g., 1.57 days degrees C- 1 for continuous vs. 2.18 days degrees C- 1 for discontinuous) to warming between the regions rather than the difference in the absolute warming trends between the regions (e.g., 0.91 degrees C decade- 1 for continuous vs. 0.51 degrees C decade- 1 for discontinuous). The stronger temperature sensitivity of discontinuous and low ice content permafrost could be related to the lower demand of latent heat for the phase change of ground ice (or water). Overall, our results suggest that discontinuous and low ice content permafrost are more vulnerable to atmospheric warming. In addition to the magnitude of warming, the sensitivity to warming also needs to be considered when predicting permafrost FT changes.
As a buffer layer for the energy and water exchange between atmosphere and permafrost, the active layer is sensitive to climate warming. Changes in the thermal state in active layer can alter soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics. It is critical to identify the response of soil microbial communities to warming to better predict the regional carbon cycle under the background of global warming. Here, the active layer soils collected from a wetland-forest ecotone in the continuous permafrost region of Northeastern China were incubated at 5 and 15 degrees C for 45 days. High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was used to examine the response of bacterial community structure to experimental warming. A total of 4148 OTUs were identified, which followed the order 15 degrees C > 5 degrees C > pre-incubated. Incubation temperature, soil layer and their interaction have significant effects on bacterial alpha diversity (Chao index). Bacterial communities under different temperature were clearly distinguished. Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteria accounted for more than 80% of the community abundance at the phylum level. Warming decreased the relative abundance of Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria, while Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria exhibited increasing trend. At family level, the abundance of norank_o__norank_c__AD3 and Ktedonobacteraceae decreased significantly with the increase of temperature, while Micrococcaccac increased. In addition, the amount of SOC mineralization were positively correlated with the relative abundances of most bacterial phyla and SOC content. SOC content was positively correlated with the relative abundance of most bacterial phyla. Results indicate that the SOC content was the primary explanatory variable and driver of microbial regulation for SOC mineralization. Our results provide a new perspective for understanding the microbial mechanisms that accelerates SOC decomposition under warming conditions in the forest-wetland ecotone of permafrost region.
Permafrost degradation induced by climate warming is widely observed in the Northern Hemisphere. However, changes in permafrost sensitivity to climate warming (PSCW) in the future remains unclear. This study examined the changes in permafrost distribution in the Northern Hemisphere under global warming of 1.5 degrees C and 2 degrees C, and then characterized the spatial and temporal characteristics of PSCW. Global warming of 1.5 degrees C and 2 degrees C would result in 17.8 +/- 5.3% and 28.3 +/- 7.2% degradation of permafrost area under the climate scenario of Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5, respectively, and 18.7 +/- 4.6% and 28.1 +/- 7.2% under the RCP 8.5, respectively. Permafrost tends to be more sensitive to climate change under the RCP 8.5 than RCP 4.5. PSCW shows small temporal variations in the 21st century under both RCPs, indicating a relatively stable sensitivity to warming on a hemisphere scale. However, PSCW varies greatly among regions, with high values at low latitudes and low values towards high latitudes. Air temperature is a major cause for the spatial heterogeneity of PSCW, explaining 66% of its variations. Permafrost under a warmer climate scenario tends to be more sensitive to the warming. Reducing snow depth and rising air temperature collectively enhances the permafrost sensitivity. Increasing in soil water content, by contrast, reduces the effect of warming. Permafrost in the south of the Northern Hemisphere is most vulnerable to climate warming. Our study highlights that permafrost in the region will respond differently under different warming scenarios across space (e.g. north vs south) and time (e.g. summer vs winter) in this century.
Permafrost regions at high latitudes and altitudes store about half of the Earth's soil organic carbon (SOC). These areas are also some of the most intensely affected by anthropogenic climate change. The Tibetan Plateau or Third Pole (TP) contains most of the world's alpine permafrost, yet there remains substantial uncertainty about the role of this region in regulating the overall permafrost climate feedback. Here, we review the thermal and biogeochemical status of permafrost on the TP, with a particular focus on SOC stocks and vulnerability in the face of climate warming. SOC storage in permafrost-affected regions of the TP is estimated to be 19.0 +/- 6.6 Pg to a depth of 2 m. The distribution of this SOC on the TP is strongly associated with active layer thickness, soil moisture, soil texture, topographic position, and thickness of weathered parent material. The mean temperature sensitivity coefficient (Q(10)) of SOC decomposition is 9.2 +/- 7.1 across different soil depths and under different land-cover types, suggesting that carbon on the TP is very vulnerable to climate change. While the TP ecosystem currently is a net carbon sink, climate change will likely increase ecosystem respiration and may weaken or reverse the sink function of this region in the future. Although the TP has less ground ice than high latitude permafrost regions, the rugged topography makes it vulnerable to widespread permafrost collapse and thermoerosion (thermokarst), which accelerates carbon losses. To reduce uncertainty about SOC quantities and sensitivity to warming, future studies are needed that explain variation in Q(10) (e.g. based on SOC source or depositional position) and quantify the role of nutrient availability in regulating SOC dynamics and ecosystem recovery following disturbance. Additionally, as for the high latitude permafrost region, soil moisture and thermokarst formation remain major challenges to predicting the permafrost climate feedback on the TP. We present a conceptual model for of greenhouse gas release from the TP and outline the empirical observations and modeling approaches needed to test it.
Soils represent the single largest mercury (Hg) reservoir in the global environment, indicating that a tiny change of Hg behavior in soil ecosystem could greatly affect the global Hg cycle. Climate warming is strongly altering the structure and functions of permafrost and then would influence the Hg cycle in permafrost soils. However, Hg biogeochemistry in climate-sensitive permafrost is poorly investigated. Here we report a data set of soil Hg (0) concentrations in four different depths of the active layer in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau permafrost. We find that soil Hg (0) concentrations exhibited a strongly positive and exponential relationship with temperature and showed different temperature sensitivity under the frozen and unfrozen condition. We conservatively estimate that temperature increases following latest temperature scenarios of the IPCC could result in up to a 54.9% increase in Hg (0) concentrations in surface permafrost soils by 2100. Combining the simultaneous measurement of air soil Hg (0) exchange, we find that enhanced Hg (0) concentrations in upper soils could favor Hg (0) emissions from surface soil. Our findings indicate that Hg (0) emission could be stimulated by permafrost thawing in a warmer world. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The carbon (C) pool of permafrost peatland is very important for the global C cycle. Little is known about how permafrost thaw could influence C emissions in the Great Hing'an Mountains of China. Through aerobic and anaerobic incubation experiments, we studied the effects of permafrost thaw on CH4 and CO2 emissions. The rates of CH4 and CO2 emissions were measured at - 10, 0 and 10 degrees C. Although there were still C emissions below 0 degrees C, rates of CH4 and CO2 emissions significantly increased with permafrost thaw under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The C release under aerobic conditions was greater than under anaerobic conditions, suggesting that permafrost thaw and resulting soil environment change should be important influences on C emissions. However, CH4 stored in permafrost soils could affect accurate estimation of CH4 emissions from microbial degradation. Calculated Q(10) values in the permafrost soils were significantly higher than values in active-layer soils under aerobic conditions. Our results highlight that permafrost soils have greater potential decomposability than soils of the active layer, and such carbon decomposition would be more responsive to the aerobic environment (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.