Deformation and failure of the talus slope in the cold region significantly threaten engineered structures. Its driving mechanism of the deformation process is the most challenging issue. In this study, we try to explore these issues using tree ring characteristics. Fifty samples from 21 trees of Pinus densiflora growing on the talus slope in the Huanren area of Northeast China are tested to investigate the characteristics of tree rings and their relation to climate change. The deformation and its driving mechanism of this talus slope are then studied by combining the analysis of tree-ring width and mutation identification with the local meteorological data. The results present that the studied talus slope in Huanren has deformed to varying degrees at least 60 times since 1900. It is reasonable to speculate that the deformation mode of this slope is probably of a long-term and slow type. The local precipitation and seasonal temperature difference are the vital inducing factors of the mutation of tree-ring width and slope deformation. Repeated freezing and thawing are believed to be the driving factors of this talus slope in the cold region. A theoretical model is proposed to capture and predict the deformation of the talus slope. This work presents a new perspective and insight to reveal the deformation and its driving mechanism of similar talus slopes in the cold region. It is of great significance to practical engineering treatment and disaster prevention for this kind of cold region environment.
Permafrost melting due to climate warming in recent decades has produced significant effects on forest ecosystems, especially the boreal biome at its southernmost limit in Asia. How this warming affects wood formation of trees at intra-annual resolution is unclear, yet is crucial for assessing the impact of permafrost melting on boreal forest growth. In this study, we compared the radial growth and intra-annual wood density fluctuations (IADFs) of Dahurian larch ( Larix gmelinii Rupr.) at a permafrost (PF) and a non -permafrost (NPF) site at the southernmost permafrost limit in northeast China and quantified their relationships with climate factors. Drought in early summer was the main factor limiting growth of Dahurian larch. The basal area increment (BAI) of trees at both sites increased initially and then decreased in the 1980s, probably in response to warm -dry climate conditions. Earlywood IADFs (IADF-E) occurred in 14.0% and 9.3% of dated rings at the NPF and PF sites, while the frequency of latewood IADFs (IADF-L) was 6.8% and 2.7% at these two sites. The frequency of IADF-E in trees at both sites was positively and negatively related to June temperatures (and vapor pressure deficit) and precipitation, respectively, suggesting drought stress in June triggered the formation of IADF-E. The IADF-Ls were probably formed in response to warm temperatures in the late growing season. A higher BAI and a lower frequency of IADF-Es of trees at the PF site than at the NPF site indicated that permafrost melting could alleviate drought stress in early summer and promote radial growth of Dahurian larch. This greatly improved forest carbon sequestration and wood quality of some northeastern Asian boreal forests may offset to some extent the adverse effects of warming -drying climates at some sites of northeast Asia. Larch IADF-Es recorded extreme droughts in early summer, giving us a new sight for reconstructing high -frequency extreme climate events. If climate warming continues, the benefits of permafrost melting will gradually disappear and even turn negative due to warmer -dryer climate conditions. Our findings provide valuable information for boreal forest management and conservation under future global warming.
Permafrost is one of the essential carbon pools in the world. Due to limited studies on historical soil moisture changes and the coupling relationship between soil moisture and temperature in permafrost regions, significant uncertainty exists in the carbon loss in permafrost predicted by different models under global warming scenarios. Based on the tree-ring width chronology of Pinus sylvestris var. mongholica Litv. growing in the southern edge of the Eurasian continuous permafrost zone, we reconstructed the summer (June-September) 0-1 m soil moisture variations from 1705 to 2009, which could explain 45.6% of the variance in the observed soil moisture. Overall, local precipitation and temperature exhibited statistically significant positive feedback (p < 0.001) to soil moisture before the 1950s, indicating that the warm/humid climate pattern was conducive to soil moisture conservation before the Anthropocene Epoch. However, the effect of temperature on soil moisture has shifted suddenly to negative since the 1950s, implying that the positive soil moisture-temperature relationship during the past three centuries has been disrupted by the unprecedented warming in the Modern Warm Period. Furthermore, we found that the temporal relationship of the soil moisture-temperature (15-year sliding correlation) in the study area is negatively regulated by the global mean temperature variations (p < 0.01). The regime shift between soil moisture and temperature might be attributed to the superimposed influence of natural and anthropogenic factors since the 1950s. Although the warming leads to the melting of the permafrost layer, and thus the increase in soil moisture content, the enhanced evapotranspiration caused by warming up results in more water loss and drier soil. This study provides historical evidence of shifted soil moisture-temperature coupling in the permafrost zone, warning that soil moisture in the permafrost region may further decline under global warming scenarios, thereby affecting vegetation growth and forest carbon sequestration potential.
The growth resilience of forests to extreme drought event has become an urgent topic in global change ecology because of exacerbated water constraints upon trees' growth over the last few decades. Yet, surprisingly little is empirically known about the contribution of stand age, a key factor influencing forest structure and ecological processes, to variation in growth resilience among stands. This study revealed discrepancies in the drought resilience of forests of different stand ages by analyzing an extensive tree-ring dataset from Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.), a typical moisture-sensitive tree species in northwestern China. We found that older growth Qinghai spruce forest stands have higher resistance to droughts than do younger growth ones. Conversely, however, the post-drought recoveries of these older growth forest stands are lower than those of the younger growth stands. Patterns in the variation of resilience indices were consistent between two contrasting hydrological niche regions, whereas the stand age-related discrepancies in drought resilience became significantly smaller going from the wetter region to the drier region. These findings imply that, instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy, more meticulous and more targeted strategies are needed to enhance forest management and strengthen forest conservation given the experienced and projected climate trends, which feature increasing precipitation but higher extreme-drought frequency across this spruce tree's habitat and distribution in northwestern China.
Permafrost is a potential mercury (Hg) pool released by thawing, which can raise the risk of Hg pollution under global warming. Tree rings are useful archives of environment-specific Hg exposure over long periods. We determined Hg concentrations in tree rings of two dominant tree species (Larix gmelinii Rupr. and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) at permafrost sites in northeastern China. The biweighted mean Hg concentrations ranged from 0.36 to 3.96 ng g(-1) from 1840 to 2014. The tree-ring width had no significant influence on the Hg concentration. Larch Hg increased slightly before the 1970s and peaked in the 1990s. However, the pine Hg concentration increased continuously until the 1930s, decreased rapidly until the 1970s, then rose to a peak in the late 1980s. The change of Hg concentrations in larch and pine revealed a time offset of 4 to 5 years, which implied possibly high mobility of Hg in pine tree rings. Higher Hg concentrations from 1920 to 1960 and subsequent decreases in isolated permafrost forests revealed the local geographical Hg cycling history. Lower Hg concentrations and faster increases in larch suggest the role of additional winter Hg loading for the evergreen pine and species-specific differences in root absorption in response to melting permafrost. Our results highlight possible geographical impacts on tree-ring Hg records, improve understanding of Hg cycles in permafrost forest, and suggest a need to sample additional species in a range of permafrost environments.
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) may enhance tree growth and mitigate drought impacts through CO2 fertilization. However, multiple studies globally have found that rising CO2 has not translated into greater tree growth despite increases in intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE). The underlying mechanism discriminating between these two general responses to CO2 fertilization remains unclear. We used two species with contrasting stomatal regulation, the relatively anisohydric Qilian juniper (Sabina przewalskii) and the relatively isohydric Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia), to investigate the long-term tree growth and iWUE responses to climate change and elevated CO2 using tree ring widths and the associated cellulose stable carbon isotope ratios (delta C-13). We observed a contrasting growth trend of juniper and spruce with juniper growth increasing while the spruce growth declined. The iWUE of both species increased significantly and with similar amplitude throughout the trees' lifespan, though the relatively anisohydric juniper had higher iWUE than the relatively isohydric spruce throughout the period. Additionally, with rising CO2, the anisohydric juniper became less sensitive to drought, while the relatively isohydric spruce became more sensitive to drought. We hypothesized that rising CO2 benefits relatively anisohydric species more than relatively isohydric species due to greater opportunity to acquire carbon through photosynthesis despite warming and droughts. Our findings suggest the CO2 fertilization effect depends on the isohydric degree, which could be considered in future terrestrial ecosystem models.
Quantification mercury (Hg) pools in forests is crucial for understanding the Hg assimilation, flux and even biogeochemical cycle in forest ecosystems. While several investigations focused on Hg pools among broadleaved, coniferous and mixed forests, there was still absent information on alpine forest. We sampled soil, moss and various tissues of the dominant Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.) to investigate Hg concentrations and pools, and assess Hg accumulation dynamics in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. The mean Hg concentration increased in the following order: trunk wood (1.8 f 0.7 ng g(-1)) < branch (4.6 f 0.8 ng g(-1)) < root (12.2 f 2.9 ng g(-1)) < needle (19.3 f 5.6 ng g(-1)) < bark (28.7 f 9.0 ng g(-1)) < soil (34.1 f 7.7 ng g(-1)) < litterfall (42.9 f 2.9 ng g(-1)) < moss (62.5 f 5.0 ng g(-1)). The soil contained Hg pools two orders of magnitude higher than vegetation and accounted for 92.2 % of the total Hg pool in the alpine forest ecosystem. Moss, despite representing only 2.7 % of total vegetation biomass, contained a disproportionate 16.7 % of the Hg pool.
Tree-ring intra-annual stable isotopes (delta C-13 and delta O-18) are powerful tools for revealing plant ecophysiological responses to climatic extremes. We analyzed interannual and fine-scale intra-annual variability of tree-ring delta C-13 and delta O-18 in Chinese red pine (Pinus massoniana) from southeastern China to explore environmental drivers and potential trade-offs between the main physiological controls. We show that wet season relative humidity (May-October RH) drove interannual variability of delta O-18 and intra-annual variability of tree-ring delta O-18. It also drove intra-annual variability of tree-ring delta C-13, whereas interannual variability was mainly controlled by February-May temperature and September-October RH. Furthermore, intra-annual tree-ring delta O-18 variability was larger during wet years compared with dry years, whereas delta C-13 variability was lower during wet years compared with dry years. As a result of these differences in intra-annual variability amplitude, process-based models (we used the Roden model for delta O-18 and the Farquhar model for delta C-13) captured the intra-annual delta O-18 pattern better in wet years compared with dry years, whereas intra-annual delta C-13 pattern was better simulated in dry years compared with wet years. This result suggests a potential asymmetric bias in process-based models in capturing the interplay of the different mechanistic processes (i.e., isotopic source and leaf-level enrichment) operating in dry versus wet years. We therefore propose an intra-annual conceptual model considering a dynamic trade-off between the isotopic source and leaf-level enrichment in different tree-ring parts to understand how climate and ecophysiological processes drive intra-annual tree-ring stable isotopic variability under humid climate conditions.
Although stand age has been shown to strongly affect forest ecosystem processes, little is known about the role that forest stand age plays in tree radial growth processes. The knowledge on geographical patterns of the stand age effect on radial growth along climatic gradients is also scarce. Based on dendrological methods and tree-ring cores from 2276 trees at 14 sampling plots, we confirmed that differences in stand age could result in radial growth dissimilarities of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.), a moisture-sensitive forest tree species endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. However, the effect that stand age has on the radial growth of Qinghai spruce is not consistent. There is evident dissimilarity in the radial growth dynamics of Qinghai spruce from different-aged forest stands in semi-humid regions, but this dissimilarity is minimal in regions under higher drought limitation. Additionally, we observed significant negative correlations in temporal changes of growth concordance of Qinghai spruce from different-aged stands and regional moisture conditions at each study site. It can therefore be concluded that Qinghai spruce will exhibit greater stand age related growth dissimilarities under lower drought limitation. Findings from this study can improve our understanding of biogeographical patterns of moisture-sensitive tree growth that will be necessary to improve future projections of forest dynamics and to guide forest management under a changing climate.
Understanding the spatial-temporal tree growth variability and its associative climatic response is fundamental in the assessment of forest vulnerability and the appraisal of forest risk under climate change. Based on 4219 tree-ring cores from 23 sample plots, this study demonstrates divergent radial growth dynamics of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.) across a moisture gradient. On the one hand, contrary to the warming-induced growth enhancement of trees in cold regions reported in previous studies, our study find that Qinghai spruce growth has persistently declined under recent warming trends in multiple cold and moist sites that are representative of the Tibetan Plateau, China. On the other hand, Qinghai spruce growth exhibited W-shaped dynamic trajectories that were similar to changes in regional precipitation at all warmer and drier sites investigated in this study. Along with differences in regional evaporative change, differences in the growth-climate response can explain divergences in Qinghai spruce growth observed throughout various hydrological niches. Drought is believed to be the primary limiting factor of Qinghai spruce growth in all regions, resulting in a lower radial growth rate in warmer and drier regions. However, Qinghai spruce growth exhibited a higher dependency on the negatively-affected temperature in cold and moist regions, while the growth dependency respective to the positively-affected precipitation was higher than the temperature in warmer and drier regions. Results from this study are intended to add to the growing knowledgebase of forest response under persistent climate change.