Qinghai-Tibet plateau (QTP) is closely related to global climate change, and it has undergone serious permafrost degradation due to global warming in the last decades. It is crucial to measure the active layer thickness (ALT) for characterizing and monitoring the permafrost degradation of QTP. In this paper, an ALT retrieval model based on ground subsidence derived from synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR), land cover types, and groundwater information is proposed. In particular, the surface subsidence is retrieved using the time-series InSAR technique with TerraSAR-X ST mode images. Moreover, groundwater content models with different land covers are constructed based on multilayered assumptions and in situ data. By taking into account the groundwater content profile and land cover types, the ALT is retrieved from deformation with the full season cycle derived by InSAR technique. The experimental results in Beiluhe indicate that the estimated ALT is consistent with field-measured data. The estimated ALT map shows the difference between the alpine meadow and alpine desert areas, with mean ALT of approximately 1.5 m in alpine meadow area and approximately 3 m in alpine desert area. Our results demonstrate that the InSAR technique with high-resolution SAR images can be of great importance for the study of permafrost environments.
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is heavily affected by climate change and has been undergoing serious permafrost degradation due to global warming. Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) has been a significant tool for mapping surface features or measuring physical parameters, such as soil moisture, active layer thickness, that can be used for permafrost modelling. This study analyzed variations of coherence in the QTP area for the first time with high-resolution SAR images acquired from June 2014 to August 2016. The coherence variation of typical ground targets was obtained and analyzed. Because of the effects of active-layer (AL) freezing and thawing, coherence maps generated in the Beiluhe permafrost area exhibits seasonal variation. Furthermore, a temporal decorrelation model determined by a linear temporal-decorrelation component plus a seasonal periodic-decorrelation component and a constant component have been proposed. Most of the typical ground targets fit this temporal model. The results clearly indicate that railways and highways can hold high coherence properties over the long term in X-band images. By contrast, mountain slopes and barren areas cannot hold high coherence after one cycle of freezing and thawing. The possible factors (vegetation, soil moisture, soil freezing and thawing, and human activity) affecting InSAR coherence are discussed. This study shows that high-resolution time series of TerraSAR-X coherence can be useful for understanding QTP environments and for other applications.